reason # 6,341 why i hate ‘the view’

reason # 6,341 why i hate ‘the view’

reason # 6,341 why i hate ‘the view’

the ladies are debating sarah palin. you need to watch it to the end to watch them go nutz on elizabeth.

why is this show still on the air? and who really watches it? gads

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  • chi says:

    ^5 Kate, i cant stomach this show.
    I would like to know why Elizabeth is still on there. She has so much more to offer than to be their punching bag. Maybe Huckabee could pick her up for co-host or something. Geez-o-pete Elizabeth, get off that raging hormone show!!
    I thought that clip of Sarah and perky was awesome. Sarah was obviously mocking the lame cutdowns the dems were making of McCains age, compared to little barrys. She only threw in their face the same crap McCain got.

  • Marsha says:

    I am sorry to say I was watching it…home sick. I became sicker! Ugg. I am never watching those old bats again!

  • beth says:

    Ugh. I just watched it. I hadn’t seen the whole thing before. That’s just awful. They accuse Elizabeth of dominating the conversation when she couldn’t get a word in edgewise.

    The thing that really struck me is how really dumb these women are. They don’t seem to have a clue about what is really going on. If I was just hanging out with them and we just went out for drinks or something – I’d have to leave for fear I’d slap them. They are SO clueless.

    They don’t even understand the statement Palin made about Biden’s age. They think that made McCain look bad!!! OMG – how dumb. Her point was well taken, but it went right over their heads.

    My blood pressure doesn’t need this show. I haven’t ever watched it (except in clips on the internet) and I don’t think I’ll start now.

  • chi says:

    LOL beth! come sit by me, i wanted to slap a couple democrats too!

  • Rope says:


    Unreal. Ive only watched the view a couple of times. Seeing this reminds me why I’m not a regular viewer.

    I agree, Elizabeth you have stayed to long. You are a much better person that the rest of these added together.

  • badfrog says:

    Elizabeth is one of the few somewhat conservative voices on television. I hope she stays there a long time. I have heard that she has had offers to work on Fox news, but on the view she often gets her points across in a reasonable and civil manner. At least the leftards have ONE example of a conservative in their face.

    Plus lets face it, without her, the show would degenerate into a troll party and have no real reason to go on. And she’s tough enough to handle herself, as above, against a bunch of ignorant old show biz buzzards.

  • Jeff McDonald says:

    I am glad to FINALLY see some people sticking up for Elisabeth and bagging on those hypocritical old Demonrat bats who gang up on her. It’s so funny how they claim she is close-minded and completely partisan when they are exactly the same…and then some! I have really lost a lot of respect for Barbara Walters via this show. THe one who I’d love to see dragged through the streets is Joy BeHar. Talk about hypocrasy! That woman boils my blood. She is so one-sided and then accuses Elisabeth of being one-sided. Half the things she criticisez E for, she could easily look into the mirror and find the same things about herself. But, in general, this is what I find with whining, self-riteous demonrats.

    Anyway, thanks for your comments of defense about Elisabeth. I can’t state she is the smartest person in the world, but the fact that she puts up with the constant ganging up on her by those demonrat old wind bags and never backs down, particularly given the MSM’s obvious bias for Obama, has really given me a sense of respect for her.

  • sylvia says:

    I hate these morons bunch old ladies talking s!@#$% about everything they dont know. I have to say that Elisabeth was my worse enemy at one point now i know what she was taliking about. LET HER TALK FOR ONCE >>>>>they want to be tax with obama go right ahead take my taxes too. Idiots. I have not watch for months but i heard their stupidity online all the time, Last time i am talking about this show they are not on TV anymore.

  • Greta Perry says:

    I have vomit rising in my throat. I think never watching that show will cure it!

  • Overthinker says:

    These woman are desperate for attention. At least they got rid of this slob Rosie…
    Barbra just can’t stand it when someone doesn’t agree with her. To think that any of them are calling Sarah Palin Stupid? That cracks me up. Now Hassellbeck is receiving death threats for having an opinion… These days, if your not a democrap, you’re not allowed to speak up, and you’re a racist redneck… The activities of the Obama supporters around the country, from demonstrations, blocking traffic, trying to cheat at the polls, and now death threats? what kind of country do you think we’ll have when they are completely in control? These are obviously people of high moral standards.

  • observer says:

    oh my – y’all just have so much LOWERED EXPECTATIONS!!

    This is what America has denigrated to today in the 21st Century.

    WOW – I’m simply amazed by the posts/posters…..defending ANY of them.

    As for EH getting a gig with foxnews – nobody wants her – she has become the most hated woman in America, more hated than Ann Coulter (who I do not hate, because she is so highly educated).

    Did ya all know that EH is from Cranston, RI? This city there has been called the Wasilla of RI. BTW, Wasilla is the OxyContin capital of Alaska…..

  • Jane says:

    this is why this economy/world is so messed up. You have liberals that bash and complain on the view and have no idea what they are talking about. They are ignorant. Ignorant bandwagon liberal trash. Elizabeth should leave the view cause she doesn’t fit in, she has a brain. She needs to leave cause the ratings go up when the liberals bash on her, she needs to go to Fox the only intelligent news station.

  • Mike says:

    Elisabeth is a communist! She is one of those rich republicans that looks out for her own interest(money) ! She puts on a smile and talks about caring about the people and her love for everthything and everyone, then goes home and puts on her grand wizard uniform and her and her kids sing ring around the rosie around a burning cross!!!!!

  • Jane says:

    Ok, I wish Elizabeth would leave the crappy view show cause then 3 bitchy ugly liberals would have nothing to argue about and the shows ratings would go to hell and the show would go off the air. I want the show to go off the air cause it is hot air by a bunch of caddy old ugly hags (except Elizabeth) that are jealous ugly hags. Joy is the fugly fugly and her intelligence level is so low, I bet she wouldn’t pass a dog training test. She is ignorant and ugly as hell. PLEASE GET THIS STUPID SHOW OFF OF TV!!!!

  • and Jane cannot count says:

    And you Jane, cannot count….there are 5 on the panel…..

    ignorant….just ignorant….

  • Obama says:

    I just love how well my bitches are doing on the view!! I just love them all so much. I have to thank them. Maybe i should send them some stimulus money don’t you think they deserve it? What a bunch of sluts.

  • Shannon says:

    Oh my God!! What is wrong with these women. Elizabeth should get off that show before she ends up an old hag like Joy. Not that I think she would ever take the same road Joy does. Joy is nothing but a loudmouth blowhard who never lets anyone get a word in edgewise. Especially if they are talking politics. I understand people not liking President Bush but for the love of God get over it. He has been out of office for a while now. Come up with some other excuse as to why our world is the way it is today like maybe the Democrats and President Obama. Get over your love affair with him at least on TV or better yet get rid of this Damn show.

  • to shannon says:

    Joy may be a big mouth – but *old hag*??? Not. Joy looks fabulous at 65 years old with no plastic surgery, but just a little Botox.

  • observant says:

    So, I defended Joy and my post was removed? WOW… much for the 1st Amendment.

    I said that Joy might have a big mouth but for 65 she looks great, no plastic surgery, and just a little Botox here and there (she has had her dermatologist on the show several times). Hope I look that good when I reach Joy’s age. *grins*

    Thanks for the venue….

  • observant says:

    oops – I totally apologize (I’m sorry)

    Now, I see my prior post. Again, thanks for the venue!

  • John says:

    I watch this show and now I’m sick of sherry always commenting about BlackThihis or Black that. T her not a show that goes by thar Race is not mentioned. If Barbra said white this or white that, they would be racist. I now turn the channel.

  • jack says:

    do any of these bitches have any background in economics or political science.
    my god, these people are idiots. what terrible television.

  • johanna says:

    I used to watch it all the time and i used to like it, but I just cannot stand it anymore. They just sit there and talk about themselves. Barbara has to talk about her latest project and name drops, Elizabeth I have to say is getting much better. Sherry has to talk about Jeffrey and religion, but at the same time loving her large jugs and the sex appeal she thinks it gives her. Joy i can tolerate. Whoopie sits there like she is better than the world and oh so klnowledgeable. I don’t watch anymore. How old is Sherry? she is so immature.

  • Mary says:

    I used to love the View. Now I can’t bear it. Joy has got any joy for anything. She acts like a spoiled brat. Whoopie acts like Obama’s campaign mangaer. Sherri is just plain racist. Poor Elizabeth. Stop tuning in a long time ago and so have my friends. Can’t understand why Barbara doesn’t get it that the show is going downhill. Would like to know the ratings…. Have they declined?

  • Anna B. says:

    My sister just showed me this site. I agree that the show isn’t worth watching. Used to be my favorite show. Joy has to make a negative remark each time. I cringed when they had McCain on the show. I was ashamed of all of them. Barbara Walters looks like she is tired or doesn’t feel good. I think she will retire soon. Sherry is so black and she should get breast reduction. Her skirts and dresses are way too short. She looks like a hooker. Whoopie dresses like a man and that poor Elizabeth needs her head examined for staying on the show. Hope they cancell it soon.

  • anne says:

    Whoppie and Joy need to be taken Off the View and off TV! They are both bigots who think they’re always right. Why Barbara Walters ever invited Whoppie onto the show is beyond me – she has No Class! I don’t agree with Bill O’Donnel all the time however, you don’t treat a guest on the show the way he was treated. To get up and walk out just shows what closed minded people they are – if someone disagrees with them, they cannot take it!

  • OMFG says:

    omg who do these people think they are i watch 1 show and the bad mouthed a father running for mayor and all they did was say ur a bad person when all he was tryng to do was be a good person

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