This is the stuff of my nightmares. We have a Bush lining up to run for president against a Clinton.
Sweet Jesus! For the love of all that is holy WILL SOMEONE ELSE PLEASE F’ING RUN FOR PRESIDENT!!!!
The first time I voted for a Bush, it was my first vote. Ever. The second time, it was in a lost cause after that “read my lips” fiasco. The third time, I had to wonder if it was really going to all hinge on Florida and the hanging chads and determining the “intention” of the voters from those ballots. The fourth time was so that John Kerry wouldn’t report for duty, only to get mad as hell when we started talking about immigration, the gang of Eight, and living through The Surge hoping not to get a knock on the door every military spouse dreads.
And now, this is what the Republican Party has to offer. The brother of the guy that made it possible for there to be an Obama presidency.
The other side looks no better. We get the tired and haggard battle axe of the filanderer in chief from the first Bush v. Clinton when parachute pants and leg warmers were just on the cusp of jumping the shark. In her we get someone who complains about being poor and having no money while raking in six figure speaking fees for talking about being under sniper fire while trying in vain to get us to forget a place called Benghazi; all while being driven somewhere in an armored limosine since 1996, because driving yourself is for the little people.
Many are going to ask in a very Hillaryesque fashion “What difference does it make?” Let me tell you.
The world is a much more dangerous place now that we have had a couple of these liberal brain-trusts in charge. The Russian Bear wants to party like it is 1959 and return the old Soviet Union to it’s “rightful” place. The Norks are likely responsible for hacking Sony. The Chinese are now a larger economy than we are and the Islamist terrorists now have enough of a swath of territory to start minting their own currency and selling their own oil. The Iranians are on their way to helping get the 10th Imam here in the shadow of the mushroom cloud and we are treating Israel like they are the problem.
Anyone want either of these two last names in charge? Anyone want to have a leader who is responsible for America’s safety that will try to have “empathy for our enemies?” Anyone want a dude in charge that is the brother of the last guy that libturds burned in effigy over killing bad guys?
The First Clinton couldn’t bring himself to kill UBL because the Tomahawk missile might kill someone’s kid (more’s the pity–don’t bring your kids to war) The proverbial next Clinton wants us to forget that she lived in the house of the First Clinton and then worked for the current rocket scientist who told us “if you like your plan you can keep it” and who spent 9 months dithering on what to do in Afghanistan before announcing our intentions to our enemies. She can’t name one accomplishment as the Secretary of State and I don’t want anyone who leaves her own files the FBI has been looking for in a 9 month search laying on a coffee table in the official residence.
The next Bush is no better choice either. His name fits in the same space that RINO does on the crossword of the local legacy media rag. I don’t know what he has been doing with his time since he left the Florida Governor’s Office, but if it was exceptional, I am certain it would have created some sort of media buzz. Just his name and association with the family puts him at a 10 point disadvantage in the polls.
We can’t get Nikki Haley? How about Ted Cruz? Mike Lee? Mitt Romney (again) or maybe a long shot Trey Gowdy? We can’t find anyone that will do the job of being president; all while having a spine, not apologizing to everyone for America and turning the ship around? Why are we playing the same identity politics that the Democrats want to play? Why are we so concerned about what the precious moderates think?
How about articulating some sound conservative principles that everyone can rally around and then, while you are at it Republicans, maybe you should remember there is a Tea Party caucus that has some expectations of you. Not living up to them is going to get you drug to the deep waters of conservatism and drowned.
I just want someone not named “Bush” or “Clinton” in the White House after we send the current occupant of the office on his way to the golf courses in Hawaii. Is that too much to ask?
So, I am asking both sides, for the love the holy things and special places; can we just pick two different people and be done with these two?
Let’s see, besides heredity…..we should Vote 4 Jeb because?…
I’ve heard sound bites of ol’ Jeb just the past few days mulling over this momentous decision….
** He’s not sure what kind of a candidate he’d make.
** He’s not sure about stepping into the role of President of the United States, being fully up to the job.
We look for fire in the belly and instead we see milquetoast dribbling down his chin.
Other than that, he wants our vote?
Now THERE’s an inspiring prospective Leader of the Free World that can rally around, yessiree!
Suppose you need a broken furnace fixed in the dead of winter and call some company. The guy on the phone says he’s not sure what kind of repairman he is or if he’s qualified to do the job, but he really, reeeeeeally wants you to hire him and give him big piles of money to do to the job.
Anyone else willing to say, “He’s our man! Let’s give him our credit card info and turn him loose to do the job!”
Yeah, me neither.
Oh goody-one dynasty vs another. This is democracy in action?
I suppose it could actually be worse- Mooch Obama could be throwing her hat into the ring too to complete a three ring circus of losers.
It might be time to leave the USA because if these are the types of candidates being offered for the forseeable future then the nation is truly finished.
My vote will be for a Governor…. Just not one named Bush.
I’m keeping my eye on Scott Walker. That guy is a no-**** real deal.