Nancy Pelosi Shanks Chuck Schumer And Shows Her Power

Nancy Pelosi Shanks Chuck Schumer And Shows Her Power

Nancy Pelosi Shanks Chuck Schumer And Shows Her Power

Nancy Pelosi Will ‘Cut Your Head Off and You Won’t Even Know You’re Bleeding,’ Says Daughter


She’s not Speaker of the House any longer. She’s not Minority Leader. She’s the Speaker Emerita. The former Speaker, now, Nancy Pelosi is just the Congressvacuum from California. But, she’s got the power in the Democrat party. Not Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama or (cue snickering) Joe Biden. Hakeem Jeffries is the Pennysaver Obama without the thrill up the leg and no juice. Chuckles Schumer is allowed to believe he has juice because it has suited Nancy’s strategy.

Nancy Pelosi has been accumulating juice (power) in the United States Congress since 1987. She’s 84 years old now. Don’t let the frail walk and clicking dentures fool you. She’s got the power and you will have to pull it from her vise-like grip after she’s gone to meet Satan her Maker. And, as Alexandra Pelosi proudly noted, she will cut you when you try to take her power. Last Fall, she published her book, “The Art of Power” just weeks after she pushed out a sitting President (Biden) running for reelection. If you think that a broken hip might slow her down, THINK AGAIN. Have stiletto, will cut. Take note, Schumer.

Chuck Schumer served with Mrs. Pelosi in the House of Representatives for over a decade before he was elevated to the Senate. He has seen Pelosi wield power. He saw her take out Joe Biden. He knows how she orchestrated January 6, 2021. Chuckles has got to know she is dangerous. When she has decided she wants him gone, he will get gone.

Nancy Pelosi told Chuck Schumer to listen to the women when it came to the Continuing Resolution. His cojones were in a vise and Nan didn’t understand that. According to the Daily Caller:

Pelosi previously criticized Schumer’s decision to vote for the GOP spending bill to stave off a partial government shutdown, telling the Senate leader he should “listen to the women” — the Democratic appropriators — who were offering an alternative funding measure that was a nonstarter for both Senate and House GOP leadership.

Chuck thought that he and Nancy were a team. Not a team, she stroked him to get him to do her bidding. As in this blast from the past:

Nancy Pelosi stays on top of the power structure thanks to her prodigious fundraising abilities and the fact that she knows where ALL the bodies are buried. She doesn’t let whippersnappers get a grip on power. Remember when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez came after San Fran Nan right after she got elected. Climate protesters were at Nancy’s office with AOC. AOC called Nancy Pelosi “downright disrespectful”. Nan and Notorious AOC had a come to Jesus meeting and Nan came out and said there was “no hatchet to bury”.

Nancy called AOC gracious. That was the point at which the hatchet was buried. And now Nancy is going to get rid of Chuckles. He’s terrified. He know what Nancy can and will do. That’s why he made a fool of himself on The View yesterday:

Nancy hates the people in hardworking people in flyover states but she would never be that blatant. You can tell that Chuck went straight from Law School to politics.

The entire Democrat power structure is pissed off at Chuckles and Nancy is letting them know she is with them. From the New Republic:

In scathing remarks during a Tuesday news conference at a children’s hospital in San Francisco, Pelosi said she believed that Senate Democrats should have negotiated harder for Republicans to make concessions.

“I myself don’t give away anything for nothing,” Pelosi said. “I think that’s what happened the other day.”

Pelosi said that Democrats could have offered “a third way” forward, one that avoided a government shutdown while also allowing Democrats to abstain from co-signing the bill, staving off a complete government closure while negotiations continued.

“They may not have agreed to it, but at least the public would have seen they’re not agreeing to it—and that then they would have been shutting [the] government down,” Pelosi said.

Yes, Nancy will cut your head off and you won’t even know it. She has a track record to prove it. Who’s going to tell Chuckles Schumer that his time is up.

Featured Image: Darleen Click for Victory Girls

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  • Scott says:

    It’s long past time for Satan to call that nasty piece of work home.. she is living(?) Proof of how stupid the people in her district are.

  • GWB says:

    And, that sort of power was never supposed to exist in our legislature.
    This is why we need term limits on ALL of the elected officials. Up to 3 terms for a Senator, up to 4 for a Representative, and the 2 for President, with a total time in office of 20 years, including partial terms because of special elections.

    Also would help if you got Congress’ fingers out of the economy as much as possible, so they couldn’t make millions while in office.

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