The Baby Parts Selling Scandal Kamala Wants You to Forget

The Baby Parts Selling Scandal Kamala Wants You to Forget

The Baby Parts Selling Scandal Kamala Wants You to Forget

The radical, creepy … indead, weird … Democratic Party is busy building a Potemkin Kamala. They demand you respect she was the District Attorney of San Francisco and California’s Attorney General. But please don’t look into her scandalous running of both agencies. Ignore her selective persecution in service to some of her biggest donors.

Kamala Harris stands accused of “weaponizing” the California Attorney General’s office against a pro-life activist who alleges he was exposing the illegal sale of aborted fetuses.

David Daleiden, whose nine-year legal saga instigated by Harris is still ongoing, released shocking undercover videos he took of Planned Parenthood executives discussing fees and prices for fetal tissues in July 2015.

He now faces eight felony charges and possible jail time for making the videos without getting the executives’ permission to film them, as well as “manufacturing” a fake driving license.

Here we are, 9 years later, with those felonies still pending against the undercover operations that pulled back the cover over the sewer of abortion-for-fun-and-profit. Now, in California, undercover videotaping of exposing things like inhumane treatment of cows has a long history in the state and is uniformly applauded. But human babies?

Newly released footage captured by undercover journalists in 2015 shows Planned Parenthood staff discussing the process of harvesting aborted baby parts and allegedly exposes a scheme to traffic them.

David Daleiden, project lead for the Center For Medical Progress (CMP), recorded the damning footage in 2015 at the National Abortion Federation’s (NAF) commercial trade show in San Francisco.

The scandal isn’t just the overt conversations on how to manipulate abortion procedures to facilitate not ruining the products (such manipulation is illegal) but how mega-donor Planned Parenthood had a cozy sit-down with AG Kamala Harris on how best to squash the hours of video, emails and other damning evidence that Daleiden had compiled. It came with a raid …

his one-bedroom home in Orange County, Calif. was raided days after the video was posted, by 11 state Department of Justice agents armed with rifles and K-9 dogs.

… and an embargoing of everything gathered. Followed by a list of felony counts so egregious even the Leftwing Los Angeles Times, under their own editorial board banner, argued against the “overreach”.

Any honest reporter left in this country who will ask Kamala about what she knew and when she knew it after Planned Parenthood demanded she act on their behalf?

The treatment of women and girls by an abortion industry that sees them as little more than organic factories with dollar bills in their wombs should appall any rational, moral human being regardless of your stance on abortion itself. But Kamala (and Tampon Tim, the Blue Falcon) are not moral human beings. Kamala’s behavior after the baby parts selling exposé combined with Tim’s removal any limit on the gestational age of the baby to be harvested and age of “individual” seeking an abortion, demonstrates the radical ethos of these members of Party of Death. This scandal from 2015 is still not resolved, but Kamala wants you to forget it.

Remember in November.

featured image, cropped, Adobe Stock standard license

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