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A hacker going by the handle Guccifer 2.0 has claimed that he/she took files from the Democrat National Committee, although a cyber security firm, CrowdStrike claims the Russians did it. Among the stolen documents are hundreds of pages of Donald Trump opposition research, DNC donor spreadsheets and information on former 2016 Republican Presidential Candidates.
The Washington Post is reporting that CrowdStrike is standing by their claims that two different Russian entities hacked the DNC computers. CrowdStrike believes that this may be part of a Russian disinformation campaign.
Guccifer 2.0 takes her/his handle from Guccifer, the Romanian hacker who was convicted in Romania and currently sits in jail in Virginia for hacking several high profile persons, including former President George W. Bush and the former Secretary of State Colin Powell. And, of course, Guccifer, the original, famously claimed to have hacked Hillary Clinton private server, located in her Chappaqua bathroom.
Guccifer 2.0 has issued a WordPress statement chiding CrowdStrike and listing some of the documents he/she claims to have lifted from the DNC servers. Guccifer 2.0, as with most hackers, is very proud of his/her work.
Worldwide known cyber security company CrowdStrike announced that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) servers had been hacked by “sophisticated” hacker groups.
I’m very pleased the company appreciated my skills so highly))) But in fact, it was easy, very easy.
Guccifer may have been the first one who penetrated Hillary Clinton’s and other Democrats’ mail servers. But he certainly wasn’t the last. No wonder any other hacker could easily get access to the DNC’s servers.
Shame on CrowdStrike: Do you think I’ve been in the DNC’s networks for almost a year and saved only 2 documents? Do you really believe it?
Motherboard at reports that the DNC has stated that no financial information was stolen from the servers. Guccifer 2.0 has posted several pages of spreadsheets to show that the DNC is lying about this.
The donors are the usual suspects:
According to the WordPress statement issued by Guccifer 2.0, all of the hacked documents have been handed over to the infamous Julian Assange at Wikileaks. The Daily Caller is reporting that Wikileaks, which has the Hillary Clinton emails hacked by the original Guccifer will publish them this weekend.
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange said over the weekend that his group will soon publish Hillary Clinton emails. It is unclear if those emails are different from the ones that the Democratic presidential candidate gave to the State Department in Dec. 2014.
Remember when Hillary joked about wiping the server with a cloth and how she doesn’t know how anything works digitally?
If you are a chief executive of, let’s say, the State Department or the Democrat National Committee, you must take cyber security very seriously. Cyber security is not a joke and get the right people involved is key. Otherwise, you will get hacked by Guccifer and Guccifer 2.0.
The DNC had their files on the Clinton’s private server in Chappequa. 🙂