California Brings the Trans Crazy to Maternal Care

California Brings the Trans Crazy to Maternal Care

California Brings the Trans Crazy to Maternal Care

You’ll be shocked, shocked to learn that California’s Democrat-controlled legislature is again proposing another Wrong-Thought Control program. This time, aimed at all personnel working at any healthcare facility dealing with pregnant moms.

The ironically named California Dignity in Pregnancy and Childbirth Act, AB2319 is dream bill for the contemporary Marxists running our institutions. You want mandatory struggle sessions? You got ’em.

This bill would make a legislative finding that the Legislature recognizes all birthing people, including nonbinary persons and persons of transgender experience. The bill would extend the evidence-based implicit bias training requirements to also include hospitals that provide perinatal or prenatal care, as defined.

Whoa! Hold on there, comrade. Evidence-based implicit bias training? No such thing. Nope, nada. Oh, yeah, the “training exists” and is a windfall for Marxist grifters who get sweet sweet corporate and government largesse to come in and spend a few hours in bullying, gaslighting and sowing resentment in targeted staff. But there is no evidence to back up claims of implicit bias. It is a Leftwing version of Argumentum ad populum where Leftwingers just declare that because they are all in agreement that “X” is true, then it must be. Accompanied by the schoolyard taunting that any dissent is just proof of their assertions.

This bill authorizes California’s State Department of Health all the administrative power to monitor compliance and issue penalties and includes a provision for maintaining a public list on its website of all those entities that are not in full compliance in bullying their staff into the “Men get pregnant, too” cult. And just who is included in this dignity training?

(2) Health care providers involved in the perinatal care or prenatal care of patients includes:
(i) All persons licensed under Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code (commencing with Section 500) who may provide perinatal or prenatal care, including, but not limited to, those in primary care clinics, alternative birthing centers, outpatient clinics, or emergency departments.
(ii) All persons who may interact with perinatal patients, including, but not limited to, receptionists, housekeeping, orderlies, physician assistants, medical assistants, licensed vocational nurses, or doctors.

Isn’t that special? The mind boggles.

Yes, this is just California doing California with the latest Marxist diktat of elevating TQ+ ideology over facts. Can you just imagine what would happen to some midwife who dared to suggest to a male in a dress that chemical-induced “chestfeeding” would not be healthy for the infant produced by his female partner? Or a nurse who said “congrats, mom! She’s a beautiful baby!” to a female with a beard who insists that not only is she “father”, but her infant is genderless?

I’ve never cared if some adult wants to bob-their ears and called his or herself “an elf”. Peace out, dude. But never demand I must treat you as an elf, use your elvish pronouns or, if you’re my employee, you get to wear your special-elvish clothes to work. And never, ever demand access to kids to convince them that they, too, may be elves and to keep it secret from their parents.

New York, too, is at California-level in Trans-thought-control and grooming of children.

A New York City math teacher has applied to open a “genderful” grade-5-to-9 Prospect Park charter to teach kids how to “move inside and outside the bounds of masculinity and femininity” in the “evolving gender spectrum.”

The Ivy League-educated teacher, Joji Florence, “identifies as non-binary” and named the proposed Miss Major Middle after Major Griffin-Gracy, a convicted felon who “identifies as a woman.” (snip)

Florence says … : “Our team envisions a genderful middle school where students are agents of justice.”

The school’s website declares teachers will “harness the power” of “community engagement” and “embed … social justice.”

Even the section dedicated to academics says the school will be “justice oriented” with a “culturally responsive curriculum.”

This school’s proponents say members of the LGBTQ community are uniquely vulnerable and need a school where they’ll be “safe.”

This isn’t just scientific nonsense, this is blatant political indoctrination. Indeed, the nature of this political pseudo-ideology is religious. Contrary to the First Amendment, the Marxist Left, in California, New York and other deep blue cities, is establishing a state religion that will use the law to punish all unbelievers.

Kind of sounds like Iran. Just our mullahs wear fabulous sequined bondage gear.

featured image, cropped, Adobe stock standard license

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1 Comment
  • Cameron says:

    Said before and I’ll say it again: We need to return to the days when these freaks were in the closet and never bothered normal people because they knew what would happen to them.

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