Biden In Nantucket For Billionaire’s Mansion Thanksgiving Vacation

Biden In Nantucket For Billionaire’s Mansion Thanksgiving Vacation

Biden In Nantucket For Billionaire’s Mansion Thanksgiving Vacation

It’s good to be the king president. When you’re Joe Biden, you just magically have billionaire friends who offer you a mansion to stay in for six days over Thanksgiving!

Joe and Jill landed on Tuesday evening in Nantucket to begin their vacation early.

And yes, the vacation began early. The White House called a lid on Wednesday afternoon and no one expects them to be making any comments today. Oh well, not like there are hostage negotiations for Americans being held at this very moment, right????

In honor of the holiday, and the Biden family vacation, I have composed this limerick:

Joe Biden spent Thanksgiving in Nantucket
In a mansion; the peasants can suck it
At a billionaire’s home
He’s allowed to roam
And the press questions? He can just duck it.

Yeah, I’m not quitting my day job to write poetry. YOU try writing a limerick about Joe Biden and Nantucket that doesn’t include “the mother of all dirty words,” as Ralphie would say.

The White House spent an awful lot of time this week trying to convince the American people that ACKSHUALLY, the grocery prices are LOTS better than they were last year. Does anyone who works at the White House actually DO their own grocery shopping?

“This Thanksgiving, we have a lot to be thankful for. While inflation caused by the pandemic and Russia’s war continues to be a challenge, we have seen important progress,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said during a Monday press briefing at which she displayed a hypothetical Thanksgiving menu to make her point.

Jean-Pierre highlighted that gas prices have decreased $1.70 from their peak in June 2022, while airline ticket prices have gone down 13% from this time last year, while car rental prices had fallen roughly 10%.

The press secretary also noted inflation in grocery prices has dipped to its lowest level in more than two years, with staples like eggs, milk, bacon and fresh vegetables costing less on average than in 2022.

Jean-Pierre also cited an American Farm Bureau Federation report that found the “classic Thanksgiving feast for 10” in 2023 to be priced at $61.17, “a 4.5% decline from historically high prices last year,” with a decrease in turkey prices accounting for most of that price reduction.

“Lowering costs for Americans continues to be the president’s top economic priority,” Jean-Pierre said.

But AFBF data also show that Thanksgiving prices have shot up 30% since 2020, with the classic meal priced at $46.90 during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Look fat, the prices are lower now!” is not the sales pitch you think it is. If you raise the cost of an item by 100%, then lower it by 30% the next year, is that really anything to be bragging about? If you’re the Biden White House, that’s all you’ve got, Jack.

So while you are roasting that slightly cheaper turkey this year, take consolation in the fact that the White House isn’t saying who is covering the bills for the Biden family Thanksgiving mansion vacation.

President Biden’s aides and hedge fund big David Rubenstein aren’t saying if the commander-in-chief is covering the cost of his six-day holiday stay at Rubenstein’s Nantucket mansion — after Biden triggered ethics concerns by taking free lodging at other homes and then failing to disclose them as gifts on annual forms.

The 81-year-old president arrived Tuesday night at Rubenstein’s 13-acre compound on the Massachusetts island, with the White House tersely stating: “The First Family will stay at the home of their friend, David Rubenstein, as they have done previously.”

Administration reps did not respond to multiple requests for comment from The Post about whether Biden is paying. A spokesman for Rubenstein, whose net worth is estimated at $3.5 billion by Forbes, also declined to comment.

This is the third year in a row that the Bidens have spent Thanksgiving in Rubenstein’s mansion in Nantucket, but it’s apparently a “family tradition” for the Biden family to go to Nantucket for Thanksgiving. You know, just like the regular people! “Joe from Scranton” has come a long way. Too bad he can barely remember how he got there. But that’s okay – the extended Biden family will enjoy living high on the hog for another year on Joe’s coattails. So long as Joe gets his birthday coconut cake, he’ll be fine.

So, while the Bidens are relaxing in a billionaire’s mansion for their family vacation, just remember that this White House expects you to be grateful for Bidenomics and that magical 4.5% decline since last year. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Featured image: composite image of Joe Biden by Gage Skidmore on Flickr, cropped, CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED, and turkey via BilliTheCat on Pixabay, Pixabay license

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1 Comment
  • John C. says:

    So, when Clarence Thomas takes a vacation with a rich friend, he should be expelled from SCOTUS, but when Joe Biden partakes of a rich friend’s hospitality, crickets? Oh, right; it’s different when they do it.

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