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Joe Biden signed a lot, and I mean a LOT of documents with an autopen. And, as it turns out, there’s likely quite a number of pardons that were signed by that cute little autopen.
Which begs the question that many, with the exception of the Democrats and media, have been asking. Does Joe even know his signature is on major documents such as Executive Orders and Pardons? Does he even comprehend that those documents with his autopen signature are in existence?
President Trump is on record stating that it is a disservice to the office to have important documents signed by an autopen. He is adamant that he respect the office he holds by physically signing those documents rather than use and autopen. He’s also been forthright about the concerns of the validity of what Joe signed.
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) March 17, 2025
REPORTER: “Are those [autopen] pardons from the former President now null and void?”
TRUMP: “I would say that they're null and void because I'm sure Biden didn't have any idea that it was taking place … What they did is criminal.”
And, last night, he made that abundantly clear.
The ‘Pardons’ that Sleepy Joe Biden gave to the Unselect Committee of Political Thugs, and many others, are hereby declared VOID, VACANT, AND OF NO FURTHER FORCE OR EFFECT, because of the fact that they were done by Autopen. In other words, Joe Biden did not sign them but, more importantly, he did not know anything about them! The necessary Pardoning Documents were not explained to, or approved by, Biden. He knew nothing about them, and the people that did may have committed a crime. Therefore, those on the Unselect Committee, who destroyed and deleted ALL evidence obtained during their two year Witch Hunt of me, and many other innocent people, should fully understand that they are subject to investigation at the highest level. The fact is, they were probably responsible for the Documents that were signed on their behalf without the knowledge or consent of the Worst President in the History of our Country, Crooked Joe Biden!
Here’s the deal. People are going to have to step up and PROVE that every single document with Joe’s signature on it was clearly explained to Joe before, during, and after the time his signature was put on those documents. And that includes Joe himself. Except we all know how that will turn out.
The media is now reluctantly reporting on this autopen mess.
And is still spinning cover for Joe and everyone in the Biden White House.
President Trump claimed on Monday that former President Biden’s pardons “done by autopen” are “VOID.”
Why it matters: Other presidents have used an autopen to grant pardons, and experts have expressed doubt that courts would allow a president to revoke clemency granted by their predecessors.
It’s the latest example of Trump ignoring the legal limits of the president’s power.
Catch up quick: Biden issued historic preemptive pardons to members of the House Jan. 6 select committee, which investigated Trump’s role in the attack on the Capitol.
Remember the report put out by Robert Hur? It was a bombshell game changer on multiple levels. More specifically it highlighted significant concerns about Joe’s mental acuity. Yet we missed one VERY crucial aspect. During his four years as President, did Joe KNOW what he was reading and signing??
As we now know via the New York Post, there was at least one White House employee who very potentially was unilaterally deciding what documents needed Joe’s signature, whether Joe was in the White House or not. As I noted above, President Trump has set stricter standards in place.
“Our practice around autopen usage is far more restrictive than most previous administrations. We do not use the autopen for documents that exercise the powers of the Presidency. So, for example, we do not use the autopen for executive orders, presidential memoranda, decision memoranda, nominations, appointment orders or commissions, or bills to be signed,” he wrote.
“We do not use the autopen even for more routine purposes, such as the invitation of foreign leaders to the White House. The President personally signs all of these, in the presence of witnesses. We will occasionally use the autopen when a single document requires multiple presidential signatures, or when multiple copies of a single document require signing, but only after the President has personally signed off and only at his direction.”
Here’s the other issue with the extravagant use of an autopen during the Biden Administration. The reports of this have been bubbling up for over a week.
There is absolutely legit legality questions on the use of the Autopen in this manner.
Yes, it’s been used in some cases for signing law. I think Obama did once, but that isn’t really what this is for.
I think there’s legit legal problems here.Just My Opinion
(@JustMyOpinions4) March 17, 2025
Everyone in the media and the Democrats has either tried to ignore the story or leap to Joe’s defense.
So obviously unconstitutional. You can’t void pardons made by previous presidents.
— Drew Pavlou
It’s not even a good principle for MAGA to establish because it means a future Democrat President will just void the Jan 6 pardons. March 17, 2025
Is it? Is it really? Or was it unconstitutional to have critical documents signed by autopen and the person behind the signature is completely unaware of said document?
There is a political group that does not believe in signature verification for mail-in election ballots.
— Jeff Clark (@JeffClarkUS) March 15, 2025
Unsurprisingly, that same group is fine with one or more aides of Biden controlling an autopen of Biden’s signature, despite Biden clearly having been senile for all or most…
Guess who is radio silent on the matter? Every single person from the Biden White House, including Joe and Jill.
What this means is that prominent Democrats who were preemptively pardoned, and yes that includes Liz Cheney, will have to defend those pardons and get someone to show evidence that Joe was fully aware of what he was doing.
But right now, their silence is deafening. And that speaks volumes.
Feature Photo Credit: pen, signature via iStock, cropped and modified
The reason for all the whiplash inducing chaos imposed on society by the Left,was to hide the fact that they were using Bernie’s (Joe Biden) auto pen to write checks to every Deviant organization on the planet.
Joe Biden signed a lot, and I mean a LOT of documents with an autopen.
Ummmm, I think the count is actually ALL of them, with the exception of his dropping out of the Presidential 2024 race. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
Does he even comprehend that those specific documents with his autopen signature are in existence?
Minor fix. I’m sure he knows he signed lots of stuff. He was the President, after all. (Assuming you catch him on a day when he doesn’t still think he’s a Senator.)
It’s the latest example of Trump ignoring the legal limits of the president’s power.
Oh, honey, the projection here is immense. You might even say YUGE.
There is a political group that does not believe in signature verification for mail-in election ballots.
Heh. Excellent point.
including Joe and Jill
I’m surprised none of the Presidential documents were signed “Epstein’s Mom Dr Jill’s Husband.”
BTW, this isn’t even a new question. I think it was initially asked sometime in 2022, and reiterated in 2024 as the pardons were being issued.
This also brings to light the problem with the 25th Amendment. It assumes people will WANT to declare the President temporarily unfit because they have to actually accomplish things, and those things assume the actual presence and consent of the elected President.
Interestingly, among the pardons “signed” by Biden’s auto pen were those for his siblings and siblings-in-law in the 20 minutes after he had left the White House and was walking to the Capitol Rotunda to watch President Trump sworn in.
Biden’s will always be remembered as THE PUPPET PRESIDENCY !!!