Are The Crazy Cat Ladies Of The Democrats Better On Family Policy?

Are The Crazy Cat Ladies Of The Democrats Better On Family Policy?

Are The Crazy Cat Ladies Of The Democrats Better On Family Policy?

Democrats don’t hide their masks. They wear them out in the open. They wear their masks while promising to make your life easier. No more inconveniences. The problem is that, when the masks come off, you are stuck in webs, made by the Democrats, with your freedoms and choices curtailed. Never trust the Crazy Cat Ladies. Those were my thoughts when reading “I’m a Conservative Mom of 6. Why Are the Democrats So Much Better on Family Policy?” an Op-Ed by Bethany S. Mandel. Snake oil salesman have good pitches too, but whether the product works, or maybe kills you, is another story. If the snake oil salesman is one of the Crazy Cat Ladies…RUN!

Before I begin I want you to understand that the Victory Girls love Bethany Mandel. Our Deana reviewed her book “Stolen Youth” just over a year ago. She is a great writer with important ideas. However, letting Democrats near families has dangerous consequences. Bless her heart.

Mandel begins the column by complaining about J.D. Vance on the Sunday Morning Geezer shows fielding incoming from hostile Crazy Cat Lady Allies. It was sad, but Vance handled them okay within the parameters. The snake oil that Miss Bethany loved just oils up a slippery slope:

And much as I’d rather not admit it, the Democrats have a much stronger record when it comes to American families. Earlier this month, the Biden administration introduced a new rule targeted at airlines that try to charge families for the “privilege” of sitting next to one another. Families with young children basically have to pay a tax if they want to guarantee they will be seated next to their kids. As a mother of six children aged 1 through 10, I need to sit next to my kids. It’s not so much that I want to, but if we hit turbulence or need to move quickly to open an air sickness bag, it’s probably preferable for all involved that I’m sitting next to my kids.

It is preferable for families to sit together. Agreed. Is paying for the privilege wrong? Should airlines be accused of price gouging because you decided to have six children close in age? Is that price gouging? The airlines have to take logistics and costs into account. They need to make a profit, pay “living wages” and certain mandated benefits.

Take for instance a restaurant that has a “plate” charge. Two people want to share a meal and ask wait staff for another plate. The restaurant charges a split plate fee. The restaurant is right to do so. They are still serving two covers or people. There are still the overhead costs of the restaurant.

Take for instance the bus. Say you go completely insane and decide to take all six kids on a public transit bus. There are no assigned seats. In this case you have to inconvenience a lot of people to clear rows of seats for you, your husband and your six kids. In this case, you might be willing to pay for the “privilege” of sitting together. That is pay a convenience fee for the seats being reserved for you and your family.

Here is a lovely explanation of “convenience fees”:

There are ways to avoid airline convenience fees. You could rent an RV or drive a car. There are, again, costs associated with those activities. Each family must decide what costs are necessary and what costs can be avoided. It’s important to do this as a family with our letting the Crazy Cat Ladies of the Democrat Party make the rules.

Bethany is completely wrong on this point:

I’m not one to give credit to the Democratic Party on anything, but credit where credit is due. And it’s going to hurt the Republican ticket, especially when it tries to paint itself as pro-family.

The Kamala Harris campaign clearly thinks Vance’s contempt for “childless cat ladies” is a winning argument against him. The truth is, the ability of the childless cat ladies comments to do damage with potential Republican voters would be staunched significantly if the Republicans weren’t just talking the talk on American families but walking the walk.

Public policy should be advanced that makes it easier to raise a family. American parents want to know that we have a defender in the White House who will advance those policy goals. Right now, all the recent attempts at pro-family policy can be claimed by the Biden administration and Democrats in Congress.

Fascists/Democrats/Crazy Cat Ladies never give up power. Once they start dictating how much the airlines can charge, they will dictate how many children you can bring on the plane. Or worse.

Featured Image: Brecht Bug/ Commons

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  • Airline seats?

    The Democrats want to be able to take your daughter that fantasizes about being a boy – and your son that fantasizes about being a girl.

    They want to raise your income taxes by at LEAST 25% come 2026. (That’s something they don’t even have to lift a finger to do.)

    They want to make EVERYTHING far more expensive – or perhaps Ms. Mandel doesn’t need to worry about inflation, and the MONEY needed to raise children?

    Not to mention their ardent support for barbarians that want to KILL her, her husband, and her children!

    Real “family values” there, right?

  • […] How To Beat Kamala, Kursk, The Harris-Walz Lies, Paw Paws, and More Of This, Please Victory Girls: Are The Crazy Cat Ladies Of The Democrats Better On Family Policy? Volokh Conspiracy: Court Issues Preliminary Injunction Against UCLA, Stemming from Risk of […]

  • GWB says:

    And much as I’d rather not admit it, the Democrats have a much stronger record when it comes to American families.
    Wow. That’s just so incredibly untrue. Mandatory big government schools. Welfare that encourages single motherhood (and reliance on gov’t). Support for taking children away from their parents if they don’t agree with the latest Progressive transhuman or hedonist doctrine. Gov’t creches (mandatory preschool) to raise the children into good little Progressive drones. Support for breaking up families, instead of keeping them together. Did I miss anything?

  • GWB says:

    Families with young children basically have to pay a tax if they want to guarantee they will be seated next to their kids.
    But gov’t interference in this is the worst possible solution. And will inevitably simply foist costs onto other passengers (which wouldn’t be the “equality” the Dems so love to go on about).
    Nowadays, the rule is that if you want to choose your seats you pay a bit more. Just as you pay for checked luggage now. And all of this is because if the airlines raised their ticket prices to cover their costs, you wouldn’t fly.

    And it’s going to hurt the Republican ticket
    Ahhhh, this is an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT issue. It’s going to hurt the Republicans because the people have been trained (some might say indoctrinated) into thinking life should be “fair” and you shouldn’t have to deal with consequences from your choices. They’ve been taught to expect prices don’t rise (unless there’s some nasty conspiracy behind it). They have been taught to disconnect the price of gasoline (which is still up 15% from December 2020) from the cost of an airplane ticket or a bus ticket. They’ve been indoctrinated into “Big Daddy government should take care of me and Big Mommy government should constrain you so I get ‘fair’ results.”
    The Republican ticket will be hurt by the fact that most of the American electorate has been converted to Progressivism – and many don’t even know it. They’ve all been turned into Crazy Cat Ladies.

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