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November 18, 2009
apparently the only tangible thing ‘saved or created’ by obama’s feckless $787 billion stimulus porkulus package is phantom districts in all 50 states with many millions of your dollars going to very few real jobs.
barack obama claims that more than 640,000 jobs have already been saved and created by the $787 billion stimulus porkulus. however, wh officials admit that they have found, so far, 700 mistakenly credited congressional districts out of 130,000 stimulus grant awards!
here are just a small sampling of the findings:
A non-existent district in Tennessee received nearly $41 million in stimulus funds and used that money to produce 0 jobs. District 00 received all but $13 million that was sent to the seven phantom districts in the state, but produced fewer jobs than the non-existent 11th district, which created or saved 3 jobs using $39,000.
More than $2 million was given to the 99th District of North Dakota, a state which has only one congressional district. In order to qualify for 99 districts, North Dakota would have to have a population of about 60 million people, almost 24 million more people than California.
Either American Samoa has been awarded statehood or has some explaining to do. The tiny territory was given three congressional districts on top of the stimulus funds that it received, according to
is this not unbelieveable incompetence?
you can get this document, “Your Guide to the Stimulus, District by (Phantom) District” which provides a state by state overview of federal stimulus funds sent to phantom congressional districts and the number of jobs ‘created or saved’ as a result of porkulus spending by obama and his minions.
your tax dollars at work, courtesy of the jetsetting obama administration.
“is this not unbelieveable incompetence?”
Oh, I beg to differ! This is exaclty the kind of incompetence we expected from this administration. I wonder if Michael Moore will make a movie demanding to know where millions of dollars worth of stimulus money went? Probably not. The stimulus was a liberal “wish list” and everyone knew it. This is just the proof of that.
Yet the media will mostly ignore this and focus on something REALLY important, like Palin’s book!!!
Even though you like to blame everything on Obama, this is the incompetence of GOVERNMENT. Remember the DOD’s toilet seats, screwdrivers, and ashtrays? That was an attempt to pay for stealth technology and other super secret projects. Who knows what Obama has up his sleeve? Is he squirreling away money? I think he’s funneling it to health care. In any event, when you are talking about job loss, you are talking about a lot of grief for people. He’s got to clean this mess up.
Hello Kate. Hope you are feeling better. I am surprised you didn’t post something on SP’s book tour. Could it be that you are finally coming to the conclusion like the rest of America that she is a ditsy bimbo? In fact, she worse then I remembered if that’s possible.
“Even though you like to blame everything on Obama, this is the incompetence of GOVERNMENT. ”
How convenient.
I didnt see that philosophy in play when Bush was running things
So hey libtards! How do you feel about all that hope and change you were promised? Sounds to me like you got what you deserved and that adds up to the sum total of minus (-) nothing. The only problem is you dragged the rest of us into the crapper with you.
Color me shocked. This guy is a wrecking ball.
“Who knows what Obama has up his sleeve? ”
Lots of folks know what hes up to.
It doesnt take a rocket surgeon to see that hes creating a foundation for his socialist marxist infrastructure. What hes doing is the exact same formula weve seen in the past when constructing socialist rulings.
Tear down the economy first
Hey, Jane… you chimed in with your lovely contribution saying, “I am surprised you didn’t post something on SP’s book tour.” That’s because you’re using the stupid LIBERAL measuring stick. Conservatives know that there’s a WHOLE LOT MORE IMPORTANT things going on than someone’s book!
Interestingly, just two posts above you, Ken wrote, “Yet the media will mostly ignore this and focus on something REALLY important, like Palin’s book!!!” How true! Minutes later Y O U tried to put the focus on…. what….. Sarah Palin’s book.
Good effort, you blind liberal Obamabot! Sheesh.
“How convenient.
I didnt see that philosophy in play when Bush was running things”
Isn’t that amazing Micky? When Bush was president they were blaming him for everything from 9/11 to the spoiled egg salad in their refrigerators. Now that “The One” is in charge its a “failure of government”. What a difference an Obama makes!!
“He’s got to clean this mess up.”
So funneling billions of dollars to projects and districts that don’t exist is cleaning it up? I guess in the mind of a liberal that makes sense. To normal people, it’s pure B.S.
“I am surprised you didn’t post something on SP’s book tour.”
Right on cue, Jane. Like a good little Obamazombie you have nothing relevant to say about the topic, just try and change the subject. Besides, 95% of the media is busy with Palin’s book somebody has to keep track of those pesky little details about Obama’s incompetence.
uhhhhh… could we do without the advertising? I’m just askin’.
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