Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dear friends! The first weekend of October and one month until election day. Though, we don’t really have election day anymore. More like election season what with early voting, mail-in ballots and drop-off boxes. Now this old lady remembers the days of voting in person on election day at a polling place in your neighborhood — church, school or maybe a private home. And amazingly, after polls closed at 8 pm, we packed up the boxes and sign-in ledgers, delivered it to the election board and by morning most votes were counted and races called. NOW we are being told “counting” could take weeks? Dears, that’s unacceptable. 2020 showed the shenanigans possible when Democrat-controlled states played fast and loose with any/all restrictions on voting. And this year will be worse. Fill a plate or two, let me refresh your flute and let’s get to this past week’s offerings of epic Leftcult flail. ¡Salud!


Pass the popcorn, please

Anyone in our national Pravda media covering this? Anyone? Bueller?


Well, there goes that narrative

So much for Kamala the New! Improved! Fresh Face! FORWARD JOYFUL PEOPLE!!!! candidate. Now, let it be noted that some might think this is Biden deliberately sabotaging Potemkin Kamala. But considering the doddering fool has the cognizant capacity of a rutabaga, in my humble, champagne-fueled opinion, methinks he doth truly believe he has done Great Things and he is trying to give VP Roundheels some shared glory for those Great Things.

Remember, Creepy Joe claims everyone is just hunky-dory happy with the Feds response to Helene.

Someone please pass the bourbon?


The really dark side of Helene

There are just too many stories of FEMA slow-walking emergency response and even interfering with private rescue operations. It reads less incompetence and more like intentional malice

The devastation wrought across the American Southeast by Category 4 Hurricane Helene last week has naturally drawn comparisons to the 2005 Hurricane Katrina response. As a veteran of military logistics, I can confirm that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ response to this round of mass suffering has been orders of magnitude worse than federal actions taken after Katrina. (snip)

Why did this happen? Why did our military — the actual “muscle” of federal disaster response, as FEMA is a mere coordinating staff agency — sit largely on the sidelines for Helene?

This is an in-depth article but well worth your time. Among other things, author Cynical Publius offers a side-by-side comparison of FEMA reaction to both Katrina (2005) and Helene (2024) and found the Fed approach to citizens and the lack of response to Helene by Biden/Harris, a belligerent one. If not outright lying:

And maybe this has something to do with it.

You can almost sense the glee in that headline.


Elf has his #Trans moment

I guess Will Ferrell and his trans-identified male friend decided to slum it at a Texas steakhouse and get some choice bits of hatey-hate-hate-phobia on camera for some grade C Netflix roadshow. Didn’t quite go as planned.

Will Ferrell says he regrets taking his transgender friend to a Texas steakhouse after she was booed for interrupting people’s dinner with remarks about a trans law.

Ferrell told The New York Times it was a ‘bad choice’ to bring former SNL writer Harper Steele to The Big Texan in Amarillo to film their Netflix documentary Will & Harper.

The Elf star claimed they’d gone there to film a 72 ounce steak challenge and wept on screen as he recalled the reaction. But some commenters have suggested the pair chose an all-American venue in a deep red state in the hopes of causing a scene that would make for good TV.

Ya think? How much did Ferrell take Netflix for in this ego-stroking indulgence road trip with his lipstick-wearing male friend?

Steele said: ‘We gave a little toast, and I said something about passing a trans bill, and the room kind of did a reversal and a bit of a boo and a woman shouted out “We still love you.” I hate the phrase.’

Well, you know dears what phrase I hate and would like to excise from polite company? “I’m just being my authentic self.” There is nothing authentic about a male demanding everyone around him enthusiastically indulge the public display of his paraphilia as identity. It has led to the mutilation and sterilization of children, the mockery of women’s sports and made women unsafe in locker rooms, rape shelters and women’s prisons.

I’m half tempted to subscribe to Netflix just to cancel the subscription. Sheesh, what a pair of creeps.


My 2028 Presidential ticket



Rubbing salt into the wounds

Past time, don’t you think, we bring back stocks? Good way for people to get rid of rotting veggies, too! Win win.


Your Sunday smile

Jordan Seidhom is not alone in doing extraordinary things in helping in the response to Helene. There are so many stories of hardwork, perseverance, successes and tragedies. Please keep Mr. Seidhom, his co-pilot son and all the responders and victims in your prayers.


Look at the time! Sunday morning just flies by when we get together for champagne and snark. Go hug your family, tell your friends you think of them, and drop into the donation basket for the survivors of Helene. There are plenty of great real charities out there who were fast on the ground from the get-go. Until next Sunday, dear friends … Cheers!

featured image original graphic by Darleen Click

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1 Comment
  • Scott says:

    Well, here’s hoping that the Lake Lure fire official gets all the scorn he so richly deserves. And maybe that gentlemen that had to be left behind will organize his friends to get rid of the clown, as he OBVIOUSLY doesn’t belong in such a position (and I say that as a firefighter of nearly 40 yrs)

    Sounds like he was more worried about his “Authoritay!” that the wellbeing of those in peril.

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