Biden Admin Stopped DNA Testing At Southern Border

Biden Admin Stopped DNA Testing At Southern Border

Biden Admin Stopped DNA Testing At Southern Border

A bill being re-introduced in the House of Representatives and in the Senate is raising the question of “why did the Biden administration stop using common sense tools to combat child trafficking?”

Representative Lance Gooden (R-TX) first introduced the “End Child Trafficking Now Act” back in 2019 in an attempt to end what has been called “child recycling.” According to the Border Patrol, this is when a minor is brought across the border, enabling the adults with the minor to stay in the country. The child is then sent back across the border in order to act as a legal shield for another group of adults to get into the country – and each time, the minor gets a “new” set of “family members.” A similar bill of the same name in the Senate was sponsored by Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) in 2019 and in 2021, which would require a DNA test of the minor child and the adults the child was with, in order to prove a family connection. The concept seems like a no-brainer, right?

Apparently, the Biden administration has no brains (no surprise there), and is perfectly fine with ending this DNA testing program. A memo went out from Customs Border Protection and announced that DNA testing will stop as of May 31st.

The DNA testing was originally implemented in the Trump-era and utilized by Customs Border Protection – following a court order related to the separation of migrant children from their families and evidence drug cartels were using children to create fake family units to sneak illegal immigrants across the border.”

But over the weekend, a CBP memo sent to frontline border agents announced the testing will cease when its vendor contract expires this month.”

“The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) familial DNA contract with BODE Technologies will end on May 31, 2023 and all familial DNA testing will conclude on that date,” the memo reads.”

The memo also states such collecting and testing of familial DNA is “separate” from “booking” DNA collection, which is done by the FBI, and that BODE’s expiring contract “does not impact collections as part of the CODIS (Combined DNA Index System) program,” which is expected to proceed “uninterrupted.”

CBP has identified numerous family fraud attempts by illegals over the years. In 2022, a government accountability office report found that roughly 1 in 10 (8.5%) of children tested turned out not to be related to the illegal aliens who were crossing with them.”

With the ongoing stories of migrant child labor exploitation being covered, you would think that the Biden administration would try and stop child trafficking on the southern border. NOPE. Apparently it’s better to simply do nothing, let the southern border invasion continue unabated, and just keep pushing the kids in to work in dangerous conditions so that Democrats can keep hiring cheap illegal labor to clean their houses.

With the news that the DNA testing was quietly being ended, Blackburn re-introduced the legislation on June 7th in the Senate.

“As many as 30% of children DNA tested were found not to be related to the illegal immigrants posing as family members. Meanwhile, drug cartels and gangs use minors to falsely present themselves as family units and seek asylum at our southern border,” said Senator Blackburn. “The Biden administration’s decision to halt all DNA familial testing is a grave misstep that not only puts the safety of Americans at risk but also increases the number of migrant children being trafficked. My legislation would stop criminals in their tracks and help protect children from exploitation – an idea we should all be able to support.”

Blackburn’s bill, sponsored by ten other Republican senators, is a whole whopping five pages long. This is a simple and easy fix, a tool that has already worked as a deterrent, and we already had a lab doing the testing. But as Blackburn points out, the Biden administration is absolutely fine with simply letting as many illegal aliens into the country as possible.

Representative Gooden introduced an identical five page bill into the House as well.

The “End Child Trafficking Now Act” would require the Department of Homeland Security or the Department of Health and Human Services to administer a DNA test if an illegal migrant cannot submit documentation or a witness to prove family relation to a minor.”

“Every child deserves protection, particularly those most vulnerable,”said Gooden. “The exploitation of underage aliens by human traffickers is one of the most sickening results of the border crisis. This legislation will ensure that young children are no longer viewed as ‘skip the line’ tickets by cartel members.”

The bill’s proposal comes as 81,474 unaccompanied or single minors were encountered at the southern border this fiscal year. ICE officials previously utilized DNA testing at the southern border under the Trump Administration before those contracts expired when Biden took office.”

Human trafficking victims spiked by 193% during the 2020-2021 fiscal year, leading lawmakers and border officials to develop new policies to combat the surge.”

When the DNA testing program was piloted in 2019, the test results took about 90 minutes to come back in. Senator Blackburn now says (in the above interview) that the test can be finished in 45 minutes. Regardless, we are not talking about waiting days or even weeks to get a result. We are talking about using a scientific tool that can determine whether a minor is being trafficked. And the Biden administration simply DOES NOT CARE to know if children are being trafficked, recycled, abused, or used as cheap labor. If they cared, that would complicate their goals for an open border.

This bill, as simple as it is, should get fast-tracked immediately through Congress. Let’s see how many Democrats are willing to support it, or not. Get them on the record. Let’s see if Joe Biden and his handlers have the political will to veto a bill titled “End Child Trafficking Now Act.”

Featured image via ckstockphoto on Pixabay, cropped, Pixabay content license

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1 Comment
  • Sgt Steiner says:

    “…“why did the Biden administration stop using common sense tools to combat child trafficking?”
    Short answer, because Joe Biden IS a pedophile.
    (I’m willing to be proven wrong)

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