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This week President Obama ordered airstrikes in Iraq. The Nobel Peace Prize winner apparently has decided that talking will not work with the “junior varsity” militants who are taking over that directionless country.
CNN’s Gloria Borger noted in a column on Friday that when Obama, the so-called “very reluctant warrior,” spoke to the nation on Thursday evening to explain his decision to take military action, he did not look directly at the camera, but rather avoided eye contact with the American people.
Borger waxed poetic about the gut-wrenching decisions Obama has had to make on how to handle the escalating ISIS crisis in Iraq. She wistfully explained that Obama is torn between his promise to end the wars in the Middle East and now being called upon to deal with the genocide of non-Muslims in Iraq by the hate-filled faction known as ISIS. What Borger failed to note is that the escalating crisis in Iraq is Obama’s fault since he chose to ignore it for the last seven month.
When David Remnick of The New Yorker asked Obama for his thoughts on the growing resurgence of Al Qaeda in Iraq this past January, Obama’s response was very telling:
“The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant,” Obama said, resorting to an uncharacteristically flip analogy.
It looks like Obama failed to recognize that what he mistook for a JV team was actually LeBron James changing from a Miami Heat uniform back to a Cleveland Cavaliers uniform. In other words, the Muslim extremists never were second string or amateur or junior varsity, but rather professional level in their hatred and their thirst for blood.
Still, the media covers for Obama. Another CNN correspondent, Jeremy Diamond, wrote yesterday:
But even as Obama’s policy in Iraq and Syria faces continued criticism, his reluctance to intervene militarily is in line with most of the American public’s thinking.
Does Diamond really mean to assert that public sentiment should dictate foreign policy? If so, then in the weeks after 9/11 we should have nuked the entire Middle East.
On Saturday Obama blamed his failure to act sooner against the rise of ISIS in Iraq on bad “intelligence estimates.” Naturally, Obama gets a pass from the press on his claim that he was misinformed about what was happening. It is funny how the “bad intelligence” excuse did not suffice for George W. Bush when the world was trying eleven years ago to ascertain whether weapons of mass destruction existed in Iraq. Not only do Liberals not accept that Bush received bad intelligence, but they continue to blame all of Obama’s foreign policy failures on Bush.
Yesterday the recent terrorist actions of Muslims in Iraq came full circle for me. My husband and I took an alternate route home to Virginia from Pittsburgh so that we could visit the 9/11 Memorial near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The serene pastoral setting of the Memorial in the central Pennsylvania countryside, where 40 innocent people died on September 11, 2001, stands in stark contrast to the Ground Zero Memorial in New York City and to the graveled plot of land that is the Pentagon Memorial. I have not been to Ground Zero, but I have frequented the Pentagon Memorial to pay respects to those 184 victims of 9-11.
Our visit to the sacred site near Shanksville left me filled with bitter emotion. There on that quiet, picturesque hillside nearly 13 years ago, forty innocent, brave Americans stood up against the militant America-hating Muslim cowards who highjacked United Airlines Flight 93 that tragic summer day in 2001. Those American heroes saved the lives of many politicians in Washington, D.C., that day, since the flight was intended to crash into the Capitol.
The images of the smoke and fire that erupted when radical Muslim haters caused the Flight 93 crash replicated the recent pictures of smoke and fire in Iraq resulting from radical Muslim haters annihilating those in Iraq who do not live according to the doctrines and standards that they dictate.
Looking out across the rolling Pennsylvania fields full of hardy, colorful wildflowers blowing in the wind yesterday, I was transported back to the day in 2001 when Americans came together, united in a common cause and with a common patriotism. Sadly, that was the last time that I can recall feeling that we were ONE nation.
In particular, over the last six years we have been divided–intentionally–by the leaders who should be striving to unite us into one nation. The division continues according to race, sex, wealth, political affiliation, gender identity, religion, national origin, and many other lines. Sadly, there is no end in sight to the divisive tactics.
As long as Obama and his media followers–like CNN’s Gloria Borger and Jeremy Diamond and the New Yorker’s David Remnick–pretend that Obama cares about anything other than his own legacy, we will never be united.
Barack Obama should not be reluctant in the fight to aid the persecuted Christians and other non-Muslims in Iraq. He must stop appeasing the progressives who are interested only in furthering their feel-good, anything-goes agenda. Instead, Obama should take a few hours to travel northwest from D.C. for a couple of hours to visit the rolling hills of Pennsylvania, the land of the “bitter clingers.” There, if he takes the time to listen to the spirits of the forty heroes who died on 9/11, he will gain the fortitude to be steadfast in the resolve to finish what we started in Iraq.
Like Todd Beamer and the other heroes of Flight 93, Obama could look beyond his own self-interest and have the courage to look the American people in the eye and say in a clear and confident voice: “Let’s roll.”
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