Biden Hypocrisy Off The Charts For Israel’s Wartime Mistakes

Biden Hypocrisy Off The Charts For Israel’s Wartime Mistakes

Biden Hypocrisy Off The Charts For Israel’s Wartime Mistakes

The story of the World Central Kitchen “friendly fire” incident that resulted in the deaths of seven humanitarian aid workers in Gaza – including one American – is absolutely tragic. But Joe Biden has zero room to talk when it comes to “friendly fire” in the fog of war.

On Monday, three World Central Kitchen vehicles that were traveling in a convoy and had their routes previously cleared by the IDF, were hit and killed by the IDF.

Imagery of the aftermath reviewed and geolocated by The Post shows that all of the vehicles were destroyed within a mile and a half of each other, suggesting that some had a chance to keep driving after the attack began.

One vehicle was off to the side of the road, facing north. The hood of the vehicle was largely disintegrated, the windows blown out and the doors blackened.

A second vehicle, the Toyota, was in the middle of the road a half-mile to the south, the hole punched through its roof next to the WCK logo spanning nearly half of its width.

A third vehicle was found a mile farther along. It was sideways along the road, much of the metal of the vehicle’s body frayed.

The IDF is investigating what happened, and Prime Minister Netanyahu has apologized.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized and said Israel “deeply regrets the tragic incident.”

Videos and photos verified by The New York Times suggest the convoy was hit multiple times. The imagery shows three destroyed white vehicles, with the northernmost and southernmost vehicles nearly a mile and a half apart.

“There was a tragic case of our forces unintentionally hitting innocent people in the Gaza Strip,” Netanyahu said. “We will do everything so that this thing does not happen again.”

However, these apologies are not enough for Joe Biden. Not if he wants to convince his increasingly crazed left wing that he is being “tough” on Israel. Biden issued a statement late last night declaring himself “outraged and heartbroken” over the incident.

The statement reads in full:

I am outraged and heartbroken by the deaths of seven humanitarian workers from World Central Kitchen, including one American, in Gaza yesterday. They were providing food to hungry civilians in the middle of a war. They were brave and selfless. Their deaths are a tragedy.

Israel has pledged to conduct a thorough investigation into why the aid workers’ vehicles were hit by airstrikes. That investigation must be swift, it must bring accountability, and its findings must be made public.

Even more tragically, this is not a stand-alone incident. This conflict has been one of the worst in recent memory in terms of how many aid workers have been killed. This is a major reason why distributing humanitarian aid in Gaza has been so difficult – because Israel has not done enough to protect aid workers trying to deliver desperately needed help to civilians. Incidents like yesterday’s simply should not happen. Israel has also not done enough to protect civilians. The United States has repeatedly urged Israel to deconflict their military operations against Hamas with humanitarian operations, in order to avoid civilian casualties.

The United States will continue to do all we can to deliver humanitarian assistance to Palestinian civilians in Gaza, through all available means. I will continue to press Israel to do more to facilitate that aid. And we are pushing hard for an immediate ceasefire as part of a hostage deal. I have a team in Cairo working on this right now.

Earlier today, I spoke with my friend Chef José Andrés, the founder of World Central Kitchen, to convey my deepest condolences for the deaths of these courageous aid workers and to express my continued support for his and his team’s relentless and heroic efforts to get food to hungry people around the globe.

May God bless the humanitarian workers killed yesterday and comfort their families and loved ones in their grief.

How nice of Biden to point out that an American was killed. Can he also talk about the American citizens still being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza, or is that not a top priority for the Biden administration?

It did not take long for many to point out the blatant hypocrisy from Joe Biden in this situation. Those with long-term recall that is better than President Big Guy, the “elderly man with a poor memory,” will recall that on our way out of Afghanistan, there was a drone strike in Kabul that was supposed to be targeting those responsible for killing American servicemembers at Abbey Gate. That drone strike ended up hitting and killing ten people, including seven children. All innocent. No terrorists. General Frank McKenzie, who was in operational command at the time, offered his “profound condolences” for what happened once this came to light, but no one was disciplined for this screw-up that cost innocent lives. No one resigned.

U.S. Central Command Gen. Frank McKenzie admitted at a briefing Friday that the Aug. 29 drone strike near Kabul airport was “a mistake.”

Ten people were killed in the strike, which the U.S. believed was targeting a terrorist, but instead killed an aid worker and others in the area.

“I am now convinced that as many as 10 civilians, including up to seven children were tragically killed in that strike,” said McKenzie. “Moreover, we now assess that it is unlikely that the vehicle and those who died or associated with ISIS-Khorasan or were a direct threat to U.S. forces.”

“I offer my profound condolences to the family and friends of those who were killed,” said McKenzie.

McKenzie and former General Mark Milley were recently called to account by Congress for what happened, and who was at fault. Short answer: something bad happened, but no one is sure whose fault it was, and we didn’t INTENTIONALLY lie to everyone about the drone strike.

In case you’re wondering, Joe Biden said exactly NOTHING about the end result of that drone strike. In fact, Biden claimed at the time of the end of the Afghanistan evacuation disaster that we had hit an ISIS-K target. Which drone strike was he referring to – the first that allegedly hit a single terrorist, or this second one that blew up an entire family? All we have is what Biden said.

We will maintain the fight against terrorism in Afghanistan and other countries. We just don’t need to fight a ground war to do it. We have what’s called over-the-horizon capabilities, which means we can strike terrorists and targets without American boots on the ground — or very few, if needed.

We’ve shown that capacity just in the last week. We struck ISIS-K remotely, days after they murdered 13 of our servicemembers and dozens of innocent Afghans.

And to ISIS-K: We are not done with you yet.

But once it was revealed that a family was hit with that drone strike, including seven children, Biden was silent. No responsibility taken. No committment to finding out what happened. It all got shoved under the proverbial rug and the Pentagon absolved itself of any wrongdoing.

John F. Kirby, Pentagon press secretary, and Air Force Lt. Gen. Sami D. Said, the Air Force inspector general, briefed the news media today about an investigation into an August drone strike in Afghanistan that left 10 dead.

The strike killed three Afghan adults and seven children. At the time, U.S. personnel mistakenly thought the car was operated by ISIS-K who intended to target evacuees and military forces with explosives at the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Afghanistan’s capital.

The UAV operators and intelligence analysts had been monitoring multiple threat streams. Three days before the drone strike, a suicide bomber killed 13 U.S. service members and many Afghan evacuees. Said said the drone operators and intelligence analysts believed the strike on the vehicle was a legitimate defensive action designed to prevent an imminent attack. They didn’t realize children were in the area, he said.

“You can imagine the stress on the force is high, and the risk to force is high and not appreciating what I’m about to say through that lens I think would be inappropriate,” he said.

“Individuals involved in the strike interviewed during this investigation truly believed at the time that they were targeting an imminent threat to U.S. forces,” he said. “Regrettably, the interpretation or the correlation of the intelligence to what was being perceived at the time in real time was inaccurate.”

The investigation found no violation of law, including the law of war, Said told reporters. However, there were execution errors, combined with confirmation bias and communication breakdowns, that regrettably led to civilian casualties.

“I had the luxury of time to review that data over weeks; they didn’t,” he said. “They had the same data, but they had to assimilate it, digest it, and make a decision in a matter of hours.”

The full report has been shared with the secretary of defense and operational commanders so they can assess the recommendations and decide what else they might want to do to implement corrective measures, he said. The report was also shared with the chain of command to assess the analysis and determine accountability, as appropriate.

According to Said, the full report could not be released to the public because the methods, sources, tactics, techniques and procedures used in executing such strikes are classified.

Oh, and let’s not forget last May, when a drone strike in Syria allegedly killed an Al Qaeda target… and ended up being a random sheepherder and father of ten. So yeah, apparently the decision-making skillz at the Pentagon have REALLY improved – they only killed ONE innocent person in the May 2023 drone strike instead of TEN. A formal investigation was opened late last June into that screw-up, but no fallout has ever been publicly announced. Funny enough, Israel never scolded Joe Biden for his administration’s droning of innocent civilians, did they?

But Israel has a friendly fire incident that accidentally kills humanitarian aid workers, and Joe Biden is stating that “Incidents like yesterday’s simply should not happen. Israel has also not done enough to protect civilians.” How about you take the proverbial log out of your own eye, there, Joe? You have exactly ZERO moral authority here.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Joe Biden. Just because he can’t remember the drone strikes on his watch doesn’t absolve him of being the commander-in-chief, and where the buck is allegedly supposed to stop.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • SFC D says:

    “Incidents like yesterday’s simply should not happen.”

    The incidents of OCT 7 simply should not happen, yet here we are. This incident, while undeniably tragic, cannot always be avoided. It was always a high risk proposition to carry aid into a war zone. Israel has gone above and beyond what is necessary to protect innocent llives in this war, a level never before seen. They could’ve very easily started at one edge of Gaza and worked their way across, erasing Hamas from the map, exactly the way Hamas wants to do to Israel. It is war. Innocent lives are lost. It can be reduced, but not eliminated. Hamas created this mess, only Hamas can end it.

  • Scott says:

    They should’ve very easily started at one edge of Gaza and worked their way across, erasing Hamas from the map, exactly the way Hamas wants to do to Israel. …


  • Dietrich says:

    Oh yes, the war would be very easily conducted if only Israel followed my advice.

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