Donald and Melania Trump in Paris for Bastille Day

Donald and Melania Trump in Paris for Bastille Day

Donald and Melania Trump in Paris for Bastille Day

Early Thursday morning, President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump arrived in Paris aboard Air Force One. The Trumps will be in Paris for barely over 24 hours to mark Bastille Day on July 14. Along with French President Emmanuel Macron, the Trumps will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the U.S. entrance into World War I.

Donald and Melania Trump arrive in Paris
Melania Trump wore a red, cinched waist Christian Dior suit

First Lady Melania Trump relied on her stylist Herve Pierre for her Paris wardrobe, according to

The pair wanted to pay homage to Dior’s 70th anniversary and the “Christian Dior: Couturier du Rêve” retrospective at Les Arts Décoratifs. For the First Lady of the United States’ arrival in Paris for her first state visit, Dior was the only logical choice, Pierre said. “Dior is attached to France forever. It is a name that is part of the vocabulary.”

Melania Trump went separately to Necker Hospital Pediatric Unit where she visited with a few children. Although the video is odd, Mrs. Trump is clearly gracious with the children.

Donald Trump and Emmanuel Macron are expected to meet and discuss their differences, according to The Guardian:

On Thursday afternoon Macron and Trump will hold more than an hour of talks at the Elysée Palace focused mainly on counter-terrorism, Syria, Iraq and French anti-jihadi military operations in north Africa. “Where we have differences, we talk about them very clearly – such as on climate – but there are issues like counter-terrorism where we are on the same line and need close cooperation and common action,” an Elysée official said.

The two leaders are starkly different. Trump, 71, is an anti-globalist elected on a pledge to put America first. Macron, 39, believes in a kind of cosmopolitan globalism and is an ardent pro-European. Yet they share some traits – both were outsiders who challenged their country’s political status quo. Trump loves a winner and although he deemed Macron’s far-right rival, Marine Le Pen, the “strongest” candidate in May’s French presidential election, he has praised Macron’s solid election score.

According to The Guardian, Trump and Macron will visit Napoleon’s tomb and have dinner at the Jules Verne Restaurant on the second floor of the Eiffel Tower. Oo la la! La Menu:

A meal at the Jules Verne is a rare experience. From discoveries to surprises,
indulge yourself in this exceptional journey of 5 or 6 dishes…
Dorade marinée, courgette et citron vert
Marinated sea bream, courgette and lime
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Pomme de Noirmoutier, crème fumée, caviar gold
Potatoe from Noirmoutier, smoked cream, gold caviar
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Petits artichauts poivrade, jus d’une barigoule
Tiny artichokes, barigoule-style jus
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Homard bleu au four, tomate et olives noires
Oven-baked blue lobster, tomato and black olives
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Volaille fermière dorée, pois chiches torréfiés, oseille
Roasted free-range chicken, toasted chickpeas, sorrel
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Framboises et abricots rôtis, glace amande
Pan-seared raspberry and apricot, almond ice cream
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L’écrou croustillant au chocolat de notre Manufacture à Paris
Crispy ‘Tower nut’, chocolate from our Manufacture in Paris

Well, I am more of a Caesar salad and chicken hash kind of girl.

The finale will be watching the Bastille Day military parade on the Champs Elysee. Macron is hoping that making nice to Trump will bring in some of the tourist francs that France so desperately needs. Of course, there will be protesters for the Trump visit to Paris. There are always protesters.

Security will be tight but French authorities do not anticipate large-scale protests against Trump. There will be a street demonstration against Trump and a “No Trump Zone” at Paris’s Place de la République where organisers linked to the Paris’s Nuit Debout movement said they would stand against Trump’s “anti-migrant positions, sexism, islamphobia and racism”.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the left-wing party France Unbowed, said last month that Trump was “not at all welcome” on Bastille day.

The Trumps visit to Paris will, hopefully, please Sweet Baby Jesus, take the focus off of Donald Trump, Jr. and the “R” word. For a few hours, please.

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