Brooklyn Schools Are The Coolest Schools In The Land

Brooklyn Schools Are The Coolest Schools In The Land

Brooklyn Schools Are The Coolest Schools In The Land

As the wheels touch down at JFK, we take a taxi to Brooklyn this morning to talk about their “cool” schools. Why are they cool? Well, just ask a second grade teacher and she’ll tell you.

Brooklyn schools are cool because of their immense diversity. In fact, “they’re much cooler than a private school”. And, pfft, your homeschool curriculum? BORING. Brooklyn schools have SWINGERS!

Yes, this is not a typo. I said swingers.

According to this, a Brooklyn school teacher said this:

There’s a group of swinger parents at the school where I teach, and this proves Brooklyn public schools are far cooler than private schools.”-Sarah Allen

We’re not talking about playground swings here, though, perhaps she may come back and say that is what she meant if questions arise regarding her mental fitness to be a facilitator in developing these precious young minds. Sarah, who uses “mssarahmssarah” as her X handle, was also instrumental in keeping schools shuttered during the COVID-19 pandemic. (I know, you are shocked…)

“Mssarahmssarah” has since deleted her tweet on X but a quick glimpse indicates that this “mom of four cool girls and wife to the best nerd in Brooklyn” is a typical educator with fear of COVID (still) and TDS (still).

Yes, a retweet. But a retweet says a thousand words. More:

She sounds fun.

But to clarify on the above, no, it’s not just you, Mizzz Sarah. It’s the whole lot of the collective “you”, here. The teachers’ unions who thought keeping kids remote for two freaking years was “saving lives” are to blame for this and you were an active participant. This is why kids of low-income families can’t read. This is why third graders are still at first-grade reading levels. This is why junior high students are experiencing social behavior deficits and, in essence, identity crises. So, yeah. We. blame you and your tribe, Sarah.

Sure, swingers are “cool”, says the “cool mom of four girls”. I wonder how she would be if one of her daughters grew up and came home to tell her that she was a swinger? Besides, I thought having multiple sexual partners increases the spread of COVID? At least, I would think that would be the case? Perhaps these swinger parental units are really cool because they take extra “precautions” before sending their precious little babies to school.

They must mask up before swapping.

To reiterate-Sarah Allen is a second grade teacher at a Brooklyn public school called “The Children’s School”. From the school’s website:

To provide and promote an inclusive learning environment for general education students and students with special needs to meet their diverse abilities and to maximize their growth and potential.”

Yaaaaayyyy. They used the words “inclusive” and “diverse” in one sentence. Check. More:

To build a diverse learning community, in which all differences in ability/disability, gender, race/ethnicity, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, religion are celebrated, and in which our common humanity is honored.”

(Face palm.) Common humanity. In Sarah Allen’s opinion, her wife-swapping, swinger parents are “cool”. I am certain that a leftover Warren Jeffs fundamental LDS polygamist family entering the rainbow-colored arches of The Children’s School would not hold the same level of “cool” for this Brooklyn broad. More from The Children’s School:

To provide rigorous professional development for staff so that their knowledge and skills allow them to meet the needs of our students who have a full range of abilities and levels of functioning.”

Knowledge and skills, eh? Levels of functioning? Heh. In regard to how Sarah Allen found out this little tidbit of information on her parents, I have questions. Did the parents of the students actually share this information? And why are they sharing their proclivities with their students’ teachers? And, if someone shares such personal information with you, as their child’s “educator” (I use that term loosely), is it ethical to run your mouth about it on social media? What does this say about this teacher’s “levels of functioning”?

Me thinks this Brooklyn second-grade teacher is not very smart. She’s better hope her very nerdy husband can support her and their “four cool kids”, although I am not holding my breath on this idiot being fired. More than likely, she’ll be slapped on the wrist and placed on a paid leave, only to return to the classroom to ram her ultra-progressive tripe down the throats of the youngins.

(Insert Austin Powers here) Brooklyn schools are the coolest, and grooviest, baby! They have shagadelic swinging’ parents! Everyone else at those private schools are a bunch of uptight squares, yeah, baby, yeah!

In light of our recent educational climate, this is what people deem as “cool”. Parents with gender-confused, “non-binary” three-year-olds in playgroups. And teachers who think parents who wife and husband swap are “cool”. Can we just go back to the 80s, please? Where “cool” parents listened to their kids’ AC/DC albums and “cool” teachers agreed to play the Twisted Sister cassette tape during art class and actually taught something?

Photo Credit: Suiseiseki, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons/Cropped

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  • Cameron says:

    It’s an old ploy. Get the people who are doing things differently to be seen as restrictive and stuck in the past. There’s going to be a lot of catching up to in a few years.

    • GWB says:

      It’s the age-old (ironic, huh?) worship of youth.
      “You old guys don’t know nuthin’! We are so much better than you! Smarter and more advanced. We’re shakin’ you off!”
      Followed by someone getting hurt or looking stupid, and the old guy saying “I coulda told you that would happen.”

  • GWB says:

    a second grade teacher
    in which all differences in … sexual orientation
    There damn well shouldn’t be any differences in sexual orientation in 2d grade. They should still be liking other boys and girls because they make excellent mud pies or have an interesting pet or they can climb a tree really well. At most, they should be in the “girls are icky/boys are gross” stage.
    But, trust them, they’re not grooming anyone.

    This is why kids of low-income families can’t read.
    Not entirely. It might be why more of them can’t read. But the real problem with a lot of kids not reading is that they have never been exposed to it at home. It’s their parents who aren’t reading to them. There’s a lot of reasons for this, and the culture has a lot to answer for, but it’s parents who start a kid reading. If they can’t read at all, then I would have to go back to the beginning.

    is it ethical to run your mouth about it on social media?
    Remember where I keep saying that hedonism is a pillar of the Progressive religion? It would be Progressively immoral to NOT say something.

    wife to the best nerd in Brooklyn
    her very nerdy husband
    Ummm, was there a picture somewhere? Or a reference in the NY Post that I didn’t see?
    Or are you assuming the gender of the person to whom she’s a “wife”?

    Can we just go back to the 80s, please?

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