Hillary, Queen of Disinformation, proves again she deserves the title

Hillary, Queen of Disinformation, proves again she deserves the title

Hillary Rodham Clinton, former First Lady, former U.S. Senator, former Secretary of State, still wannabe ruler of our nation, continues to show her need to be in the spotlight. Her latest foray came via Rachel Maddow and MSNBC. Long story short, according to HRC, if you spread disinformation (and, reading between the lines, especially if you aren’t fully in lockstep with the DNC), you should be charged and jailed. Bad think must be punished. Otherwise, how do we stop our young people from growing up to think for themselves and not bow down to their rightful overlords?

Texans worry Ted Cruz failed to learn the real lesson from his last election

Texans worry Ted Cruz failed to learn the real lesson from his last election

Conservatives from the Lone Star state are worried. Slowly yet undeniably, we’ve watched the Democrats sway more and more voters over the last few election cycles. No…

NYPD brass has very bad, not so good week

NYPD brass has very bad, not so good week

To say the NYPD brass probably wishes this week never happened is putting it mildly. Between FBI raids and attempts to prevent the media from talking to…

The House of Mouse has a problem–again

The House of Mouse has a problem–again

Mickey Mouse is screeching his little head off right now. The wokeness of certain parts of the House of Mouse was on full display after the first…

Kamala Harris’ “Nuanced” Border Policy Record

Kamala Harris’ “Nuanced” Border Policy Record

First of all, when the New York Times claims that Kamala Harris has a “nuanced” record when it comes to the border issues, you have to take…

Biden’s Bumbles Set Stage for Dems’ Swan Song

Biden’s Bumbles Set Stage for Dems’ Swan Song

The last few weeks should have proven to anyone with more than one working brain cell that the Democrats are behind the metaphorical eight ball. Despite everything…

Dr. Jill says vote Joe because he’s lived history

Dr. Jill says vote Joe because he’s lived history

Throughout our nation’s history, we’ve seen our fair share of First Ladies who have done wonderful things during their husband’s terms in office. Service has been key…

Uvalde Parents Latest Filings Allege Conspiracy and More

Uvalde Parents Latest Filings Allege Conspiracy and More

Earlier this week, most of the families of the victims of the Robb Elementary School shooting settled with the City of Uvalde in the amount of $2…

Welcome to the Princeton Protest Comedy Club

Welcome to the Princeton Protest Comedy Club

It doesn’t matter if you support Israel’s war in Gaza or not. There comes a time when you look at the protesters here in the United States…

College Occupations, Frightened Police, and Not a Consequence in Sight

College Occupations, Frightened Police, and Not a Consequence in Sight

The saga of the college protests to “support” Hamas and Palestine continues. Students (and others who have nothing to do with the college campus but who wouldn’t…

Trump, opening statements and the circus begins

Trump, opening statements and the circus begins

Well, the three-ring circus of the Trump trial got underway today. If you thought jury selection was “interesting”, you ain’t seen anything yet. Today, the public was…

New Twists and Turns in Texas Abortion Ban

New Twists and Turns in Texas Abortion Ban

It’s no secret that Texas has one of the most restrictive abortion bans in the nation. It is also one of the most controversial. It is against…

Kamala Harris: Part Billy Carter, Part Dan Quayle, and All DNC Problem Child

Kamala Harris: Part Billy Carter, Part Dan Quayle, and All DNC Problem Child

The 2024 presidential race is ramping up. We know who the main players will be. I’m not sure there was ever any real question. Once again, we’re…

School boards fiddle while public education burns

School boards fiddle while public education burns

Just when you think you’ve seen everything, something happens to prove how foolish that belief happens to be. That’s especially true when it comes to our public…

Is NY Finally Wising Up About AOC?

Is NY Finally Wising Up About AOC?

History has a habit of repeating itself. That’s especially true when it comes to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her loving fans hecklers. The latest example occurred Thursday at…

OK Judge Resigns, Done in by Texts During Trial

OK Judge Resigns, Done in by Texts During Trial

There’s a saying that justice is blind. That most definitely wasn’t the case in one Oklahoma courtroom. In a story that begins last year, former judge, Traci…

Biden Administration Immigration Disaster Continues, Texas Edition

Biden Administration Immigration Disaster Continues, Texas Edition

For the last several days, Democratic pundits and doomsayers have screamed from their ivory towers that Texas is about to start a civil war against the rest…

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Ava Gardner