Afghanistan: What A Difference Two Years Didn’t Make

Afghanistan: What A Difference Two Years Didn’t Make

Afghanistan: What A Difference Two Years Didn’t Make

Summer has come and passed (almost). After almost two years of the Biden Administration, it does not take much to shock us here. Biden and his team have managed to botch up an Afghanistan withdrawal, tank the economy, compromise homeland security, throw around corruption like confetti and favor white men in dresses over hard-working women in this country.

But, to be honest, pushing aside a capable, smart woman in favor of a guy in a dress in the name of the great “diversity hire”, is a first-world problem. While on the subject of Afghanistan, at least we girls still have the opportunity to go to college.

And while we’re still on the subject of Afghanistan, remember how, two years ago, the Biden Administration pulled us out of Afghanistan? According to this, girls’ rights are still under siege.

After two years of attempted talks with the Taliban aimed at lifting its bans on secondary and university education and work for women in Afghanistan, the U.N. is proposing a plan to pressure Afghanistan and incentivize the Taliban to reverse course.

Over 2.5 million girls and young women are denied secondary education…”-Pamela Falk, CBS News

And it’s about to get worse…

…a number that will increase to 3 million in a few months.”-Pamela Falk, CBS News

Left-leaning news outlets reported on this as a grave concern, yet remained largely silent and refrained from addressing the big elephant in the room. Why we pulled out of Afghanistan. What that whole mess actually looked like. They neglected to mention the sheer incompetence that surrounded our withdrawal in 2021. Even NPR seemed appalled at the reports that the Taliban began to enforce the ban on education for women again in 2022.

Taliban security forces fanned out to some universities and informal learning centers in Kabul on Wednesday, teachers said, enforcing an edict issued the night before that appears to have banned most females from any education beyond the sixth grade.”-Diaa Hadid, NPR

As if that wasn’t going to happen.

This decision about Afghanistan is not just about Afghanistan. It’s about ending an era of major military operations to remake other countries.”-Joe Biden

Honest question.Why would we ever want to “remake another country” who has leaders who beat women for reading books, you dumba$$?

Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, the U.N.’s envoy for global education, announced a five-point plan to involve bringing the issue to the attention of the International Criminal Court. Brown asked the court to consider the Taliban’s repression of education of women to be a crime against humanity.

And, we cannot deny it. Make no mistake, our sitting president was instrumental in this. Sure, he’d like to blame it on the Trump “we had to be out of there by May 1” deal but, in all truth, he handed the Taliban control on a silver platter. Afghanistan fell back into Taliban control; giving a hardline cleric by the name Nida Mohammad Nadim the title of Minister of Education. Nadim said it was “un-Islamic and against Afghan values“.

In thinking about our withdrawal from Afghanistan two years ago, I began thinking about our country, our first-world problems and our educational and political systems in place in America today.

Around The United States, kids are either starting school or are getting ready to start their school year. Educators, some men, some women, some he/she/they/thems, get to sit in on diversity and equity trainings for days on end to discuss “inequalities” and “equitable educational strategies” and a bunch of other utter BS for their “professional development” days before jumping in and decorating their classrooms. They will improve upon their pedagogy (hate that word, by the way) to leverage their classroom time and engage their students. They will deck their elementary school hallways with banners that say “We’re the (insert school mascot name here) and we’re going to college!” A fair amount of these educators have voted for the very same imbecile that deprived other women on the other side of the world opportunities for an education by pulling out of Afghanistan.

Yeah, the education president. Joe and Jill. Tireless advocates Champions in the White House, even, according to NEA.

Around the United States, teachers will tell students they can be anyone and anything they want to be. They will read books to children with imagery that would get them thrown off of buildings in Afghanistan. They will tell girls that they can be boys and boys that they can be girls. This notion would also get someone thrown off of a building. They will honor thy gender pronouns and hang posters in their classrooms affirming students that they are in a “safe space”. These students, in their “safe spaces”, will choose to cover their faces despite their freedom to not be covered. They will complain about how slow the WiFi is, how hard the classwork is, how they don’t have the latest video game console, how no one understands them. They will complain about how someone “misgendered” them or how anyone who disagrees with their outlook on life is a racist, hateful, fascist bully. They will be angry at you for not wanting to fund their useless Lesbian Dance Theory/Fairy Studies degree. They will remain compliant and scared to learn the truth, to get a damn driver’s license but will remain unafraid of genital mutilation on favor of “affirming healthcare”. They will recite, verbatim, the latest buzz words and narratives their Joe Biden-loving teachers throw at them. Black Lives Matter. Trans Lives Matter. No human is illegal. Women’s rights are human rights.

Unless you’re an unwanted baby in the womb and a woman in Afghanistan, apparently. Hey kids? Young girls? Take notes here. Some of your teachers voted for this.

Mr. Biden? What do you have to say? No comment?

Wake me up when September ends.

Photo Credit: Arnesen, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

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