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as if we needed more evidence of palin derangement syndrome…
and we can thank the ultra-partisan left wing ny dems for this ‘lovely’ piece of art.
Quit crying. That isn’t ugly or scary enough for the Bitch from Alaska.
spoooooky you have anger problems I assume or are you just a little fraidy cat? Put your big boy panties on and quit calling names, its so 3rd grade.
thanks spoooooooooooooooky for giving us a real time demonstration of pds. appreciate it!
arent they getting tired of all this yet? i sure am. it shows a sense of weakness and worry on their part, i think.
spooooky got spanked!! HAHA
big boy panties?
i don’t think big boys wear panties … and if they did … it would be both humorous and just a little scary
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