George W. Bush’s Dog “Miss Beazley” Dies and Weekend Links

George W. Bush’s Dog “Miss Beazley” Dies and Weekend Links

Former President George W. Bush announced today that Miss Beazley, his family’s adorable Scottish Terrier, was put to rest after battling canine cancer.

Miss Beazley was born in October 2004, joining Barney Bush, the family’s older and more outgoing Scottie, as the country’s pretty awesome First Dogs. It seems W gave the new pup to Laura as a birthday gift with Miss Beazley getting her name from the character “Uncle Beazley”, a dinosaur in Oliver Butterworth’s children’s book, “The Enormous Egg.”

In a statement posted on his Facebook page, along with many sweet photos, President Bush said this:

“This weekend our beloved dog, Miss Beazley, was put to rest after a battle with lymphoma. She was a source of joy during our time in Washington and in Dallas. She was a close companion to her blood relative, Barney. And even though he received all the attention, Beazley never held a grudge against him. She was a guardian to our cats, Bob and Bernadette, who — like Laura and I — will miss her.”

This photo, in particular, is very sweet.

W and Miss Beazley

And then of course, there was “The Barney Cam” and those stinking cute videos that everyone loved. In my house, they were played over and over and over!

Though Barney Bush, who died in February 2013, got most of the attention, clearly Miss Beazley was a star in her own right and loved by everybody. Remember this Christmas classic?

You were a doll Miss Beazley!

Our “Weekend Links” are below the fold!

Great Weekend Blog Reading Links!

Teach at Pirate’s Cove is blogging about this…“Hashtag Climatology: What Would You Ask Hotcoldwetdry Leaders?”. 😉

The Other McCain has many good blog posts up including this one by Stacy on “Feminism: Love as Oppression and Heterosexuality as Subordination”.

Phineas at Sister Toldjah has up this post on “(Video) Bill Whittle on Boehner and McConnell: “Time to go”. I so agree.

Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has up this post today on “The White Privilege Industrial Complex needs your children.”

V the K at Gay Patriot has up this blog post called “Dominican Nazi Cab Driver Not Rewarded for Defying Stereotype”.

Glenn Reynolds or Instapundit has many great posts at his blog hub from all over the blogosphere so go check them out! And you can read Glenn’s latest article in USA Today on “Obama’s highway tolls take cash, time and privacy”, here.

Dana at The First Street Journal has up a great post called “I told you so!”.

As always, Michelle Obama’s Mirror has up a great post called “I’m George C. Wallace (Democrat-AL) and I do NOT approve this message”.

Jammie at Jammie Wearing Fools has up this post “It’s Come to This: Woman Offended After Receiving Campaign Potholder”.

This Ain’t Hell has up a lot of great posts this weekend, but I especially like this post by Jonn called “Milbank, Tapper & Army Times; Shinseki must go”. Yep.

Evil Blogger Lady has this post on “Meriam Ibrahim sentenced to lashing and death in Sudan for being a Christian… #Christianity #MeriamIbrahim #Sudan #JohnKerry”.

Donald Douglas at American Power has up this blog post on “Did Led Zeppelin Filch the Opening Notes of ‘Stairway to Heaven’ from Relatively Forgotten California Band?” Say it isn’t so!

Neo at Neo-Neocon is writing about “Here’s my question for conservatives”… Go read it.

Jeff at Protein Wisdom has this post up, “The Emerging Junta”.

Ann Althouse is asking “Should Paid ‘Menstrual Leave’ Be a Thing?”.

Jazz Shaw at Hot Air has up this post up… “Shocker: seven in ten favor voter ID laws”.

and finally, Ace at AoSHQ has up this post on “A Tiny Victory for Free Expression: Brothers Booted by HGTV for Expressing Adherence to Forbidden Bible Permitted To Keep Their Relationship With Their Banker, At Least”. Read the comments.

Have a terrific weekend!

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