Ana Kasparian, The Young Turks, Politically Homeless

Ana Kasparian, The Young Turks, Politically Homeless

Ana Kasparian, The Young Turks, Politically Homeless

Heckfire, now I’m conflicted. Ana Kasparian, of The Young Turks (TYT), is feeling politically homeless and finding herself conflicted, after years of hating Republicans. She’s still a Liberal. Let’s get that straight. While she has been part of the “Resist Trump” effort, she now believes “the only thing that was accomplished by resisting Trump was less understanding and more division among Americans”. Gee, ya think?

Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur co-host TYT and have been two of the most egregious dividers and are known for their antipathy to anyone to the right of Mao-tse Tung. I first heard of Kasparian in 2018 when an erstwhile relative post a video where she let us know her position on the Christian faith:

In the clip, Kasparian is discussing a pro-life bill with her co-host on The Young Turks, when he mentions the Bible’s position on abortion. Visibly frustrated, Kasparian shot back with her take on the role of faith in reproductive rights.

“I don’t care that you’re a Christian. I don’t care what the Bible says,” Kasparian says in the viral video. “You do not get to dictate that way I live my life based on your religion.”

Today, Kasparian stands by the comments she made in 2018. “It’s surfaced a few times,” she tells Yahoo Life. She says that her frustration that day came from the fact that Americans are taught to fight for religious liberty, yet a single belief system carries so much weight in the political conversation.

Like this:

The baby’s body is not her body, but….

But, now The Left is calling for Cenk Uyghur to fire Miss Kasparian. She has (gasp, swoon) failed to walk lock step with the Progressive’s playbook. She hasn’t gone fly-fishing with Tucker Carlson or started a lemonade stand with Tiffany Trump. Nope. Apparently, it started in 2023. From Karol Markowicz at the New York Post:

Kasparian railed against the financial hardship of retrofitting her California condo to allow for electric vehicle charging.

Gov. Gavin Newsom, who’s committed to driving California straight into the ground, signed an executive order mandating an end to gas car sales by 2035, and very expensive charging stations will have to be installed throughout the state.

A distressed Kasparian describes the “massive f–king loan” her building must take out to install the stations.

How dare she complain about a “massive f-ucking loan” when the world must be saved. Now, Miss Ana is still a Liberal. She’s not voting Trump (God forbid). That’s when the calls started for Cenk to fire her. This week she appeared on a podcast with another Liberal Jillian Michaels. Kasparian told Michaels that her issues with the divisive Left began actually in 2022 after a sexual assault:

Kasparian said a turning point for her was when she was scolded by liberals after confessing she was fearful to leave her house after being sexually assaulted by a homeless man while walking her dog in Los Angeles in 2022.

“Before I knew it, I started getting these messages, and it’s really, really harsh stuff, about how, ‘You are painting a picture of the homeless community. How could you be like this? These are your unhoused neighbors and they need help,'” she said of the negative messages she received.

“A few people accused me of being racist, even though I had never disclosed the race of the individuals who did this to me. And in fact, they were White,” Kasparian continued.

“That woke me up,” Kasparian said. “Some of the people that I’ve associated myself with because I thought they were the good people….They definitely have stereotypes in their head and are totally blind to the fact that they have those stereotypes and go around accusing others of being bad actors when they themselves need to do the work.”

You can watch the whole program between Michaels and Kasparian here:

She’s still Liberal. You can also read the Ana Kasparian Substack “Unaligned”:

After Trump came onto the political scene, and especially after he was elected in 2016, the us-vs-them mentality immediately took shape. Anyone who refused to “resist Trump” was seen as a threat to the country, and I was fully on board with that mindset.

It all felt righteous at first. But eventually, the tactics deployed to fight Trump became repetitive, boring and ultimately fruitless. Polling shows that he has increased his support among Black and Latino voters despite wall-to-wall coverage on his unsavory, racist or bigoted remarks. Several years of media raising alarm over Trump’s threat to democracy has only resulted in a tight presidential race between himself and Kamala Harris.

I can’t help but acknowledge that the only thing that was accomplished by resisting Trump was less understanding and more division among Americans. I personally became reluctant to challenge my “side” or engage with voters who disagreed with me. In turn, I became less knowledgeable about the people and world around me. I saw Republican voters as an evil monolith and that was a big mistake.

Lovely words. I think Ana Kasparian will find that sitting in the middle of the road will get you run over. Cenk is standing by her for now.

Featured Image: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons

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