When “Solving” Masculinity Means Erasing [White] Men

When “Solving” Masculinity Means Erasing [White] Men

When “Solving” Masculinity Means Erasing [White] Men

‘Male Feminist’ Sociology Professor Michael Kimmel targets masculinity for elimination. White Males are the problem and Salon gives Kimmel a good tongue-bathing while he asserts, unchallenged, the usual Leftwing litany against The Patriarchy.

Salon’s False Framing of the Issue

It is difficult to read a 2,800 word article when the Left bias is so obvious in the first paragraph:

This weekend marks the one year anniversary of the white supremacist riot in Charlottesville, VA, during which anti-racism and human rights activist Heather Heyer was murdered. Dozens of other people who stood up against white supremacists and others operating under the banner of the “alt-right” were injured.

The riot was between two competing factions. White supremacists and Antifa. Make no mistake, these are both racist groups jockeying for attention and power.

Michael Kimmel’s Left-feminist ideology only focuses on one side. The Left is the land of Angels and Unicorns, the Right?

[W]hite men start from a position of aggrieved entitlement and victimization. They believe they’ve gotten a bad deal and are getting screwed. Now, if you feel that you’re a victim and you’ve gotten screwed, you have to figure out why you feel that way. One idea is the global restructuring of neoliberalism. Now if you think systematically and structurally you would conclude that, “Gee, I’m in the same position as African- American men and other dispossessed men. I should make an alliance with them.” That is what we would call left-wing populism.

But if I say that those people of color and those immigrants are the cause of my malaise, the cause of my distress, then I move to right-wing populism because the difference between right-wing populism and left-wing populism is your position on race.

If you focus on class over race then you’re a leftist. The right-wing populists supports Donald Trump and his predecessor The Tea Party because they focus on race.

Here’s the thing about Trump that’s really interesting to me. His base is almost entirely angry white men who experience aggrieved entitlement and believe that they deserve certain jobs and status.

The Left doesn’t focus on race? Really? Identity politics – the elevation of Melanin Is Everything as the most important aspect of a individual, is centered in the Left.

Indeed, Leftism is the most race-obsessed pseudo-ideology since Nazism.

Kimmel’s claim that the TEA Party and Trump’s base are about nothing but race is historical revisionism worthy of a standing ovation from Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.

Professor Kimmel’s jealousy of Dr. Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson 12 Rules for Life

Kimmel reveals his inner green demon when the subject of Professor and clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson comes up:

[Peterson] basically says you men are lacking meaning and resilience, but it’s not your fault. It’s women’s fault. And what is this system that these right-wing “men’s rights” types and others are suggesting but basically a kind of state-run brothel?

We’re talking about the “Handmaid’s Tale” here. In many respects, Jordan Peterson is a philosophical clown, an intellectual court jester.

I’ve watched many of Peterson’s videos and have read his book. Kimmel (who has his own issues as a male feminist) borders on libel with his assertion that Dr. Peterson blames women.

However, that’s the typical sleight-of-hand Leftists make when confronted with someone popular who is not One of Them. Never make it about the ideas, smear the person.

Masculinity is not toxic

Considering Kimmel’s lack of credibility, I question his assertion:

[I]f you ask most men what it means to be a “real man” they … say “strong, stoic, never show your feelings, never cry, win at all costs, get rich, get laid.”

Besides the unsourced “most men”, what responsible adult man would list all those things as the measure of masculinity?

This is why Peterson is popular. What he speaks to is what we used to consider as common-sense, normative masculinity based on Western, Judeo-Christian principles. The foundation of which is take responsibility for yourself. The Left, as represented by Kimmel, wants none of it. For them, all issues are collective-based and all evil flows from Whiteness.

The cognitive dissonance is breathtaking.

Here’s a better list distilled from all I’ve heard discussed by the men I know on what real masculinity looks like.

Strength – fight your natural inclination to take the easy way
Feelings – share them with your close family and friends, don’t inflict them on acquaintances or strangers.
Goals – Find something you are good at, work hard, do it honestly. If you aren’t succeeding, re-evaluate your choices.
Sex – Think with your big head, not your little one
Fatherhood – take responsibility, your child needs a father as much as a mother. It’s a struggle worth taking.

Women, too, need not be afraid of real femininity, but that’s an article for another time.

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  • Raphael says:

    Another Kimmel….Oy!

  • GWB says:

    during which anti-racism and human rights activist Heather Heyer was murdered
    If the guy beats a murder charge, he’s got a libel suit on his hands. (What’s up with waiting until the next November?!? Isn’t there something about a speedy trial written somewhere?)

    others operating under the banner of the “alt-right”
    Could we get better reporting on this, please? Because “alt-right” pretty much means “white supremacist” or “white nationalist” or “white racist” *. What “others” are there? Because no one I know who is a thoughtful conservative “operates under the banner of the alt-right.”
    (Yes, I know, it’s just more smearing with a broad brush.)

    [W]hite men start from a position of aggrieved entitlement and victimization.
    No, I *started* from a position of just doing my thing. Trying to succeed. Then along came people accusing me of all sorts of nastiness, solely based on the color of my skin or the fact I have a penis. And very few of them could ever be said to have faced any real discrimination or prejudice. And none from me.
    I’m aggrieved because a bunch of people are trying desperately to destroy what has made this country great (and I don’t mean “white people”, for all you dogs with over-sensitive hearing) and to stoke the fires of tribalism to tear this great nation apart.
    I’m not “entitled” and I’m not a “victim”. But I *AM* pissed off at all the slander I face.

    Now, if you feel that you’re a victim and you’ve gotten screwed
    Do you insist BLM and the feminists and La Raza do this? Somehow I doubt it.

    That is what we would call left-wing populism.
    Actually, it’s what we called in 2016 “voting for Trump”. Lots more blacks and women voted for him than you would like to admit.

    The Tea Party because they focus on race
    WTF?!? The TEA party never once focused on race!
    (BTW, you know who drives probably half the cars in my area with TEA party license plates? Blacks. Some Hispanics, too. And women.)

    His base is almost entirely angry white men who experience aggrieved entitlement and believe that they deserve certain jobs and status.
    No, it’s actually a bunch of people who are sick and tired of hearing all these other people whine about “deserving” certain jobs and status, based on nothing other than the color of their skin or the lack of a penis. We’re sick and tired of hearing about how “poor little Johnny was such a good soul, and there’s no way he had a gun when the cops shot him; that cop must have shot himself in the chest, twice, ’cause little Johnny would never do something like that!” We’re tired of being told that everything in our country is “racist!” or “sexist!” and that all cops are bad, or all anybody, really. We’re tired of “That thing with a penis asked me out and I didn’t want to go out, so that’s sexual harassment! Cut it off!” And we’re tired of “You people only got ahead because of your privilege” when oodles of us work for a living and got hired because of our knowledge and skill, not because we’re white or male or know the secret patriarchy handshake or some other BS from the intersectionality department.

    Indeed, Leftism is the most race-obsessed pseudo-ideology since Nazism.
    Well, since NAZIs are left, that makes sense.

    basically a kind of state-run brothel
    We’re talking about the “Handmaid’s Tale” here.
    Dude, you really need to stop having your water shipped from Flint. Or stop eating the paint chips in the old house. Peterson = Handmaid’s Tale?!?

    Peterson is a philosophical clown, an intellectual court jester.
    Wow, that’s a bold claim, coming from the paint-chip-eating wing.

    [I]f you ask most men what it means to be a “real man” they … say “strong, stoic, never show your feelings, never cry, win at all costs, get rich, get laid.”
    No, most men would say “strong, stoic**, only show your strong feelings or cry when appropriate***, work to succeed, help those who can’t do for themselves, treat women well, and love them deeply.”

    So rare it’s like a SUPER-POWER!

    The foundation of which is take responsibility for yourself.
    But then you couldn’t be a victim!!!!! *runs around like hair’s on fire, hands waving in the air*

    This sort of Brave, New Worlder is exactly why so many men are so angry. Because this BS is destroying civilization. But, they believe they’re actually going to make a paradise with this crap. They saw Huxley’s book as a how-to, not a warning.

    (* And, no, none of the people who really fall under those categories are ever really non-left. But the left likes to call them “alt-right because they harsh the identity-politics left’s mellow.)
    (** I wonder if he really even knows what that means? “Someone who accepts things without complaining” is a good definition – apart from the philosophy, itself. Of course, as a leftist, he can’t tolerate *that*!)
    (*** There are appropriate times for a man to cry. At a funeral for someone close to him, when his woman leaves him [sometimes], sometimes when he sees the flag waving or stands proud and tall as wounded veterans pass by, when his dog dies, when his truck dies [sometimes], when his son or daughter accomplishes something pretty amazing…. But we don’t cry because of a rom-com moment in a movie or because someone’s nail polish clashes with their shirt.)

  • Sven says:

    Just wait once white men are crushed, they will come after white women. Then I will laugh.

  • Cameron says:

    Male Feminist Sociology Professor: I found two problems already.

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