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If you are an anti-vaxx shitheel, you may want to close your eyes, so your tender labia do not get bruised, because I am about to get offensive.
Frankly, I’ve had just about enough of parents who received their medical “degrees” from Google University, who have decided to endanger the lives of their own kids with wholly preventable diseases such as measles, chicken pox, and whooping cough. These are the contemptible twatapotami (the Karens of the world who demand to speak to a manager to air their supercilious grievances) who have decided that they have the “right” to send their unvaccinated spawn to schools and other public spaces and endanger others who may have legitimate reasons for not getting vaccinated – reasons that do not include paranoid, ignorant, tin-foil hat-wearing turds making bad decisions on their behalf.
Lately, anti-vaxx movement has gotten nastier.
In September they forced the resignation of Dr. Jennifer Kent, the Director of California’s Department of Health Care Services after she rightfully slammed the ignorance of anti-vaxx dildoes who were protesting bills that crack down on medical exemptions for the vaccines children must have before starting school.
But that’s not all, folks!
Squawking Karens of the world, raising their crotch fruit on hemp smoothies and eschewing non-organic produce, while worshiping at the altar of ugly shoes and vegan “leather,” have ramped up their anti-vaxx campaigns to not only endanger their own children and spread misinformation on the Internet, but also to abuse, malign, and attack other parents and their children who encourage vaccinations.
The anti-vaxx harassment campaigns have gotten so extreme, that parents who are working to combat the reams of misinformation about vaccination, are hiding their identities in fear. A woman who recently lost her little boy to the flu experienced just such intimidation, and apparently nothing is considered too cruel.
Interviews with mothers who’ve lost children and with those who spy on anti-vaccination groups, reveal a tactic employed by anti-vaxers: When a child dies, members of the group sometimes encourage each other to go on that parent’s Facebook page. The anti-vaxers then post messages telling the parents they’re lying and their child never existed, or that the parent murdered them, or that vaccines killed the child, or some combination of all of those.
Some anti-vaxers told her she’d murdered Jude and made up a story about the flu to cover up her crime. Others said vaccines had killed her son. Some called her the c-word.
The worst ones — the ones that would sometimes make her cry — were the posts that said she was advocating for flu shots so that other children would die from the shots and their parents would be miserable like she was.
Aisha Odom – another woman who has been encouraging parents to vaccinate their children to protect individuals with compromised immune systems like her brother, who is unable to receive certain vaccines – has been the target of a concerted Facebook intimidation campaign from vicious anti-vaxx ignorami, who have been telling her to kill herself, lobbing the N-bomb in her direction, and calling her other choice monikers that people like me use on a regular basis, but by which people like Odom would probably be repulsed.
And Odom is not the only one.
Vaccine advocates – even those who have lost their children – have received threatening messages, taunts, and comments that would make any decent human being cringe.
I don’t even care that your child died. I am glad mine is alive and doesn’t have autism. Have a good day and do more research. Go confront someone whose child was disabled from a vaccine. You wont [sic.] be saying the same thing.
I feel sorry for the lost baby and her other children but someone needs to inject her with vaccines until she dies.
I hope they stone you to death when the truth comes out. I’ll make a special trip to happily watch your head crack. The parents of the children you are destroying should each get a chance. Like a nazi pinata.
And this is only a sampling of messages and comments mothers who advocate for vaccines on social media have received. Apparently anti-vaxx fuckknuckles believe they are entitled to allow their diseased crotch goblins to endanger unwitting others, but dog forbid someone provides information on social media that allows others to make informed decisions! Those “monsters” need to be abused and threatened. They must be silenced!
Because they are the strongest advocates for vaccinations – advocates who have experienced personal loss and who can attest to the grief and agony of losing a loved one to a disease that could have been prevented by vaccinations!
Larry Cook, the founder of Stop Mandatory Vaccination, doesn’t bother to deny that his members attack mothers who have lost their children. Indeed, he seems to minimize them and engages in whataboutism to excuse the behavior. paying mere lip service to “decorum.”
“I do not condone violent behavior or tone and encourage decorum during discussion,” Cook wrote, adding that anyone “who deliberately engage[s] in the politics of advocating for compulsory vaccination where children may be further damaged through government vaccine mandates can expect push back and resistance, alongside knowledgable [sic.] discussions about vaccine risk in social media commentary.”
Cook said some of the more than 160,000 members of his group have been targets of “harassment campaigns,” and that “police have actually showed up at my members’ doorsteps.”
And this, in his mind, apparently excuses attacks on grieving parents, while another anti-vaxx dunce claims his organization has been infiltrated by impostors – likely vaccination advocates who are trying to discredit anti-vaxx lunatics, as if these jackwagons needed any help with that.
As the anti-vaxx movement grows thanks, in part, to the planned release of a sequel to disgraced, repugnant British fraud Andrew Wakefield’s anti-vaccination film led by none other than America’s environmentalist nutjob conspiritard Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Vaxxed II: The People’s Truth will be premiered on 6 November in 50 venues across America. Its producers, led by Robert F Kennedy Jr, are keeping locations secret with tickets sold quietly in advance in the hope of foiling efforts to block the movie.
From 7 November, the film will be taken on the road in the same “Vaxxed” bus that was deployed in 2016 to disseminate the original film, traveling more than 50,000 miles from coast to coast of the US. The movie was a powerful propaganda tool for the anti-vaccination movement, which has seen a surge in recent years within certain religious communities and among parents worried about scientifically unproven so-called “vaccine injuries”.
Worse yet, it seems like some anti-vaxx cockwombles are turning into outright terrorists. An anti-vaxx jizz bubble in Australia recently claimed that she would “help” children coming to trick-or-treat develop natural immunity by infecting Halloween candy with her sick son’s chicken pox. Police are investigating, but someone tell me how this sow hasn’t been charged with making terrorist threats to use a biological weapon!
Let’s put aside the fact that she’s part of the Stop Mandatory Vaccination group that supposedly advocates for parents to have a choice about whether to vaccinate their kids or not, but she is threatening to take away that choice from others.
Let’s put aside that if she did this, she would be putting kids with compromised immunities at risk.
Let’s ignore the fact that chicken pox on a lollypop would thankfully be unlikely to infect anyone since the virus has a hard time surviving on surfaces.
Let’s focus on the fact that this psychotic twatmold is threatening other people’s children with biological terrorism. Why has she not been taken into custody? Instead, she doubled down on Facebook as if she was bringing the Sermon on the Mount to the unsuspecting Great Unwashed! “…I’m offering life long immunity for the price of a couple of blisters and a few days off school,” she wrote.
Look, if you want to remain paranoid and ignorant and endanger your own crotchfruit with completely preventable diseases, keep them the hell home. Don’t read the reams of scientific research that confirms there is no provable link between vaccinations and autism. Ignore the plethora of research that reveals there is a genetic cause to autism and toss the research that identifies 184 separate genes implicated in the condition. And please go ahead and deny the scientific evidence that measles actually weakens your immune system and will make your children vulnerable to other diseases.
Go ahead and watch them suffer, give them homeopathic garbage treatments as their little lungs give up after they cough so hard that they vomit or break ribs. Watch them die of the flu, aching, feverish and miserable, because you were too stupid to take a simple precaution as you irrationally squealed about “Big Pharma.”
We cannot stop you, and unfortunately, your brand of child abuse is legal. But once you start threatening, harassing, and intentionally infecting others who rely on herd immunity to keep healthy, all bets are off.
You do not have the right to threaten others with biological agents. You do not have the right to threaten grieving parents. You do not have the right to torment others with your ignorance.
You have the right to be a moron. You do not have the right to intimidate and bully others, your efforts to do so should be cause for decent human beings to shun you, and any attempt to willfully expose others to your diseased twat urchins and endanger their lives should be punishable under the law.
And if your or someone else’s kid dies because of your delusional paranoia and refusal to take simple steps to protect them, you should be tossed in jail, and your ability to reproduce should be forcibly removed, you psychotic, murderous, shit weasels!
Featured photo courtesy of: Nellis Air Force Base, 99th Aerospace Medical Squadron Public Health Office; cropped, resized
Jesus. You’re not really expecting a reasonable discussion of cost/benefit analysis after that diatribe are you?
It’s quite an excluded middle fallacy land rant, either you’re a crazed anti-vaxxer and don’t want any vaccines…and attack and threaten people, or they should all be mandatory. How many people have been killed by chickenpox? Oh…wait, just to ask that question I must be advocating biowarfare! There has been an emergence of shingles in adults since they started these mandatory vaccines, and shingles is a much worse affliction but hey don’t question, if you do you’re obviously an anti vaxx shyteheel.
Anti-vaxxers: people who find it mysterious that we don’t have epidemics of polio and smallpox any more.
Give them time, I’m sure they can end the mystery by bringing these back.
either you’re a crazed anti-vaxxer and don’t want any vaccines…and attack and threaten people, or they should all be mandatory
Exactly. It’s a fake fight. If either concern were real, we’d see mandatory vaccinations of anybody caught inside the U.S. who was here illegally – even if you’re okay with open borders catch and release – and anyone who was imported via refugee resettlement.
Please, Ms Hernandez, write about Honduran and Somali “crotch goblins” I double dog dare you.
The other tell is the unwillingness of anyone to discuss or create ways to spread the vaccine load, or to discuss cost-benefit analysis. Posts like this and the Karens just dig in their heels. Posts on how to negotiate with your pediatrician, and what it costs in both time and money, would actually help. I can detail how we managed vaccinations if interested.
Embrace the healing power of AND. Yes, your government despises you and wants your harm. Yes, it’s lying to you – vaccinations are not an exception. Yes Big Parma is at best amoral and running experiments on us. At worst it’s incompetent and corrupt.
AND you need some of those vaccines.
I have said before on many sites discussing vaccination that in over 40 years working with disabled children and adults – including just over 2000 autistics – in the USA and Australia as a special educator and behaviour management specialist in schools, with families and in the old institutions I met only one client who had a proven allergic reaction to immunisation as a very young child. He suffered a brain injury leading to mild intellectual impairment and Cerebral Palsy- spasticity. In the vast majority of cases the actual cause of congenital developmental disability is never established. Infantile autism [which runs down the male line in my family] is genetic.
As for the notional increase in autism: we were always there, but not diagnosed as such. Witness the large number of ‘eccentric’ adults being diagnosed in later life. Up to the 1980s smart little autistic children were frequently diagnosed as childhood schizophrenics. Indeed the old institutions for the ‘retarded’ were full of autistics many of whom were diagnosed as undifferentiated schizophrenics. Diagnosis of autism is now far more likely to occur just because people are looking for it and there are far more skilled diagnostic teams. In the 1970s the rate of autism in children born totally blind was estimated by Fraiberg and Freeman [Psychoanalytic Study of the Child] at 20%, but they were generally not included in numbers of autistics in the community. Another reason is that some people are being diagnosed and included as autistic secondary to other conditions including acquired brain injury consequent on head trauma. In the past we did not diagnose/include such people as autistic as per DSM – III and IV, but simply noted their primary developmental condition/impairment plus autistic-like behaviour.
Then there has also been the tendency for some inept parents to ‘shop’ for a diagnosis for their child[ren] as autistic just because of difficult behaviour the children are presenting: the increased available funding for autistic children is a tempting ‘honey-pot’ for parents looking for an easy ‘out’ because they have not taught their children to behave appropriately and/or the children are presenting with some other condition, e.g. a developing conduct disorder. Some diagnostic labels are also more acceptable socially for some parents, e.g. a social worker in Virginia once remarked to me that working class families have children who are ‘retarded’, whereas middle/upper class have children who are ‘learning disabled’.
“As for the notional increase in autism: we were always there, but not diagnosed as such. Witness the large number of ‘eccentric’ adults being diagnosed in later life. Up to the 1980s smart little autistic children were frequently diagnosed as childhood schizophrenics. Indeed the old institutions for the ‘retarded’ were full of autistics many of whom were diagnosed as undifferentiated schizophrenics.”
I’m sure that is accurate for years back…but has diagnosis really changed THAT much in only the past decade or so as the numbers have skyrocketed? Autism rates in South Korea are even higher than ours, and there is a big negative stigma to being autistic there.
At any rate, I’m sure there are a lot of conflating factors. We already know, as a documented fact, our babies were exposed to toxic levels of mercury from mandatory vaccinations containing thimerosal until the law changed in 1999.** And everyone was told then, too, there was nothing to worry about.
**Infants receiving all of the vaccines were exposed to a cumulative dose of mercury as high as 187.5 micrograms (ug)* by 6 months of age. The cumulative dose exceeded guidelines recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by a substantial margin (guidelines were 65 ug for 5th percent body weight, up to 106 for 95th percentile)
Every year I am offered a free flew shot. I ask Where do you get the the rotten eggs. What. I would take the shot if they used eggs in my area. But all the rotten eggs they use come from England. Yes Europe. That makes sense.
Dang that was brutal! Loved it. The anti-vaxxers deserve nothing but contempt.
The anti-vaccination movement seems to have evolved from pseudo-science into cranky and nasty religion. They are sounding an awful lot like Extinction Rebellion… we’re to give up modern advances and suffer, or be branded as evil and harassed.
There seems to be a lot of this kind of fanaticism going around. We need a vaccine for it.
We have one but the government frowns on stupid people getting culled.
Heh heh – although to be technically correct, that’s more a cure than a preventive.
I have to laugh at the incredible amount of brainwashing and distinct ignorance of most of the people posting comments here.
There is no science regarding vaccines. It is a religion based on wives’ tales, voodoo and witches’ brews. The production of antibodies does not equate with immunization. Some people never produce antibodies to vaccination yet don’t become infected. The immune system is not well known. In fact, there are more systems involved in the mechanisms of immunity, five as it is now known.
That diseases like polio and smallpox were diminished has more to do with the fact that they were subdued to a major degree even before vaccines to them were introduced.
To argue about this is as moot as arguing the tenets of one religion in juxtaposition to another religion. Believe as you will, inject whatever you want to into your bodies and your children ( maybe they will survive, some do), but don’t infringe on my right to the pursuit of love, life and happiness, by forcing your beliefs and toxins on me and my children.
Naturally, ex-vaxxers get irate when you wish their children dead. If you think they are nasty, just read the very first sentence in this screed to see who is the angry, vile nasty one.
That was a great post. I agree with every word you wrote, including “the” and “and.” I’m sick to death of the anti-vaxxers. They should be grateful, on their hands and knees grateful, that we don’t take their children away from them and throw them in prison. Instead they are harassing and threatening people for telling the truth about vaccinations. Enough. Take their children away and throw them in prison.
Jesus. I guess you can start with the Amish. Why just throw them in jail? How about a scorched earth policy. Like Carthage. Yeah, those anti-vaxxers sure are a bunch of emotional folks. Not like…people who call them all terrorists.
Well said. Anti-vaxxers are turning into terrorists is correct. They cannot fight facts with anything other than emotion, as Andrew Wakefield’s BS has been disproved/refuted, but they just won’t let it go…
My daughter is a 10+year paramedic, and has religiously gotten both her kids their vaccinations, FWIW.
An added problem is that these individuals make it even tougher on those of us who HAVE to avoid certain vaccinations due to actual medical risks…
“You do not have the right to intimidate and bully others, your efforts to do so should be cause for decent human beings to shun you…”
Next paragraph –
“And if your or someone else’s kid dies because of your delusional paranoia and refusal to take simple steps to protect them, you should be tossed in jail, and your ability to reproduce should be forcibly removed, you psychotic, murderous, shit weasels”
Seems decent people should shun you.
Here is a common disclaimer that appears in virtually all vaccine inserts:
“This vaccine has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic or mutagenic potentials or impairment of fertility.”
So just with this alone, being skeptical of vaccines should be the default position for every reasonable person, as nobody knows how many injected poisons their child can handle. Do vaccines cause cancer? There’s lots of kids at St. Jude’s with bald heads that very well could be caused by vaccines or the flu shot. But who knows, since vaccines have never been tested for safety in regards to causing cancer. And sure enough, aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 and many other ingredients are all uncontroversial neurotoxic poisons. What’s more, no aluminum-containing vaccine has ever gone controlled safety studies that involve an inert placebo. (You are welcome to prove me wrong with a peer-reviewed paper.)
I’d like to add one more thing, Marta. You seem like an intelligent person. So I want you to consider something. It may in fact be that at least a decent portion of the parents our there who refuse to vaccinate their kids are parents of kids who have health issues. Maybe they’re on the autism spectrum. Or, maybe they have another child who is autistic. Maybe the child has cancer, or type 1 diabetes or some other mitochondrial disorder. Did you know that it wasn’t too many years ago that pediatricians used to refuse to vaccinate kids who had allergies, asthma or any other relatively mild disorder? It’s because these conditions are indicative of a compromised immune system and mitochondria dysfunction.
I’d like you to read what Julie Gerberding, former director of the CDC and President of Merck’s Vaccine Division, has said….she even confirms that kids with mitochondria disorders are predisposed to vaccine-induced autism:
“Now, we all know that vaccines can occasionally cause fevers in kids. So if a child was immunized, got a fever, had other complications from the vaccines. And if you’re predisposed with the mitochondrial disorder, it can certainly set off some damage. Some of the symptoms can be symptoms that have characteristics of autism.“
Thus if an infant is predisposed with a mitochondria disorder, she claims “their cells just can’t make enough energy to keep their brains functioning normally….” just scroll down to the short video interview to hear her speak….–-say-us-government-merck’s-director-of%C2%A0vaccines/?fbclid=IwAR0W_C3i0f8i0tRh2KL7lxrNkyv8Y7h-ruA6Ri_uMjqc0mungD5muxGyCW0
So here’s the thing Marta…you have demonized anti-vaxxers…but it may just be that many of these anti-vaxxers have done an extreme amount of homework and actually know the science. I could get into the science with you if you wish — I’ve dug into the literature for many years — I would love to spend some time with you if you are interested. I can point you to some peer reviewed papers that are very damaging to the notion that vaccines are safe.
But again, the fact is that the gold standard in medicine is to set up a true double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials proving efficacy and short-term or long-term safety — yet this has never been done even once with any vaccine, much less with the whole schedule of vaccines, which is now up to 72 doses of 16 vaccines. It’s for this reason that concerned parents who wish keep him their babies safe have every right to be skeptical of vaccines.
November 6, 2019 —
“The fact is, the immune system that we know today and the science that we have today has nothing to do with the science of 100 years ago. The science that these people are playing with is 100 year old science and it’s based on what’s called reductionism. You reduce everything to a single variable, antibodies. If the antibodies are up, everything is good. Well, it’s total bullshit. It’s fake science. The reality is the immune system contains the microbiome, the innate system, the interferon system, the adaptive system, and the neural system. These five systems work in a very complex way. And to tell people that your system is the same as your system and your system, is total nonsense. The future of medicine and in fact, thousands of years ago was – is precision and personalized medicine: The right medicine, for the right person, at the right time. Part of this entire thesis is that you should use your brain to make a decision for what you want in your life. Right? It’s called: You make choices. If the state is supposed to make choices for what gets injected into you, where does this begin and end?” — V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, PhD
You appropriated my word I created February 2019 on farcecrack for your blaugh. Twatapatamouses are not “Karen’s”, they are rainbozos… be more creative Martha.