AOC Addresses Hamas Terrorism, Cites Jews For Condemnation

AOC Addresses Hamas Terrorism, Cites Jews For Condemnation

AOC Addresses Hamas Terrorism, Cites Jews For Condemnation

Alexandria Occasional-Cortex has long been one of the joker cards of Congress. Good for the game of “did you hear the latest from …” around the breakroom. But when she decides to become Eva Braun, Jr., the laughter stops.

Hamas didn’t send soldiers to fight the IDF. They didn’t pour across the border and head to military installations. They deliberately went to commit acts of genocide. In an act of savage barbarism, women were raped next to the dead bodies of their friends, women – young and old, dragged out to be beaten and carried back to Gaza, babies were slaughtered with abandon including beheadings.

Slaughtering women and children is about destroying future generations of a people.

So while Hamas livestreams their savagery, while their morally bankrupt supporters gather in the streets of major western cities to gloat, celebrate and even chant “Gas the Jews!”, AOC’s considered response was to go with a video cherry picking the statements of a few people at a pro-Israel rally and try to posture as if there is any equivalency between Israel and Hamas.

Just a few days ago AOC denounced the Biden administration for reviving the building of a wall on our open southern border.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Thursday denounced the Biden Administration’s move to allow more construction of the Mexican border wall, calling it “cruel.”

AOC has quite the narrow POV on what constitutes cruelty or not.

Or maybe she is aware that healthy young men of military age are pouring across the border from a lot more places than Latin America …

… and she, too, just looks forward to Hamas-style “de-colonization” of America.

I’m done with this Dollar-Store Nazi in clown makeup. She, like the rest of ‘The Squad’, need to be expelled from Congress. Just as every person with a visa that participated in pro-Hamas demonstrations should be deported as soon as they are identified.

I’m sure Biden’s DOJ will be right on it. Any time now. Yep. Any.time.

featured image, original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • American Human says:

    Darleen, you’re not holding your breath are you?

  • Scott says:

    “I’m sure Biden’s DOJ will be right on it. Any time now. Yep. Any.time.”…

    Prepare. They fully intend to bring the same here, and sooner than later.. they are allowing this invasion, because they figure it will accomplish multiple goals, such as
    1. Thin the ranks of American Patriots
    2. Give them another excuse to shred the Constitution, especially the 2nd Amendment
    3. Give them shock troops to load those survivors of #1 into train cars..

    Prove me wrong.

  • Mad Celt says:

    Liberation Theology does not stretch across the board.

  • Lloyd says:

    AOC is a joke…played upon us by the voters in her district. Now, it is the time for them to do the right thing and vote her out. Now … will they do it? Probably not!

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