Go Ahead, Get Your Riot On….

Go Ahead, Get Your Riot On….

I have to say I am not surprised by the Zimmerman verdict.  It is a victory for self defense rights advocates and those that believe that when…

The Tyranny of Vanity…

ATTENTION:  Small Rant Alert…. Being a woman in a first world country; and your political leanings, race, socio-economic status aside, I have to say that for the…

The Switch…

I am going to opine here about little Chrissy Matthews and his apparent need for an adjustment to his medication, along with David Sirota at Salon.com and…

Words Mean Things…

I have been listening to this marriage debate for awhile now, and I know I am going to piss off a few when I say that if…

Being Pro-Choice is Not Wrong…

Sisters; before you burn me at the stake for heresy, let me explain. It seems our liberal brethren, who like to think of themselves as our “betters”…

Mental Midgetry And Front Line Service

So, I am sitting over breakfast having a conversation with my Man-Friend, who has spent some time in SOF and has also served in overseas and fought…

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Ava Gardner