Biden Family Corruption Gets Coverage As Media Bails On Joe

Biden Family Corruption Gets Coverage As Media Bails On Joe

Biden Family Corruption Gets Coverage As Media Bails On Joe

The writing is now on the wall for Joe Biden. The media, after the Hur report and the “Big Guy” immediately following said report up with an epic press conference implosion that proved the report beyond a shadow of doubt, has thrown in the towel on the old man.

We can now see it in the ass covering that has now been fully engaged among the press corps. Of COURSE everyone knew Joe was going senile! It’s just that no one wanted to be MEAN about it, or be the first to say it – even though the American public KNEW it.

And because the Hur report has officially confirmed what the press never wanted to talk about before, it means the floodgates are opening on all the other corrupt crap that Joe Biden and the family have been engaged in. You know, all the things the House Oversight Committee has been looking into, that the press was, with rare exceptions, ignoring in order to protect Joe. Well, it looks like those days may very well be over.

POLITICO is now out with a new story involving Joe’s brother Jim – he who paid Joe back for “loans” with personal checks – about why those checks were even written in the first place. And it is not good for the “Biden brand.”

The final years of the Obama administration had cemented the former vice president’s towering stature in the world of health care, where he had made the fight against cancer a top federal priority and, then, a centerpiece of his legacy-building efforts.

For then 67-year-old Jim Biden, the third of four Biden siblings, his ties to his older brother made up much of his pitch as he pursued deals that could help Americore make money from drug rehab, lab testing and even cancer treatment.

“This would be a perfect platform to expose my Brothers team to [your] protocol,” Jim Biden wrote to the CEO of a Tampa-area company that controlled licensing rights to an experimental cancer treatment the hospital operator wanted to offer. “Could provide a great opportunity for some real exposure.”

The email, obtained by POLITICO from a person close to the company, documents one of the many ways in which Jim Biden invoked his brother’s name and clout in the course of his work with Americore, which has since gone bankrupt, wreaking havoc in rural communities in the process.

Jim Biden spoke of plans to give his brother equity in Americore, according to one former Americore executive, and install him on its board, according to a second. He also said that if Americore could find a winning business model for rural health care, his brother could promote the company in a future presidential campaign, a third former executive told POLITICO. All were granted anonymity to discuss a company mired in legal and political controversy

In order to fund Americore’s expansion, Jim Biden offered to secure capital from investors in the Middle East, according to the emails and executives. When the expected money did not arrive, it aggravated Americore’s preexisting financial issues. The company collapsed, leaving behind unpaid bills and neglected patients.

Call me crazy, but it looks like Jim was selling access to Joe in business deals.

POLITICO’s investigation did not find that Joe Biden involved himself in the firm or took actions on its behalf. However, Joe Biden did benefit indirectly from his brother’s work with the firm. On the same day Jim Biden received a $200,000 payment from Americore, he made out a check for his brother Joe. The White House has said the check was for repayment of a loan, but did not respond to questions about the circumstances of the loan, including whether Joe Biden was aware of his brother’s income from Americore.

Otherwise, Joe Biden remained on the sidelines as his name and relatives became intertwined with a company that was pitched as a vehicle for his legacy, but stands accused of defrauding taxpayers instead.

And it wasn’t just Jim.

The investigation — based on public records, court filings, dozens of interviews and hundreds of exclusively obtained internal documents — reveals that Jim Biden’s role at Americore was larger than previously reported: In some internal documents and investor materials his name is included among its top handful of leaders. He also helped the company seal regulatory approval to acquire the Pennsylvania hospital and personally fired Americore’s chief financial officer, according to the emails obtained by POLITICO.

The investigation also reveals that Joe Biden’s name and inner circle were more involved with the company than has been understood: In addition to the accounts provided by former executives, investor materials described Jim Biden as an adviser to his older brother. And on top of Joe Biden’s own previously reported encounter with the firm’s CEO, at least three of Joe Biden’s relatives did work with Americore. They include Jim Biden’s wife, Sara, and his son, Jamie. The president’s son, Hunter Biden also met with its CEO, and his personal doctor — current White House physician Kevin O’Connor — joined a meeting with Jim Biden and the president of a hospital being acquired by Americore, according to a former executive and emails obtained by POLITICO.

While the extent to which Joe Biden’s relatives have invoked their ties to him to advance their business careers has been a subject of ongoing controversy, the documents obtained by POLITICO demonstrate that Joe Biden was a central element of Jim Biden’s pitch to potential partners and investors during this period.

And yes, while Joe may have not been directly involved with what his family was doing while invoking his name, they were ALL busy “selling” Joe as the “brand.”

In November, Jim and Hunter’s plans with the Chinese businessmen were upended when one of them, Patrick Ho, was arrested by the FBI for bribing government officials in Chad and Uganda.

As he looked elsewhere for investment capital, Jim Biden enlisted the help of more relatives.

Emails also show that his son, Jamie Biden — a creative type known for his turn as a long-haired DJ in the Hamptons — pitched in, helping to create a video presentation about Americore intended to entice investors.

Jim Biden’s wife, Sara Biden, an attorney and a partner in Jim’s consulting firm, Lion Hall Group, was more involved. She helped prepare investor presentations and for a time was given her own Americore email address, according to emails obtained by POLITICO.

At one point, Sara Biden sent a person involved with fundraising a draft investor presentation “with a few minor revisions by Jim.” The presentation describes Jim Biden as a partner with Americore alongside a brief bio that begins by identifying him as “Brother and Campaign Finance Chair of former Vice President Joe Biden.”

While his family kept looking for that funding to keep Americore running, Joe got a check.

By January 2018, Americore was insolvent, according to the SEC’s complaint against (hedge fund manager Michael) Lewitt.

In the middle of that month, Lewitt’s fund extended Americore a lifeline in the form of a bridge loan, meant to hold it over until the real investment capital arrived. The size of the initial loan was $2 million, according to the SEC’s complaint.

A few days later, Americore wired Jim Biden $400,000. Bank records filed in Americore’s federal bankruptcy case describe the payment as a loan.

Around this time, Jim Biden — who has been variously described in internal documents and investor presentations as an Americore “partner,” “principal” and “advisor” — waded deeper into the business. He set up an office at Americore’s Fort Lauderdale headquarters and began participating in some hiring and firing decisions, interviews with former executives and emails show.

On March 1, Americore wired Jim Biden $200,000, again described in bank records as a loan. That same day, Jim Biden wrote a check to Joe Biden for $200,000, describing it as a loan repayment in the memo line.

The White House, which did not respond to questions about the transfer, has also characterized it as a loan repayment in statements to media outlets. POLITICO previously reviewed bank records that show a $200,000 payment to Jim Biden from an account that appeared to belong to Joe Biden made several weeks earlier.

Jim Biden abandoned Americore in July of 2018, according to POLITICO, just before the company collapsed altogether in a mess of Medicare fraud that is still being investigated today. Jim Biden has been sued in the process of sorting out the entire fiasco, and agreed to repay $350,000 in a settlement. House Oversight and House Judiciary are now looking into what happened at Americore. Joe Biden might not have asked questions about all these checks going out and coming in, but Rep. James Comer and Rep. Jim Jordan would certainly like to ask some questions.

The POLITICO story is a red alert signal to Democrats, but not because it implicates Joe Biden directly. It’s a red alert because the gloves are coming off in regards to the “Biden brand.” Journalists are aware that they have buried stories about the Biden family that would have won them Pulitzers if they had been about the Trump family. Consider how the combined might of social media, mainstream journalists, and the Deep State colluded with the Biden camp to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story in October 2020 – a laptop the DOJ has now admitted was real. The fact that POLITICO – which famously ran the headline that the Hunter Biden laptop was “Russian disinformation,” a story still active on their website today – is now throwing Jim Biden directly under the bus while admitting that Joe Biden was the name and quantity being sold by the entire family business, means that the media is conceding the point. The Biden family can now be portrayed as corrupt, because the media’s goal has shifted. That new goal? Get Joe Biden off the ballot so the Democrats don’t lose the White House to Donald Trump in November. And if Democrats can’t make Joe Biden walk away from the ballot, then it is now the media’s job to make it too uncomfortable for him to stay on the ballot. The Hur report ripped the Band-Aid right off the media’s attempt to cover up Joe’s mental boo-boos. Using lawfare against Donald Trump is not turning out the way they had intended. The new game plan, in light of Biden’s current poll numbers, looks to be to expose the family for the shameless grifters they are. The one thing Joe still cares about is his family. Will enough new stories and revelations break to push the “Big Guy” off the ballot in order to protect the “family business”? We’re all just going to have to wait and see what happens next.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • Kevin says:

    Give it up. The Special Counsel, appointed by the Malignant Tumor himself before slithering out of office in shame, is the one reporting the FBI informant lied and is the one pressing charges. Every way you try to twist, construe, contort miniscule pieces of a “mole hill” and try to turn them into a “mountain” makes you look just pathetic and bitter (along with bat-shit crazy).

    I stopped “predicting” election outcomes after 2016. The polls were so horrifically wrong and they have only continued in that direction …the red wave of 2022, the 2024 special election in NY to replace the poster boy of the republican party (Santos), the Pennsylvania House race in 2024, abortion on the ballot in multiple heavily leaning red states and the list goes on.

    If you work with budgets, in a monthly report you have a “budget” column that reflects the costs that you expected (budgeted) and then an “actual” column so show all the expenditures that actually came through for that time period. You “gals” are operating on the “budget” column and I’m just waiting around for the “actual” column to be reported … and 90%+ of the time the “actual column” has been in the democrats (liberal/progressive voters) favor for the last six or seven years.

    The only platform the republican party has any more (and one of your regular contributors said this very same thing just last week) is … stolen election, democrats are evil, tRump is a victim, Tranny’s are going to abuse your kids, burn library books, college’s are woke. The republican party is dead and the Malignant Tumor is at the helm driving over the cliff and everyone is following; well, at least the MAGA base is following. The people not hopping on the “crazy train” are the ones pushing the “budgeted” column into the “actual” column and voting for Democrats because they can’t stomach the alternative.

    All I have to say is … keep it up. What that’s saying? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again yet hoping for a different outcome. tRump 2024!

    • John Shepherd says:

      Well Kevin, unless the Democrats dump the senile old man it will once again be President Malignant Tumor to you.

    • Cameron says:

      You noticed that the focus on the article is about Biden, right? Oh nevermind; you can’t find any way to excuse this so you immediately activate your TDS to get the latest thing for a good little bot to post.

    • Scott says:

      Dude, seriously, seek help!

  • Mik says:

    Only Trump can implant the patriotism needed for salvation.

  • John Shepherd says:

    I know you are enjoying this but if it is not a Donny v Joey rematch for heavyweight title Trump is going to go down to defeat again. if you don’t think the Democrats have already done polling you are very naive.

  • A reader says:

    So no update about the indictment and arrest of Alexander Smirnov? He was the star witness for the GOP for their impeachment investigation of Biden. It turns out, from Smirnov’s confession to the FBI, that he had been meeting with four high level Russian contacts for years—two of whom are Russian officials who are the heads of their respective intelligence agencies. They have been feeding him false information to smear Joe and Hunter Biden and influence the 2024 election. How much Comer, Jordan and Grassley in particular knew about this is the question.

    So let it go. All of these attacks on Biden that you’re spreading are based on lies. You are literally spreading Russian disinformation. I mean, if you like supporting our enemy’s attempts to influence our elections, then I guess carry on, but I wouldn’t want that!

    Also as someone who was lecturing us about learning history, maybe you should take your own advice: all of this has further ties to Russia’s attempts to take over Ukraine. And if you go back about 80 years, American isolationism and America First ideology allowed us to turn our backs on Europe and give Hitler a green light to continue his invasions. Ukraine being weakened by our lack of support and Putin basically threatening to invade Poland during his Tucker Carlson interview, is a similar trajectory. Putin wants us distracted and fighting so that he can do whatever he wants. And if he gets a friendly leader in place— aka Trump— and has useful idiots on the Republican side of the fence, it will make it that much easier for him.

    This story isn’t over and the writers here better buckle up as it’s clear that there is more to come and it’s not likely to look good for Republicans, particularly in the House.

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