Meta Employees Mad That Men Can’t Menstruate

Meta Employees Mad That Men Can’t Menstruate

Meta Employees Mad That Men Can’t Menstruate

The Meta employees in Silicon Valley are mad at their boss, Mark Zuckerberg, for “restoring free expression” and laying off the “fact-checkers”.

They’re so upset about this, they would rather quietly live in their world of fiction. How are they doing this? By “quiet rebellion“, apparently, which I will get to in a moment. I will firsthand say that I am not a Zuckerberg fan. The overgrown frat boy who was busy ogling Lauren Sánchez’s fake boobs showcased by her trashy outfit on Inauguration Day is the epitome of douchebag who went from locking down free speech at Meta during COVID to being an “advocate” the day after Election Day 2024. Funny how that works. Douches don’t know their own douchebaggery.

Enough about the Zuck. Seems as though some decision-makers at Meta’s Silicon Valley employees got tired of seeing tampons in the men’s restroom and took it upon themselves to remove them.

The horror! This is where the “quiet resistance” (snort) comes in:

To protest Mr. Zuckerberg’s actions, some Meta workers soon brought their own tampons, pads and liners to the men’s bathrooms, five people with knowledge of the effort said. A group of employees also circulated a petition to save the tampons.”-The New York Times</em>

Save the tampons! In the men’s restroom!

The VP of Workplace Services at Meta followed up with this response after the petition was signed, sealed and delivered:

While it had “not been the intention of Meta leadership to make employees feel unwelcome or excluded in our offices, at this point we do not have plans to revisit our on-site amenities offerings. But I will share your feedback with leadership.”

Returning the tampons to the men’s bathroom was “emblematic of the quiet rebellions that Silicon Valley workers have staged as they grapple with the rightward shift of their bosses”, apparently.

Such an emblematic, though quiet “resistance”. Gone are the days of Timmy Walz providing hand grenades to junior high boys in restrooms. The Meta tampon justice warriors want to save the tampons!

Now, if you’re like any of us on this blog, you may have been “fact checked” or put in “Facebook jail” for pointing out truth on one of Meta’s platforms back in the days of pandemic. Perhaps you had a little banner placed above a post on your personal page, where you are entitled to your personal opinion, “fact checking” your damn opinion. The opinion may have very well been about this very concept of why tampons are in guys’ bathrooms. Your “resistance” was not welcome. Neither was the simple truth that MEN cannot menstruate.

(Snicker.) The Meta warriors resisting, indeed “resisted” the only way they knew how: by being passive-aggressive and bringing sanitary pads and tampons back into the men’s room. It’s so Silicon-Valley-Tech-passive-aggressive that it is almost humorous. Save the tampons!

You know what is a waste of a tampon? One that sits in a MEN’S BATHROOM. Want to really “save the tampons”? Take up a collection amongst your co-workers and bring them to a local women’s shelter to give to BIOLOGICAL WOMEN who have been abused by their douchebag husbands/boyfirends. Take a trip into San Francisco and hand out toiletry kits to homeless women on the streets. Will these babies actually venture to do any of this? Probably not because this takes actual work. It’s much easier to bring in a pack of StayFree maxi pads and plop them in the men’s room. They’ll do this before even supplying tampons in the women’s room, which is downright laughable.

…Or is it downright crazy-thinking? Regardless, these Meta crybabies who want to “save the tampons” in the men’s restrooms are, (what they’d like to call us), “bitter clingers”. You know, we hang onto our guns and religion and they hang on to fiction that ultimately, hurts real women. They are hanging on to fantasy and not rooted in the brutal reality that men DO NOT have periods. Now, I understand some trans men (women who want to be men) will still menstruate. But biology is reality, unfortunately, for some.Discounting a monthly occurrence that can be downright painful and miserable for BIOLOGICAL women with a gesture such as acknowledging that “men” do this, too, deserves the smack in the face it has received.

Taking the tampons out of the guys’ room is one small step for true women. Next? Step the hell out of and stop stinking up our bathrooms, boys. And no, you cannot “borrow” a tampon, Oh Meta King Stud of Programming who refuses to use HIS God-given biological pronouns. Don’t be mad, bro. We’ve resisted quietly for four freaking years. As real women, it’s our turn now.

Photo Credit: TitiNicola, CC BY-SA 4.0/Deed , via Wikimedia Commons/Cropped

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