Jasmine Crockett Incites Followers to “Take Elon Down”

Jasmine Crockett Incites Followers to “Take Elon Down”

Jasmine Crockett Incites Followers to “Take Elon Down”

Jasmine Crockett has a birthday wish — she is happy to ask that her followers gift her Elon Musk’s head on a platter.

“And I won’t hold you all, cause I know how much people love to listen to politicians, so I’ll make sure that I keep it short,” Crockett said at the start of her speech. “Starting with on March 29, it’s my birthday, and all I want to see happen on my birthday is for Elon to be taken down. Yes!”

Salome Jasmine is dancing for the legacy media who usually humps AOC’s leg each time the erstwhile bartender demands attention. Of course, Jasmine goes on to demurely claim she’s only talking figuratively, while she bats her supersized, Kardashian fake eyelashes and riffs on an old Monty Python routine …

… in order to obscure facts in evidence that extreme violence is being mustered against Tesla dealerships and individual owners — fire bombings, vandalism, and bullets. The ActBlue-funded astroturf organizers of ‘Tesla Takedown’ are this season’s AntiFa/BLM rioters, out to destroy businesses and private property until they can get a clear shot at Musk himself.

Jasmine would not have the rabble she’s rousing to know that Musk only holds 12.8% of Tesla or that Tesla is the only car sold in America that is 100% American built. Or even that shares of Tesla are held in 401K’s, union retirement investments and IRA’s across the country. Not that really matters to Jasmine’s mostly-peaceful Brownshirts.

It should be noted that these terrorists have decided to go after easy targets, like women driving Teslas. The consequences of targeting SpaceX or Starlink with terrorist attacks will be way beyond mere felony vandalism.

Jasmine, Tampon Tim, and assorted denizens of Hollyweird are playing a very dangerous game by adapting Alinsky’s Rule 11 to Musk. They are bound to lose control of their Frankenstein’s monster made up of mercenaries, dupes and those in the terminal grip of the Left mind-virus. Jasmine may feel this is a necessary revolution to exert total Leftwing control of the country via a reign of terror, but someone should tell her what finally happened to Robespierre.

featured image original graphic by Darleen Click

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1 Comment
  • Scott says:

    Yeah, they pull that crap in Seattle, but not in places like Texas where other drivers will shoot the retards that try it..

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