Bill Maher Make Sense Sometimes But He Still Has That Trump Derangement Syndrome

Bill Maher Make Sense Sometimes But He Still Has That Trump Derangement Syndrome

Bill Maher Make Sense Sometimes But He Still Has That Trump Derangement Syndrome

Bill Maher is making the rounds hawking his new book, What This Comedian Said Will Shock You, which I may purchase and read. While some conservatives have taken notice of Maher’s seemingly new view on America’s rapidly and ever-changing weirdness, he’s still unwilling to believe in Donald Trump.

In his book, Bill says, “Some people think I’ve changed. I assure you I have not. I’m still the same unmarried, childless, pot-smoking libertine I always was. I have many flaws. But you can’t accuse me of maturing.

No kidding, still smoking pot at the age of 68, so yeah, not mature. But we’ll move on.

Since Bill Maher has been speaking common sense on some topics like Hamas being a terrorist group. His constituents have been calling him a hypocrite for being all in agreement with the protests of the Vietnam War but not wanting to saddle up with the “anti-colonial” anarchists and Communists taking siege of American college campuses today.

Maher, the host of HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” admitted in the interview that both the left and the right have transformed. But, he argued, the Republican Party is “even worse” than the Democrats. – The Hill

As you can see, Maher is still infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome. How can he be open to some of the common sense he’s been telling lately but still be gullible, easily led astray with misinformation that can be solidly countered if researched, and still possess such hatred for Donald Trump?

But He’s A Comedian

Yes, I realize Bill Maher is a comedian. He’s not some world leader about whom we should care about his opinions, but he is an American political commentator with a show on HBO that thousands of people watch. Many of these people get their news by watching Bill Maher, and they’ll believe whatever comes out of his mouth.

Remember Jon Stewart’s popularity on The Daily Show?

The show’s 2000 and 2004 election coverage, combined with a new satirical edge, helped to catapult Stewart and The Daily Show to new levels of popularity and critical respect. Since Stewart became host, the show has won 23 Primetime Emmy Awards and three Peabody Awards, and its ratings steadily increased. In 2003, the show was averaging nearly a million viewers, an increase of nearly threefold since the show’s inception as Comedy Central became available in more households. – Wikipedia

So yeah, these two men have a say and influence. But both of these men have a hatred for Donald Trump that is so spectacular that it is no laughing matter.

Bill Maher says the left has changed, so he is increasingly calling them out. But in the same breath, he also says the liberals haven’t changed as much as the Republicans have and also says that we (Republicans) no longer believe in democracy, and Donald Trump is a sociopath.

Maher On Trump

Also, during Maher’s book promotional rounds, he consistently touts that Donald Trump is an election denier and criminal.

Thank goodness for Megyn Kelly, who likes facts.

We are not all going to agree on everything. It’s impossible. And it is what makes us Americans, right? However, while I can’t stand The Squad’s rantings, I might pay a little attention to Bill Maher because of his calm delivery and surface willingness to listen? But I must admit I want to close it down when he starts in on Trump.

Typically, I am not a late-night kind of gal. I am in bed early and asleep before the sun goes down. But I stayed up the other night to catch Bill Maher on Gutfield. Again, he’s promoting his book, but I was glad to see him on the show. I think we need more of that type of bantering rhetoric of opposition being displayed on national television. It’s good for us. Just remember to not say stupid stuff and get your show canceled. I guess we do have our limits.

I’ll leave you with this sweet little trip down memory lane when Bill Maher appeared on Newhart.

My husband and I have been watching an episode of Newhart every night. We just watched this particular episode the other night. It was great. I highly recommend rewatching the whole series.

Feature Image: Bill Maher/EHPIEN/Flickr/License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED

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