BREAKING: Marcela Hoeven looks good in a bikini

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BREAKING: Marcela Hoeven looks good in a bikini

The Other McCain brings us the scandal of the day. Liberals always like to act shocked that conservative women can be sexy and conservative. Remember the “scandal” when Scott Brown’s daughters were caught in — gasp!! — bikinis? And when Sarah Palin came to prominence, everyone on the internet was scouring to find bikini pictures of her as well. They like to paint conservatives as frigid, dried up, ugly old prudes, and of course, that couldn’t be further from the truth. And they hope that showing pictures of a conservative — or their family members — in bikinis will mean that other conservatives will be outrageously outraged. They’re always shocked when bikini photos do not, in fact, derail conservative candidates’ campaigns.

The newest non-scandal? North Dakota Governer John Hoeven is running for Senate, and he’s currently 47 points ahead. So what is the surefire way to sink the Hoeven campaign? Leak pictures of Hoeven’s daughter, Marcela, looking hot in a bikini!

Oh my God, somebody call the family values police. Apparently, someone contacted Stacy McCain wanting to know is this could be scandalous. Give me a freakin’ break. The girl is hot. So what? Conservatives are almost always better looking than liberals. We’re also smarter, more patriotic, and more generous. And while yes, conservatives don’t believe in screwing like a monkey whenever the urge strikes you, it doesn’t mean that conservatives don’t enjoy sex.

Or look hot in bikinis.

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  • TXMarko says:

    Desperate times call for desperate measures.

    Over the next few months, it is going to be fun to watch the Dems flail and thrash about.

    The best part will be when they begin to eat their own.

  • Big Mo says:

    It’s part of the tired, saggy liberal playbook: Conservative = prude, Christian = anti-sex, and so fourth.

    You can’t fix stupid, as Ron White says.

  • Big Mo says:

    And by the way, conservative & Christian women are generally sexier because mostly they keep their clothes on in public, and dress sexy wthout looking like a floozy.

  • I find, on balance, most women look hot regardless of their political leanings. I’ll never pass up a chance to see a woman looking hawt.

    That much said, knowing she has common political positions makes it all the better!

  • WayneB says:

    Simple math would show these goofballs that Catholics, at least, enjoy sex. You just don’t get 6,7,8 or more children without it.

    See, they just confuse the fact that Conservatives generally tend to keep conversations about their sex lives private as proof that they don’t like it.

  • Oh dear! And it was a 2 piece bikini to boot!

    You know the DemocRATs are losing and beyond desperation when this is all they can come up with.

  • Every time the subject turns to that big unavoidable reality…that conservatives are generally better looking, enjoy sex more, and are happier…I cannot help but think of that scene in “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” When he sticks his greedy green ear out into the cold Christmas morning to listen to the heartbreaking sobs of the little creatures that got all their trees and presents stolen. And instead he hears that “Rahul Forest” song.

    My promise to God, that’s exactly what we’re seeing now. Liberals run everything they can possibly run, and what’s the conservative reaction? “Oh well, the government sucks but I still love my grandchildren and my wife is hot.” “Oh well, we’ve got this albatross of a health care bill but I’m meeting some great friends at this tea party.” “Oh well, my country is spending money it doesn’t really have, but if we each do our part to spread the word around we can make Obama a lame duck, pull out of this part of the cycle in a hurry, and hopefully stem the damage.” The longer, further-down-the-road view.

    What are our liberals doing? You can almost hear their arteries getting harder, every time another O’Reilly Factor segment airs. They focus on the negative. When they talk about a problem and its solution, they have to identify a whole slew of bad guys. When they talk about what a great job Obama is doing, the monologue spends about 80% of its time dwelling on the bad guys trying to take His Holiness down. Never on how wonderful things are going to be. They can’t spend any time on that, because if they do they’ll be forced to acknowledge their mode is a passive one, and they’re waiting for someone else to make it that way. And they don’t really know for sure that that someone-else is their friend.

    That’s why they age so much faster. They’re worrying about problems without truly owning them. And so “well-known liberal women I wish I could date” is #33 on my list of really thin books. They’re ugly on the inside and on the outside.

    Liberals. Always one revolution away from happiness. ALWAYS.

  • I R A Darth Aggie says:

    he’s currently 47 points ahead. So what is the surefire way to sink the Hoeven campaign? Leak pictures of Hoeven’s daughter, Marcela, looking hot in a bikini!

    And by this time tomorrow, he’ll be up by 57 points. Have any of y’all actually been to North Dakota? Three strands of barbed wire betwixt you and the Canandian praries is an over exaggeration, but not by much. And the delightful Miss Marcela has more topography than the state as well…


  • Obamalackstesticles says:

    i do not agree with john hoeven on everything but if he has the left shrieking like rosie o’donnell in heat than he has to be doing something right

  • Gekkobear says:

    ” ConservativeWarrior Says:

    Oh dear! And it was a 2 piece bikini to boot! ”

    Well it was pretty small, I’m glad she chose to get both pieces.

    Damn, where did I steal that from now? I’m sure I heard that as a quote from something, maybe 15 years ago so bugger all if I can remember where.

  • liberaldude says:

    No surprise, most superficial dumbfucks are conservative.

  • Jay says:

    When conservatives say that sex should be limited to married couples, liberals say that we’re trying to limit sex because we’re afraid of it or ashamed of it. The only reason they can imagine why we would be against people having sex with random strangers or against children having sex is because we just basically hate sex and want to destroy it.

    So when liberals say that teaching should be limited to licensed teachers. that must mean that they are trying to limit education because they are afraid of it or ashamed of it. The only reason I can imagine why a liberal would be opposed to home schooling or other unlicensed teachers is because they basically hate education and want to destroy it.

  • Jay says:

    Hey, I was just thinking: Just to aggravate ilberals further, I think we should get hordes of attractive female conservatives to post pictures of themselves in bikinis or lingerie on the Internet.

    I suggest this from purely political motives, of course.

  • OlympicLeprechaun says:

    Gorgeous woman, but Cassy still looks better in her bikini.

  • LiberalJesus says:

    I’m outraged. Why do conservatives have more babies!

  • nicholas says:

    Sure, she looks great in a bikini. But so does the girl at the beach on the right, plus she has a nicer smile.

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