American support is dropping, but hey, the Germans love him!

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American support is dropping, but hey, the Germans love him!

When you’re reading this, remember that Obama is a citizen of the world, and not the United States, so support from Germans does indeed matter. Even if they can’t vote.

Germans overwhelmingly back Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama over Republican contender John McCain, a poll showed, though a majority said the U.S. election outcome won’t affect relations with Europe.

Seventy-four percent of Germans say they would prefer Obama as president, with only 11 percent supporting McCain, according to the Forsa survey for N-TV and Die Welt newspaper. Among Germans under 30 years old, 84 percent said they back the Democratic senator from Illinois.

Obama boosted his popularity in Germany last month when he delivered a speech in Berlin’s central Tiergarten park that drew some 200,000 people. Germans also favor positions held by Obama such as his opposition to the Iraq war, combating global warming and greater engagement with European allies.

Wow… good to know that Germans support Obama. Meanwhile, American citizens who actually can elect him are liking him less and less. See? Campaigning in Europe did pay off! But hey, the mainstream media’s gotta do what they can to make it seem like their boy is still the Savior. So even if McCain is outpolling Obama, they have to find a way to make it appear that Obama is still the popular choice.

So hey, when you’re voting in November, just make sure to remember that Germany backs Obama. I’m sure it’ll be an instrumental factor in your decision.

Hat Tip: My colleague Warner Todd Huston at Stop the ACLU

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  • Rob Farrington says:

    I don’t normally gamble, but I’ll put a bet on McCain winning the election in the end – I’m that sure. Well, OK; around 90% sure.

    I’m nowhere near to being an expert on human nature (and not even American yet, so maybe I’m commenting on something that I really have no right to comment on), but I’m pretty sure that a lot of people who were willing to go to Obama Rallies at first (and I’m talking about YOU, Lauren!) are going to feel differently when it comes to ticking the actual box on election day. People like to know what the person they’re voting for actually stands for, and Obama fails pretty miserably on that score.

    Michelle did well though at the conference, with the whole patriotism thing. Or at least, she would have done if people hadn’t been able to totally see through her.

  • Steve L. says:

    Wow, that makes up my mind. I was teetering back and forth about who to vote for. Thank goodness, the Germans came in and gave Barry their endorsement. Now, I know I should vote for McCain. 🙂

  • CaptDMO says:

    I’m fairly sure the BIG threat comes from the nice folks in Abu Dhabi and Dubai (where the REAL money is) reevaluating the Clinton machines’ influence peddling currency, and hedge-“investing” in
    Obama puppet masters (and dupes) instead.
    BMW, Audi, and Mercedes are no longer the NIMBY liberal-socialist sedan chairs of record, although the number of allegedly “disenfranchised” folk that “need” Chinese trinket knock-offs at Mall-Wart isn’t likely to change soon.

    Keep your eyes on world prize.
    Maybe we should all just save time and “vote” by walking through RFID chip readers?

  • Germans. Can’t mind their own business any better than Canadians. But their beer is much better.

  • I R A Darth Aggie says:

    Morgan, you should give Staropromen a try. A nice tasty Czech beer. Tho currently Smithwick’s is my current draft favorite. And if you can find it, I’ll recommend Foster’s Extra Special Bitter. Only drawback is that it comes in that big-assed oil can.

  • Luke says:

    Yeah well, the Germans also like David Hasselhoff… that tells you a lot right there.

  • GM Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET says:

    And I should give a rat’s ass about the germans favouring the one? I think not.

  • Thanks for the tip, Aggie. I’ll certainly look it up.

    And if I don’t like it, I will not tell the Germans what they should be doing different.

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