ILA Longshoremen Strike And Joe Refuses To Act

ILA Longshoremen Strike And Joe Refuses To Act

ILA Longshoremen Strike And Joe Refuses To Act

Longshoremen went on strike early this morning. Multiple ports on the Eastern seaboard, including Baltimore, and along the Gulf Coast are affected. How many ports? A LOT. 

While any port can handle any type of goods, some ports are specialized to handle goods for a particular industry.

The ports that would be affected by the shutdown include

Baltimore and Brunswick, Georgia, the top two busiest auto ports
Philadelphia, which gives priority to fruits and vegetables
New Orleans, which handles coffee, mainly from South America and Southeast Asia, various chemicals from Mexico and North Europe, and wood products such as plywood from Asia and South America.

Other major ports affected include Boston; New York/New Jersey; Norfolk, Virginia; Wilmington, North Carolina; Charleston, South Carolina; Savannah, Georgia; Tampa, Florida; Mobile, Alabama; and Houston.

Look at those ports and the imports they handle. We are talking about impacts across EVERY SINGLE industry with this port strike, that will also affect exports FROM the United States to other countries. How many dock workers are we talking about? 45,000. 

This strike by the dock workers will have a significant economic impact across the United States, and the world. We are looking at billions per day with dock workers refusing to off or on load cargo. 

An analysis by J.P. Morgan estimated the daily cost of a port strike by East and Gulf Coast port workers would cost the U.S. economy between $3.8 billion and $4.5 billion per day as operations slow.

This strike has been coming on for quite some time. Many retailers have been working for the last few months to adjust and use other ports or freight their goods in by air, which adds to the cost. 

“Many have taken steps to mitigate the potential impact by bringing in products earlier and frontloading the peak shipping season or by shifting products back to the West Coast,” Gold wrote Tuesday on the NRF website. “Imports at U.S. ports … have been at or above 2 million twenty-foot equivalent units since April, and September is expected to see 2.31 million TEU — import levels not seen since 2022.”


“For retailers, that means holiday shipments might not arrive on time. Manufacturers might not receive parts, materials and supplies needed for production, which will lead to assembly lines shutting down. And farmers won’t be able to get their products to overseas markets, which could lead to lost sales,” Gold said.

Keep in mind, these ports handle nearly 50% of the imports coming into the US. Read that again, nearly FIFTY PERCENT. Now it has come to a screeching halt. Retailers across the country are understandably worried about the impact on their business. 

Meanwhile, unless something changes, Joe is refusing to act. 

Biden has said that he will not use existing labor law to force union workers back on the job, which is within his powers under the Taft-Hartley Act.

Passed in 1947, the Taft-Hartley Act was a revision of U.S. law governing labor relations and union activity that granted a U.S. president the power to suspend a strike for an 80-day “cooling off period” in cases where “national health or safety” are at risk.

This strike puts our economy at risk. Furthermore, it DOES put our national health at risk given that some of the imports are MEDICAL in nature. Not only that, but the EXPORTS of cotton, beef, poultry, eggs and more are adversely impacted. Yet Joe and his minions are refusing to act. 

The Commerce Secretary is an absolute fool. You thought Buttigieg or Mayorkas was bad? Gina Raimondo is even worse. 

That’s absolutely infuriating. Right now a huge swath of the Southeast is devastated by Hurricane Helene. Eventually, as folks climb out from under the mud, water, and debris, they will need to start rebuilding and buying vehicles. Which will be more than a little difficult when some of what they need is stuck on a cargo ship for an indefinite period of time! 

According to the longshoremen’s union, this is about fair pay and automation. Fair pay?

Given those figures, the optics of this strike aren’t good…for the longshoremen. Especially in light of the fact that the longshoremen are demanding a 77% raise in pay, and rejected yesterday’s offer of a 50% pay raise. Yes, you read that correctly. 

Meanwhile, a few weeks back, the union’s chief negotiator sounded almost gleeful at the fact that a strike will happen and eventually swaths of the economy will come to a halt. 


One other thing to note as this strike gets underway. The average base pay for dock workers starts at $39 per hour. Yet the demand is for a 77% increase. That would put their starting salary at $70 an hour. That’s outrageous. And, you know what really ticks me off about this? The strike DIDN’T have to happen! Both sides are at fault for NOT sitting down to negotiate since JUNE. 

Feature Photo Credit: cargo ship docked in New York via iStock, cropped and modified

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  • No, I don’t have any more sympathy for the ILA than for the Harris administration.

    But this may very well be EXACTLY what the country needs, right when it needs it. Seven to ten days for shortages to really appear, and prices to start hopping. Combined with Helene knocking out a LOT of domestic production, it’s not going to be fun for us commoners. But the elites are even more obviously clueless and ineffectual – and it will add to the pressure for their electoral downfall.

    Can anyone say “October Surprise”? With nobody believing for a moment that Trump had anything to do with it.

  • Tim says:

    Slow Joe declines to order a cooling off period because in his own words, “I don’t believe in Taft-Hartley”. I seem to recall that he took an oath to ensure that the laws are faithfully executed. I don’t think there’s anything in there restricting that obligation to laws he believes in. I’ve been around for every President since Truman and I have never seen anything like this administration for sheer stupidity , incompetence and disregard for the laws they are sworn to uphold. I agree with Governor Tampax that we can’t afford four more years of this.

  • 494949 says:

    Kamala is a total incompetent to handle this country! Trump whether you hate him or not will bring this country back! TRUMP 2024!

  • Dietrich says:

    Just more of O’BamaSama’s “Fundamental Change” on our way to a workers’ paradise.

  • Wayne says:

    ILA is a bunch of PIGS

  • George V says:

    There are laws against monopolistic industry. If one company owned all the ports on the east and Gulf coasts and set high fees for shippers, the feddle gummint would force them to break up. Why do unions get to have a monopoly?

    If there are banks that are too big to fail, where failure would cause significant impact to the economy, then there are also industries that are too big to suffer strikes.

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