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‘this is my fifth day in office.’ the pathetic example of the democrats’ super majority, debuted at judge sotomayor’s confirmation hearings yesterday. he didn’t crack jokes – his presence alone was a joke.
senator stuart smalley – characteristically unfunny. because of his lack of seniority, he will not be asking his questions of sonia sotomayor until wednesday. i know you all be watching. yawn.
by the way, today in the hearings, the 2nd amendment and sonia sotomayor’s murky stance on it will be brought up by the (R)’s. remember: sotomayor says ‘fidelity to the law’ however she says many different things away from the bench. in a position that is for life, we need more answers.
Franken is Minnesota’s shame and now our nightmare. He was never funny btw. Sotomayor has serious conflicts with the 2nd amendment. If you are a gun lover you better watch out.
Biker Dan, I couldnt agree with you more. I am a gun lover, BECAUSE I KNOW HOW TO USE ONE. I do not own one simply because Im married to someone who has plenty. I am not a red neck. I do not leave them out for kiddies to get their hands on. My dad taught me how to shoot and also taught me to respect the gun. I dont know why it is so hard to do that. Its not the guns that kill people, its the people that kill people. Is it Cocaines fault that people get hooked on it….? OR is it the person using the Cocaine?
I think its also ridiculous that people can sue over Tabacco. Its not the Tabacco’s fault, its the person using it. They know the warnings… BTW before any of you blast me on this… My family is full of Ciggerette smokers, I have a bro who has a substance abuse problem, so save your blah blah for someone else. At some point in our life I think we are going to have to stand up and take responsibility for our own actions. UGh…. I need a vacation!
On another note… Kate I need some personal info from you…. Can you email me? :o) Thank you babe!
guns don’t kill people … it is the bullets ripping through flesh and organs that kill people
No, no, I think the liberals are absolutely right!!!
I’m going to sue Hostess for all those Twinkies I ate when I develop health problems!!
“I am a gun lover, BECAUSE I KNOW HOW TO USE ONE.”
Yes I can see how you and Ken got together. I though Franken did pretty good for his first time out. He even talked about being more like the American people. Anything is better then Coleman.
“I though Franken did pretty good for his first time out. He even talked about being more like the American people. Anything is better then Coleman.”
I would ask how exactly you think Franken did “pretty good” considering he hasn’t done anything yet, but this is coming from someone who thinks Obama is doing a good job as president, so there’s not much point.
Murky stance? You need to pay attention to the confirmation hearings yourself and listen to her answers instead of depending on FAUX news as a source.
Coleman actually has a vast record of accomplishments that Smalley will never ever be able to compete with.
My friend over at Tygrrr has met him personally.
I’ve been looking at and listening to that winey little b*tch Franken for at least 30 years now and could never stand him. I’m amazed at how someone over the years can spew obscenities at those he disagrees with way worse than anything you’ve ever complained about that came out of my mouth get elected to such a position.
From now on, everytime you cry about me and my conduct I’ll remind you that you’re supporting a person whos hatred and vitriolic language goes way past anything you’ve ever heard come out of me.
If he cant hold an audience on a damn radio talk show what makes anyone think hes going to be any better a leader ? ( Was that muskrat standing next to him his wife? Looks like shes got jumping beans for brains)
If you want some pointers or direction with your bro I’ll give Kate permission to let you have my E mail or you can register/comment at my blog.
Paul, I got news for you. The hearings are the same no matter what channel you’re watching
“You need to pay attention to the confirmation hearings yourself and listen to her answers instead of depending on FAUX news as a source.”
Ok, Paul, I’ll bite. Tell me which unbiased news source we should use to watch the hearings???
CNN has more comprehensive news, more experienced and respected reporters, and does not have a right wing bias.
“does not have a right wing bias.”
You’re right, it has a raging left wing bias, but that kind of bias is ok with you isn’t it Paul?
Thanks for proving my point, you didn’t disappoint. You walked right into that one.
Thank you! Ill try to register once again. I had a hard time trying to find out where to actually register for your blog… Ill try right now again! Thanks!
Paul, jeez, its one hearing on multiple channels. I can watch it on C Span for crusts sake and still make my own determinations. What ? You need some personality to shape things for you ?
Whos CNN got that represents a right view ? Lou Dobbs….
As far as contributors and guests go you’d be hard pressed to find the kind of balance FOX offers as opposed to CNN. After every hour of the situation room what do we get gifted with ? 5 minutes of cafferty reading off every far left moonbat E mail he can dig up. Begala, Cooper, King, Cambell Brown, Amanpour, Carville, Sanchez, Faria and on and on…. they’re all freaking moonbats.
At least on FOX you guys always get a counter from Juan Williams, Bennet, Colmes, Alexis, and that guy that talks like Bullwinkle, whats his name… ? Ellis Hennicken. Liberals are always being broiught to FOX for balaced decorum whereas with CNN its usually always some liberal giving you just one view.
Dont even get me started on the international crew
‘…and that guy that talks like Bullwinkle, whats his name… ? Ellis Hennicken.’
heh micky! you nut.
Well… he does. I keep waiting for Rocky to pop up from behind him.
Squirrels are socialists… arent they ?
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