Canada is a Hot Mess

Canada is a Hot Mess

Canada is a Hot Mess

A freshly published poll revealed the majority of Canadians want all COVID restrictions lifted. This should throw fuel on the hot mess Canada and Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, are facing regarding all things COVID these days.

In looking at the data revealed in the poll, done by the Angus Reid Institute, inquiring minds must look at the concluding questions respondents were asked, and seem to be the most germane for Canadians. When are the mandates going to end?

“The public sentiment appears to be moving in the direction of opening up communities. Indeed, in the past two weeks the number of Canadians saying they would like to see restrictions ended has risen by 15 percentage points, to a majority (54%)…”

Appears? Apparently, the authors of the poll are too busy crunching numbers to notice that Canadians have a new virus–a hunger for freedom. It’s a caravan of thousands of truckers from every province descending on the capital city of Ottawa in protest of vaccine mandates for truckers.

The same poll highlighted that 1 in 5 Canadians have had COVID since the beginning of December.

“A new study from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute offers insight into just how widespread the Omicron variant of COVID-19 may be in Canada.”

Adding to the hot mess, Justin Trudeau and two of his three children tested positive for COVID Monday after going into hiding from the onslaught of truckers in Ottawa.

“’This morning, I tested positive for COVID-19…I’m feeling fine — and I’ll continue to work remotely this week while following public health guidelines. Everyone, please get vaccinated and get boosted,’ [Trudeau tweeted]…Two of Trudeau’s three schoolage children also have tested positive, the Prime Minister said during an outdoor news conference…The Trudeau family has been relocated to an undisclosed location as a precaution as protests continue in Ottawa by those opposing Covid-19 health restrictions. The events began as a protest by truckers opposed to vaccine requirements and gained followers calling for an end to other Covid-19 mandates.”

Let’s not forget, Trudeau is up to date on his booster shot and now has the distinction of being one of the 1 in 5 Canadians who have contracted the ‘rona since the beginning of December. He continues to spew “get boosted” drivel despite receiving a booster three weeks ago that has done little for him.

Sigh. We here at the Victory Girls Blog, do not wish COVID on anyone. However,

“Canada has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, with about 4 in every 5 Canadians fully vaccinated, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.”

Because leftie Socialists have lost the ability to ask the logical questions, I’ll do it for them.

If COVID vaccines work so well, and so many Canadians have been vaccinated, why have so many had COVID in the last two months?

Next logical question, why is Canada continuing to enforce vaccine mandates when they don’t work? Follow up question, why are truckers, who self-isolate in their trucks for hours a day required to get vaccines?

Asking such questions doesn’t sit well with the prime minister and apparently I’m a racist for asking the question Canadian truckers want answers to. Canadians are opening up to pollsters when asked. They want freedom.

Gotta give credit to Justin for using the race card in a creative and irrelevant way. If that’s all he’s got in response to his country pressing him to rescind vaccine mandates, you can see why Canada is a hot mess.

Ironic takeaway from Monday’s published poll—civil disobedience works.

Fifty four percent of Canadians are done with mandates. Poll respondents and truckers tell us a new virus wave has struck Canada, I like calling it Freedom-icron.

Featured Image: Flag Canada National of via pixabay, CC0 public domain, cropped.

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