Buyers Remorse Is Brewing And Democrats Are Panicking

Buyers Remorse Is Brewing And Democrats Are Panicking

Buyers Remorse Is Brewing And Democrats Are Panicking

Return to sender? It seems buyers remorse is bubbling to the surface and that has establishment Democrats in a panic.

Publications such as the New York Times and The Atlantic are calling for Joe to step aside. Axios has issued multiple reports about Joe, and this one regarding his ability to function throughout the day has sent Democrats into orbit.

Now I don’t know about you, but the above information tells everyone who lives in reality that Joe’s ability to function is clearly diminished. Furthermore, those who’ve had the sad task of dealing with someone with dementia or Alzheimers know that 4pm time is about the time period when a person typically starts sundowning. 

Axios added more fuel to the fire this morning. First up is one outlining how Biden’s White House team has kept Joe shielded from WH staff. Key aides were given full access to the private residence, which is a HIGHLY unusual move. Staffers have been kept from Joe since nearly the beginning. 

On July 4, 2021, Biden hosted a party on the South Lawn in which he declared “independence” from the coronavirus pandemic.

It was a hot day and after hours outside, Biden went back into the White House through the Diplomatic Room, and then into the nearby Map Room.

Biden sat down and the door was abruptly shut as Biden’s aides blocked the White House butlers and residence staff from aiding the president.

They suggested to the staffers that the president was just a little overheated. But the episode left residence staff feeling like his close aides were creating a barrier around anything possibly related to the president’s health, the former official said.

According to some, this wasn’t an unusual thing. You see, in the space of time it took for Joe to shamble from the South Lawn to the Map Room there was a sudden need to be given classified info. OH REALLY? 

Aides were supposedly left completely befuddled as to why Joe’s debate prep fell apart so drastically at the debate itself. What that tells me is that A. aides were left in the dark, and/or B. They’ve all been willfully blind these last five years. 

Let’s add this report into the mix. 

Top Democrats worry Biden’s situation hits too close to home for too many to ignore. Most people have watched a loved one decline — at first slowly, then dramatically — as they hit their mid-80s. These Democrats fear the party, not just Biden, would pay for ignoring this.

A Democratic official talked us through the gentle approach to getting Biden to end his run on his terms. This official, who demanded anonymity for self-evident reasons, said Biden’s sister, Valerie Biden, and longtime friend, Ted Kaufman, should make this case to the president:

“This is not about him submitting to the will of others yelling at him that he failed. Joe Biden is too proud for that argument. He will not be dragged off the stage,” said the official, who is outside the White House and campaign.

“The goal is to let him walk off the stage. He came; he saw; he conquered. He wanted to get rid of Trump for the country; he wanted to prepare America for the future; and he wanted to help nurture the next generation to be a transitional president.”

“He can say to himself, in all honesty: All three have now been accomplished,” the strategist continued. “He got rid of Trump; helped prepare America through his legislation for the future; and, under his tenure, a generation of new Democrats have emerged.”

The problem is, Joe. The other problem is, Doctor Jill. Both are too damned proud and stubborn to fold up their tents and go away. 

Democrats know that.

Which is why there is panic and why buyers remorse is bubbling to the surface. It’s not just the media at large that wants to ditch Joe, it’s that there are folks such as Rashad James and Justin Williams of Georgia who voted for Joe last time and are having very serious doubts now. 

But this year they are undecided — frustrated by how little has changed nearly four years after Black voters helped Biden flip Georgia and gave Democrats control of the Senate by electing Raphael G. Warnock and Jon Ossoff in the 2021 Georgia runoff elections.

“Nothing’s changing. It feels like the economy is getting worse,” said James, 34, noting that everything has risen in price — from the green peppers and onions at his prep station to the plasticware they serve customers who pull up in pickup trucks during Macon’s lunch rush

Sure sounds like a bit of buyers remorse to me!

Clinton and Obama left Joe hanging out to dry for a good long while. Maureen Dowd is no longer a top fan. Chris “Tingles up the leg” Matthews had a meltdown but is still so anti-Trump that he’ll vote for a guppie over anyone with the last name of Trump.

Want to know how badly panicked the Biden team and top Democrats are?

That’s panic driven to eleventy right there! As for all of those now experiencing buyers remorse, I’m laughing at you. You ignored the obvious signs during his 2020 campaign and you REALLY ignored all the signs from 2021 until now. 

You don’t get to suddenly clamor for a return to sender while whining about how you just didn’t know it was this bad. HORSESHIT.

Clyburn can take his “preparation overload” and shove it. 

You bought this pig in a poke and helped shove it onto the American people. You can engage in buyers remorse all you want, but each and every one of you, and Joe’s family especially, helped put this Republic in danger by shoving Joe Biden into office. 

Feature Photo Credit: product recall via iStock, cropped and modified

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1 Comment
  • Cameron says:

    Their tears nourish my soul. I feel a small amount of pity for the abuse Biden is being subjected to but that’s balanced out with how badly he and his handlers have trashed my country.

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