A New Study Comparing Men To Transgender Women In Sports

A New Study Comparing Men To Transgender Women In Sports

A New Study Comparing Men To Transgender Women In Sports

A new study comparing men to transgender women in sports is ready for media consumption and distribution.

The study was pimped out by the New York Times, saying that there is a difference between men and transgender women and also not much difference between transgender women and women.

If you follow all that, you are more progressive than you think. If we used the proper language, then this is how it would read:

There is a difference between men and men, but there is no difference between men and women.

A new study financed by the International Olympic Committee found that transgender female athletes showed greater handgrip strength — an indicator of overall muscle strength — but lower jumping ability, lung function and relative cardiovascular fitness compared with women whose gender was assigned female at birth.

That data, which also compared trans women with men, contradicted a broad claim often made by proponents of rules that bar transgender women from competing in women’s sports. It also led the study’s authors to caution against a rush to expand such policies, which already bar transgender athletes from a handful of Olympic sports. – New York Times

Recently, I was reminded of the phrase, ‘Tell a lie enough times, it becomes the truth.”


Thank you to the media for finding new ways to lie to the public.

This “study” is telling you that a blanket ban on trans athletes in women’s sports is a mistake. I will ask the question many others have often asked: Why don’t we see women pretending to be men playing in men’s sports? Well, there was this one time.

But no matter how much a man tries to bring down his testosterone levels, he’ll still more than likely win in a woman’s competition.

You knew it would come to this, right? People would get together to come up with a study to prove everyone wrong who is saying that there are huge differences between men and women. Well, here you have it.

The study’s most important finding, according to one of its authors, Yannis Pitsiladis, a member of the I.O.C.’s medical and scientific commission, was that, given physiological differences, “Trans women are not biological men.” – New York Times

Trans women are not biological men.” What-in-the-jeweled-tiara is going on here?

In this study of 19 cisgender men, 12 transgender men, 23 transgender women, and 21 cisgender women recruited via social media outlets, what are their backgrounds specifically, ages, and when was the last time they played in competitive sports?

If you want to really get into the nitty-gritty of this study, you can find the report HERE. Good luck.

Politically Motivated Study?

But more importantly, regarding this study, what sorts of people did they recruit for it? Well, in 2022, Fair Play For Women showed us.

This unbelievable realm of science fiction is being forced upon those living in reality. When will enough be enough? When a female athlete is killed by a male athlete in a sporting competition? Some will argue with me that no female is going to be killed by a male in a sprinting competition or from a cycling event. Perhaps not, but it certainly isn’t fair play, and there are other sports where a man could seriously injure a female athlete. It’s already happened.

The media and the medical-industrial complex are all force-feeding fantasy onto the masses. These two monsters have also built up an army of trans parents to help push forward these dangerous methods.

All of it is coming to us via social media. Victory Girl Nina reminds us of when the ACLU tried to tell us that trans girls are girls. Ya’ll, we need our real language back. Boys are not girls. That link is from 2021, so this has been happening for years.

Pushback And Get New Studies

So now that the trans athletes are finally getting some pushback, they suddenly come up with a new study. Imagine that. It’s all lies. This latest study is clumsy, and just because it has a famous name from the IOC attached doesn’t make it real.

The International Olympic Committee has left eligibility rules for transgender female athletes up to the global federations that govern individual sports. And while the Olympic committee provided financing for the study — as it does on a variety of topics through a research fund — Olympic officials had no input or influence on the results, Dr. Pitsiladis said. – New York Times

The key takeaways from this study are these:

Men pretending to be women have greater handgrip strength (well, that’s obvious), and we should believe that biological women outperformed men in other categories.

Researchers invited 23 trans women and 12 trans men to undergo a series of performance tests in laboratory conditions while also putting 21 cis women and 19 cis men through the same tests.

In certain cardiovascular tests, the trans women performed worse than the cis women and were found to have less lower-body strength, according to the study published Wednesday in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. – Outsports.com

Sure, Jan, sure.

You can see that the lies are already spreading to other media outlets, as Outsports.com has given it a glowing write-up.

Stay tuned for more chicanery because it’s coming. We can speak out about it all day, but it will take more than Riley Gaines’s testimony. It’s a shame that laws must be created for what some of us know to be common sense and truth.

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  • Wfjag says:

    The study is correct: Trans-women are not men.

    They couldn’t make the cut as a man, so they became trans-women and “Abracadabra” they start winning in Women’s Events. That’s sound, Alternative Science reasoning.

    • Scott says:

      Exactly! They found a bunch or real female athletes, and a bunch of sisyboi trans “women” to compete, making sure that they got the results they wanted.. very similar to the way “climate science” is done..

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