Afghan Reporter Pleads for Her People, Left is Silent

Afghan Reporter Pleads for Her People, Left is Silent

Afghan Reporter Pleads for Her People, Left is Silent

Afghan Journalist, Nazira Karimi, broke down at a White House Press conference, pleading for the women of her country as the Taliban over take her country–the left is silent.

It’s heartbreaking to watch. Nazira Karimi can barely put her words together.

Even while upset and losing her train of thought, she was able to bring up a sticking point from the President’s tone-deaf given speech earlier. She points outs President Biden said that Afghan President, Ashraf Ghani, should fight. That is true…kind of. From Biden’s speech, he acknowledges he met with Ghani in June and encouraged him to negotiate with terrorists. Because that always goes well, right?

“When I hosted President Ghani and Chairman Abdullah at the White House in June and again when I spoke by phone to Ghani in July, we had very frank conversations…We talked extensively about the need for Afghan leaders to unite politically…They failed to do any of that…I also urged them to engage in diplomacy, to seek a political settlement with the Taliban.  This advice was flatly refused.  Mr. Ghani insisted the Afghan forces would fight, but obviously he was wrong.”

“Political settlement” with the Taliban? They are terrorists who do nothing but murder, rape, and pillage. Kabul is a great case in point. The footage and stories substantiate that. If I put on my “Biden Special Lie Detector” hat, I have the feeling Ghani said something like that to Biden and then the speech writers twisted it.

Since Biden was signaling the U.S. was about to scram to Ghani at this little meeting, you bet Ghani had his exit plan in place. We saw him execute his escape on Sunday. He left his people. He abandoned his military. He abandoned the women and children of Afghanistan. Nazira Karimi has every right to be upset. She knows firsthand what the Taliban do. They murder, rape and pillage. Women are a special target for the Taliban.

Meanwhile CNN reporter, Sophia Fisher, is saying stupid things like this,

In actuality, the violence Nazira Karimi is fearful of, so much so she can’t string a sentence together, is happening. Warning, graphic.

Do a quick search, and you’ll see conservatives on the right have plenty to say about this complete mess. Those on the left were strangely quiet Monday night after Joe’s speech and Nazira’s plea. Democrats are the party of pink vagina hats, women’s equality and #MeToo (unless you’re a privileged white Democrat male, then you get a pass) and should have a response to the plight of Afghan women. Right?

Monday evening, Pelosi tweeted this. Tenacious and tone-deaf–no mention of violence against Afghan women at the hands of the Taliban.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, tweeted this. It’s always about immigration with her–nothing about the violence against Afghan women.

Jen Psaki did a bunch of retweets of other Democrats praising the president for his speech. No mention of the suffering of Afghan women. Not even a retweet.

The writing on the wall is not to give immediate help to Afghan women, children, and military. The new plan is to ship them all to America. Why not?

That’s not a plan. That is a panic response. It would have been better to actually assemble a tactically sound exit from Afghanistan. I’m not wrong.

From an American Private Military Contractor, Operation Enduring Freedom, NATO Training Mission. His phone has been ringing nonstop from his Afghan friends begging for help as gunfire is heard in the background.

“The situation in Afghanistan is personal and dire. Afghanis who were central to our support missions throughout the country are in grave personal jeopardy.  Many who have helped us as allies have already been murdered, their lives forfeit.

The mismanagement of the withdrawal of American and allied forces has been a catastrophic event that could have been avoided if it was a tactical decision and not a political decision.

Anyone who has had any experience in Afghanistan knows that summer is traditional Afghan ‘fighting season’ and is the time period where anti-American and anti-Afghan government forces are at their strongest given freedom of movement and support from neighboring Pakistan tribal areas.

This wildly errant misstep had allowed the Taliban and those allied to them to move at rapid advance upon every crucial population center across the nation.

Young children would have known better and waited until fall to make a withdrawal allowing Afghan government forces time to operate without the absence of American top cover.

What has happened is shameful, cost lives and damaged America’s reputation internationally writ large.”

To Nazira Karimi, and the women of Afghanistan, any help America offers to you will be an act at best. If it does arrive, it will be poorly planned and executed just like the exit from Afghanistan was and continues to be.

Feature Photo Credit: Empowering Afghan Women by DVIDSHUB via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0, cropped. 

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