At RNC, Gold Star Families Give Roll Call Of Those Lost At Abbey Gate

At RNC, Gold Star Families Give Roll Call Of Those Lost At Abbey Gate

At RNC, Gold Star Families Give Roll Call Of Those Lost At Abbey Gate

Just mere weeks ago, Joe Biden shamefully claimed that no military lives had been lost under his watch. Tonight, at the RNC Convention, 13 Gold Star families showed Joe for the liar he is.

Tonight’s theme is “Make America Strong Again.” Is it? Prior to this heart-wrenching speech from the families of the fallen, a Medal of Honor recipient asked a very relevant question.

“Are our enemies better off than they were four years ago?” 

Seriously, look around you and review the last four years while REALLY thinking about your answer to David Bellavia’s question. 

While you are thinking about your answer, perhaps you should listen to some of the families members of the thirteen Gold Star families. Thirteen soldiers lost their lives during the disaster that was the Afghanistan withdrawal. Biden check his watch. Oh yes, Jen Psaki, he did. And to this very day, it is well documented that he and Kamala have NEVER said their names in a speech. 

Some of the Gold Star family members of the fallen 13 soldiers in Afghanistan gave an emotional tribute at the Republican National Convention, saying that President Joe Biden never said the names of their kids out loud.

“When Hunter and the other service members’ bodies were returned to the U.S. … Joe Biden met the plane,” fallen Marine Corps Cpl. Hunter Lopez’s father Herman Lopez said. “But he made the occasion more about his son lost to cancer than our sons and daughters lost on his watch.

“Worse than that, he hasn’t said their names out loud,” he continued. “And during last month’s debate, he claimed no service members died during his administration.”

Instead, Joe had the absolute GALL during the Trump/Biden debate to claim that no military lives had been lost during his tenure as President. Needless to say, we were not amused, and the Gold Star families were understandably enraged. 

Which leads me back to tonight. I’m just going to tell you right off, you’ll need Kleenex, a LOT of it. First was a video with testimony from family members of the fallen. 

Then many of them walked onto the stage at the RNC. 

Thirteen families devastated. Thirteen lives gone…and for what? We don’t know. Thirteen lives gone and not one single person in the Biden Administration will or has accepted responsibility for the debacle that led to their deaths. 

Police Chief Herman Lopez and his wife, Deputy Alicia Lopez then finished with SAYING THEIR NAMES

Army Staff Sergeant Ryan C. Knauss

Corpsman Max W. Soviak

Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Darin T. Hoover

Marine Corps Sergeant Rosario Pichardo 

Marine Corps Sergeant Nicole L. Gee

Marine Corps Corporal Hunter Lopez

Marine Corps Corporal Daegan W. Page

Marine Corps Corporal Humberto A. Sanchez

Marine Corps Lance Corporal David L. Espinoza 

Marine Corps Lance Corporal Jared M. Schmitz 

Marine Corps Lance Corporal Rylee J. McCollum 

Marine Corps Lance Corporal Dylan R. Merola

Marine Corps Lance Corporal Kareem M. Nikoui

As each name was called, the RNC delegates said their name back to the families. SAY THEIR NAMES. 

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have not.

That is to their shame. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original work by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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