Biden Would Like Israel To Stop Hurting Hezbollah Now

Biden Would Like Israel To Stop Hurting Hezbollah Now

Biden Would Like Israel To Stop Hurting Hezbollah Now

It’s bitterly clear that Joe Biden is no longer capable of handling the office of president of the United States.

And yes, it is a bitter pill to swallow, realizing that the person being left in office is dangerously incompetent and incapable of handling a crisis. We’re seeing it right now in North Carolina, where people are dying on the ground and Biden claims that he spent a couple of hours on the phone to help. (Kamala Harris posted a picture of herself on X along with a tweet saying she was “working on it,” but it looks painfully staged.)

We’re seeing the lack of leadership domestically that has been glaringly obvious internationally. Israel, as we all know, has been systematically and meticulously taking Hezbollah apart, piece by piece, pager by pager, walkie-talkies go boom, and then the command bunker that held Hassan Nasrallah went up in a cloud of orange dust and smoke. Reports are that Nasrallah’s body was recovered intact, and that he likely suffocated to death after the bombing. While the media grieves, everyone else who recognizes that Israel took out a Very Bad Guy is happy. Unless, of course, you happen to be part of the Biden administration. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was reportedly angry that Israel had not warned them ahead of time that the Nasrallah strike was a go (gee, I wonder why??), though the White House did issue a statement from Biden (which means it came from his staff) that was reasonably decent until the last paragraph.

Hassan Nasrallah and the terrorist group he led, Hezbollah, were responsible for killing hundreds of Americans over a four-decade reign of terror. His death from an Israeli airstrike is a measure of justice for his many victims, including thousands of Americans, Israelis, and Lebanese civilians.

The strike that killed Nasrallah took place in the broader context of the conflict that began with Hamas’s massacre on October 7, 2023. Nasrallah, the next day, made the fateful decision to join hands with Hamas and open what he called a “northern front” against Israel.

The United States fully supports Israel’s right to defend itself against Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis, and any other Iranian-supported terrorist groups. Just yesterday, I directed my Secretary of Defense to further enhance the defense posture of U.S. military forces in the Middle East region to deter aggression and reduce the risk of a broader regional war.

Ultimately, our aim is to de-escalate the ongoing conflicts in both Gaza and Lebanon through diplomatic means. In Gaza, we have been pursuing a deal backed by the UN Security Council for a ceasefire and the release of hostages. In Lebanon, we have been negotiating a deal that would return people safely to their homes in Israel and southern Lebanon. It is time for these deals to close, for the threats to Israel to be removed, and for the broader Middle East region to gain greater stability.

How do I know that Joe Biden had zero to do with this statement? Because his brain is Swiss cheese.

Again, if Biden was a Republican president, the media would be having a rightfully epic fit about his cognitive decline on full display here. (And oh boy, Jill is SO DONE pretending.) But we’re supposed to believe that this old man should be president until next January 20th while the world is on fire, and everything will be okay, just so he can be the one to pardon Hunter before he goes. Joe Biden should not be president right now, but Kamala Harris doesn’t have the guts to use the 25th Amendment on him. So we are stuck with this ineffectual geriatric man who thinks a strike in Yemen by Israel can be settled with “collective bargaining,” because he heard “strike” and thought “picket line.”

Meanwhile, Hezbollah finally scraped up a new leader – for now.

Despite the heavy blow Hezbollah has suffered in recent weeks, acting leader Naim Kassem said in a televised statement that if Israel decides to launch a ground offensive, the group’s fighters are ready — noting that the commanders killed have already been replaced.

“Israel was not able to affect our (military) capabilities,” Kassem said in his first speech since Nasrallah was killed.

“There are deputy commanders and there are replacements in case a commander is wounded in any post.”

He added that Hezbollah anticipated “the battle could be long.”

A founding member of Hezbollah who had been Nasrallah’s longtime deputy, Kassem will remain in his acting position until the group’s leadership elects a replacement.

The man widely expected to take over the top post is Hashem Safieddine, a cousin of Nasrallah who oversees the group’s political affairs.

“Nasrallah’s longtime deputy” is likely code for “Nasrallah’s coffee gofer.” Putting his name and face out there makes him a target – a guy who wasn’t important enough to have a pager because he was always busy fetching stuff for Nasrallah. Knowing that Safieddine is likely to be the next actual leader means that Hezbollah – and Iran – mean for Kassem to be the sacrficial goat while they figure out who is left. And yes, it is Iran pulling the strings here. Which is likely why Prime Minister Netanyahu is making an appeal directly to the people of Iran, if they can hear it.

And in the middle of this walks Joe Biden. With the reports that Israel is about to start a ground invasion of Lebanon, Biden says he is “comfortable with them stopping” wants a ceasefire instead. There is no other way to interpret this statement than “please don’t make me work right now, I’m too old for this shit.”

While Biden is attempting to get Israel to stop because Hezbollah has been punished enough in his addled brain, Lebanon, at least, is seeing the writing on the wall.

Remember, Hezbollah is not supposed to be in southern Lebanon by agreement of the United Nations, but no one was willing to enforce it. At least, not until Israel was sick and tired of being continually targeted by rocket fire and seeing children die, and decided to start taking them apart. But Joe Biden wants Israel to stop. Why? Because that’s what HE’S “comfortable” with.

The Biden-Harris administration’s mantra is always the same – we want A Thing™, but don’t ask us for details on how to get A Thing™! This continual “Underpants Gnome” model of foreign policy is horrifically bad. Phase one, in this case, is to stop Israel from entering Lebanon to drive Hezbollah out of the region. Phase two: ???? Phase three: PEACE! Yeah, that’ll work! So long as Joe Biden is “comfortable,” then everything is GREAT!

Israel is going to do what it needs to do, and Joe Biden and his administration will whine about it. All because the old man just wants to be kept “comfortable” until January 20th – and Kamala Harris, the entire Cabinet, and the Democrats are okay with that.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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1 Comment
  • Of course, Jill isn’t bailing Joe out any longer. She’s far too busy figuring out how to get the good silverware, china, and other valuables out of the White House and hidden away while everyone is distracted by the election dramatics.

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