So much for higher education; it appears whoever’s running UW-Madison is just high, period. Apparently it’s not enough to use race as a determining factor in admissions, now the UW’s flagship school is going to force “just the right percentages of individuals” in both program populations and grading. In other words, as professor emeritus W. Lee Hanson explains with disgust:
Suppose there were a surge of interest in a high demand field such as computer science. Under the “equity” policy, it seems that some of those who want to study this field would be told that they’ll have to choose another major because computer science already has “enough” students from their “difference” group.
Sorry, but we already have enough whites in this program. You’ll need to study something else. May we suggest Gender Studies with a side of Interpretive Dance? At this rate, the orientation class for incoming white freshmen will soon be titled Why You White Honky Devils Can’t Get Into The Program You Want.
Then there’s the new grading policy:
Professors, instead of just awarding the grade that each student earns, would apparently have to adjust them so that academically weaker, “historically underrepresented racial/ethnic” students perform at the same level and receive the same grades as academically stronger students.
Never mind teaching your child to have good study habits so they can get good grades. It won’t matter. If they’re the right color (read: non-white), they’ll still get good grades whether they spent the weekend in the library studying, or laying in the gutter drunk.
The one bright spot in all this is one little word: self-identification. You see, liberals never really think through the consequences of all their stupid little policies and rules. As a result, they shoved through some interesting legislation. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, people can “self-identify” as whatever race they want…and whatever they choose to identify as has to be considered their race on any reporting paperwork.
A: The employer must accept the employee’s self-identification by race and by ethnicity. Self-identification is a basic principle underlying these changes to the EEO-1 report. See 70 Fed. Reg. 71296.
Basically, this means that if Little Johnny claims to be Latino, or black, or African-Chinese-Samoan-Purple on his paperwork, even while staring at the admissions officer with his big blue eyes from behind locks of shockingly ginger hair, then forever after Johnny is whatever he says he is. Am I the only person who sees some real opportunities for good, clean havoc here?
…and how sad is it that we’ve come to this?
See also,
and the commentary listed there.
Ahh yes, MLK, Jr’s dream come true, abandoning proficiency in favor of pigmentation.
Wouldn’t he be proud?
So, graduating African-Americans will henceforth be viewed with a question (or asterisk?) as to whether or not they actually mastered their degree major’s subject matter or were just “present” (to some non-racist amount, of course). [Hmm…that sounds vaguely familiar…)
So, data shows that affirmative action admission programs mean that unprepared students enter schools above their competency level, and often fail to graduate because of it. The answer is…
*shaking my head* Egad these folks are blinded by their idiotic ideology.
I think it will be funny as heck when they segregate these students’ grades. I think the only way (mechanically) they can do it, is to grade all the non-minority students on a curve, then impose the curve on the minority students’ grades, moving the curve so the top minority grade is at the top of the curve.
I think the result might very well be (especially, if there’s actually a high-performing minority in the class) to over- or under-compensate. And they will spend LOTS of time and effort trying to find statistical methods to adjust that.
Just give everyone “a solid B+”.