Britain – Goodbye Free Speech And Margaret Thatcher

Britain – Goodbye Free Speech And Margaret Thatcher

Britain – Goodbye Free Speech And Margaret Thatcher

We lament the war on free speech here in the United States. We need look no further than France and Great Britain to see this is a global issue. The arrest of Pavel Durov in France is a threat to freedom of speech everywhere. In Britain, they are arresting and jailing citizens for social media posts. In other nutty news, the new British Prime Minister Keir Starmer removed the portrait of Prime Minister Baroness Margaret Thatcher from the walls at No. 10 Downing Street because it was “unsettling”. No surprise that a Fascist would find a freedom lover “unsettling”.

Baroness Thatcher was a freedom warrior as Ayaan Hirsi Ali reminds us in her article, “Free speech is dying in Britain”. Maggie wasn’t going to let any other culture or religion tell the Brit how they were going to live:

The clash between fundamentalist Islam and modern British values became clear in 1989, when Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Iran’s supreme leader, issued a fatwa against Salman Rushdie for The Satanic Verses. At the time, Margaret Thatcher provided Rushdie with taxpayer-funded protection. The message was clear: Britain wouldn’t submit to foreign actors who threatened murder in pursuit of censorship. It wasn’t enough. The threat to Rushdie continued, very nearly claiming his life two years ago.

Those who expressed concern about the cultural differences with fundamentalist Islam were condemned as xenophobic. Even the police feared confronting Muslim men who ran grooming gangs for fear of being viewed as racist.

Very few of us remember the halcyon days of Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Pope John Paul II and Poland’s President Lech Walesa. Four of the great freedom warriors. Freedom was on the ascent. Kids today probably aren’t allowed to even read about them.

The Prime Minister in Britain is called “Two-tier Keir”. This is an average meme regarding Sir Keir:

In the U.K. Telegraph, Andrew Andronicou posts on the war against free speech is Britain:

Barely two months into his role as Prime Minister and Sir Keir Starmer has wasted no time showing us the kind of leader he is and the kind of Government he runs.

Telegraph readers have collectively argued that he is authoritarian, runs a two-tier society that shuts down dissent and gives a free pass to people who are politically and ideologically aligned with Labour.

Following a spat with tech entrepreneur Elon Musk, who criticised Sir Keir’s handling of the UK riots and publicly embarrassed him by popularising the “two-tier Keir” (2TK) epithet, the Prime Minister has vowed to introduce controls on social media to limit “fake news” and he has scrapped the incoming cancel culture law that would have protected free speech at universities.

I used to think of Ann Widdicombe as batshit crazy, but really she is just an old freedom warrior like Margaret Thatcher…a free speech warrior. Here she is right. The progressive movement is regressive:

Great Britain does not have “free speech” enshrined in The Constitution, as we do. Our Constitution is not set in stone, per Tim Walz, Kamala’s emotional support puppet.

Instead, Britain’s right to freed speech as been fought for in court case after court case.

While England’s population is only about one fifth the size of the United States, our problems are all similar. Illegal immigration, cultural differences, inflation and politicians who hate White People, Christians and Conservatives.

In order to keep our free speech, we are going to have to summon the courage of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher and vote Donald Trump for President. Britain needs to dump Keir Starmer.

Featured Image: Unknown Photographer/Wikimedia Commons 3.0

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