Andrea Long Chu Demands Your Kids

Andrea Long Chu Demands Your Kids

Andrea Long Chu Demands Your Kids

You might be going about your life uninterested in the transgenderism movement. But trans-activists like Chu are interested in you. And your children.

It was the subtext first of the bathroom debate, then of the debate over girls’ sports, then of the debate over the role teachers and public schools are playing in transing kids socially without informing parents, and finally of state laws restricting transgender surgeries, puberty blockers, and other treatments for minors. In each case, the unstated argument was that minors who believe they are trans should be allowed to transition, socially and medically, and no one, not even their parents, should have the right to stop them.

Now that argument is out in the open — declared in bold black letters against a blood-red field on the latest cover of New York Magazine: “Freedom of Sex, the moral case for letting trans kids change their bodies.”

The author of the piece is a man named Andrea Long Chu, the magazine’s Pulitzer Prize-winning literary critic and a self-identified lesbian “trans woman,” who by his own admission was persuaded of this particular gender identity after becoming addicted to pornography — specifically to something called “sissy porn,” which encourages men to “feminize” and sexually humiliate themselves.

Chu is a deeply disturbed narcissist who has made bank at the intersection of his fetish and literary chops. He actually won the 2023 Pulitzer for, in the words of Pulitzer panel, “book reviews that scrutinize authors as well as their works, using multiple cultural lenses to explore some of society’s most fraught topics.”

Scrutinize the authors? Using a “multi-cultural lens”? All our institutions have been invaded by 21st century, sex-obsessed Maolings.

So let’s scrutinize Chu and his predilection for your children, shall we?

Freedom of Sex? With “trans kids” as the tiny sub-heading, the main title is a call out of the liberal and libertarian adults who have been particularly silent about the TQ+ part of the Rainbow Mafia. Hey, consenting adults and all that, eh? Yet while WPATH’s child-mutilation fraud has been revealed and the NHS has joined other EU countries in banning so-called puberty blockers for “trans” children, Chu is still arguing:

His main point is that we need to jettison the idea that youth transgenderism is something that can be diagnosed by medical experts, that it requires one to meet any sort of criteria, and that it even has a cause. It is simply a fact of modern life that we must all accept.

“We will never be able to defend the rights of transgender kids until we understand them purely on their own terms: as full members of society who would like to change their sex,” he writes. “We must be prepared to defend the idea that, in principle, everyone should have access to sex-changing medical care, regardless of age, gender identity, social environment, or psychiatric history.”

Chu lectures that “good” liberals shouldn’t demand any proof of psychological distress. Nope, to say it is to be it.

The pivot from demanding medical intervention cuz “better a live daughter than a dead son” now to a “right” based on nothing more than fashionable whim is quite the feat of narcissistic indulgence. How can Chu stay relevant if his cohort of Cosplaying males are shoved off center stage?

When a depraved person reveals themselves, take them at their word. No more excuses.

featured image, cropped, Adobe stock standard license

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  • Cameron says:

    a self-identified lesbian “trans woman”

    So straight with extra steps.

  • NTSOG says:

    This is a recent [19 March 2024] publication in the journal ‘Australasian Psychiatry’. It’s well worth reading:

    “The gender-affirming model of care is incompatible with competent, ethical medical practice”


    The assumption that there is no pathology involved in the development of gender diversity is a necessary precondition for the unquestioning affirmation of self-reported gender identity. Cases where psychosis is the undeniable cause of gender diversity demonstrate this assumption is categorically false. To protect this false assumption, gender-affirming guidelines forbid the application of the core psychiatric competencies of phenomenology and psychopathology to the assessment of gender diversity. They substitute the political goal of expanding personal liberty for the evidence-based medicine processes of clinical reasoning, rendering them incompatible with competent, ethical medical practice.

    Given the almost complete lack of high-quality evidence regarding the nature and treatment of the experiences currently clustered under the title gender diversity,1–4 the rapid increase in presentations and the resources allocated to them in Australia is remarkable.5,6 Clinical guidelines describing the dominant treatment paradigm for gender diverse patients, the gender-affirming model of care (GAMOC), assert without evidence that pathology plays no part in the development of gender diversity.1,7

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