CA Dem Senator Submits Pro-Abortion License Plate Bill [VIDEO]

CA Dem Senator Submits Pro-Abortion License Plate Bill [VIDEO]

CA Dem Senator Submits Pro-Abortion License Plate Bill [VIDEO]

In these days of “you just can’t make this stuff up” this revelation shocked even me. Now you can advertise your support for the murder of unborn children by purchasing a Pro-Choice license plate in the state of California. At least you will be able to if the bill just introduced by Democratic Senator representing the State’s 19th district, Hannah Beth Jackson, passes. The Democrat from Santa Barbara (big shock) proposed a measure to create the “California Trusts Women” license plate according to the Los Angeles Times. The bill was sponsored by NARAL Pro-Choice California and would be featured along such time honored classic license plates as the Yosemite plate and the Coastal Commission’s plates.

One retired abortionist crowed about the bill in the LA Times piece:

“God, I love California,” said Susan Robinson, a retired abortion doctor who lives in Paso Robles, when I called her to chat about the plate. “I’m so glad I live in this state. It’s almost like we’ve seceded.”

In response to that all I can say is “Thank God California is in my rear view mirror”. Evidently the language on the plate honors slain abortionist George Tiller who specialized in grisly late-term abortion procedures and ironically used “Trust Women” as a motto. Evidently he was a second generation abortionist and was murdered by a “Christian extremist” in 2009. For the record, I think that Dr. Tiller was mistaken when he said in this interview that abortion is not about  babies, but about survival for women.

Evidently if California passes this bill they will join 29 other states who have specialty plates to express your views on abortion. All of those states, with the exception of Virginia, offer plates with pro-life messaging. Virginia is the only other state to offer a pro-abortion plate.

Fifteen other states offer “Choose Life” license plates with a portion of the proceeds going to fund pro-life groups and crisis pregnancy centers which provide an alternative to the local Planned Parenthood’s counselling to women to simply abort.

So here we are in the age of broadcasting your belief that it is perfectly OK to murder unborn children with a vanity plate. Wow.

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