If anyone were to search the term double standard on Google, they ought to see Hillary Clinton set as “images.”
Hillary “Too Big to Jail” Clinton blabbed secret information about the bin Laden raid to — get this — her favorite peeps: bankers. In Canada, no less.
Let that sink in.
The treasure trove of leaked emails from WikiLeaks show that Hillary, in a 2013 paid speech given in Toronto, revealed insider information about the bin Laden raid:
“I was in the small group that recommended to the president that he go after bin Laden. The amount of work that was required to get a strong-enough basis of information on which to plan took more than a decade . . . and then all of a sudden putting this matrix together and saying, ‘This guy used to protect bin Laden — he has just made a phone call. He said this in the phone call. We need to figure out where he is. Then we need to follow him.’
“And that is how we found this compound in Abbottabad.”
Her narrative includes information not provided in previously published reports.
And that, boys and girls, is what happens when you have no discipline or respect for the law.
Catherine Herridge at Fox News Channel has more:
Yes, poor Mark Bissonnette. He wrote the 2012 bestseller No Easy Day, which detailed his role in the killing of bin Laden. He made the fatal mistake of not first clearing it with the Pentagon. The hammer came down on Bissonnette, who now has to pay $6.7 million to the government from his book royalties. He also is required to fork over $100,000 for paid speeches he gave in 2013 without the military’s permission.
But because Hillary Clinton wants to be President, she can skip away from any recriminations. Don’t you know who she is?
Why must Chief Bissonnette pay while
Hil-liar-y doesn’t? Simple, he actually was present and participated in the events he wrote about. Hil-liar-y’s statement sound like another Bosnian Sniper story (or, to use the official acronym, another B.S. story
by HRC). Not one account of the tracking of OBL reports tracing him because someone called him. There were no phone or computer access lines into his compound. Thus, it’s just another tall tale by a little person trying to make it sound like she actually accomplished something besides running up mileage on US government conveyances.
“The amount of work that was required to get a strong-enough basis of information on which to plan took more than a decade”
A decade? I guess it was Bush’s fault after all!
Only “fault” but never “credit” is their M.O. and refrain to all of their “protest” songs. He still lives in their heads rent-free.
Methinks the lady protesteth to much.