Kamala’s Campaign Season of Cringe with Bonus Whitmer Rizzing

Kamala’s Campaign Season of Cringe with Bonus Whitmer Rizzing

Kamala’s Campaign Season of Cringe with Bonus Whitmer Rizzing

Gotta be something in the mountain-spring-organic-smart-water they hand out to the ladies at Democrat soirees, because the cringe factor of watching women over thirty trying to morph into GenZ hipsters turns mere cringe into fremdschämen.

Fremdschämen is vicarious embarrassment, where you observe something so tone-deaf or boneheaded you almost get a cramp while rolling your eyes. Pity is the most charitable reaction.

But mostly we point and laugh when those from very privileged (and mostly unearned) status try to hang with the great unwashed. Or elderly, elitist Women of the Left stoop to show how they are just a fellow kid. Or brat.

Kamala’s cringe isn’t just her personal weirdness — from bathtub collard greens to falling out of coconut trees — but even her Deep State supporters have so little substance to work with, their own endorsements could pass for Trump ads.

Kamala Harris surely is wracking up some endorsements.

Except they’re the kind of endorsements that aren’t exactly going to make more people vote for you, including Liz and Dick Cheney, as well as Vladimir Putin and the IRS Agents Union. Imagine thinking that helps you, but her people are touting these things.

I had to watch these, so now you do …



But, wait for it, friends. Where Hillary in 2016 trotted out the phrase “just chillin'” and Fauxahontas Warren yelled “I’m gonna get me a beer” in 2019, now we see the fully operational Cringe Star with fifty-something Gretchen Whitmer trying to out-Brats QueMala

This is really a great advertisement for day drinking, amirite?

But this is what happens when one’s life has little meaning outside of popularity and power. These leftwing women can’t relax and enjoy the journey of life that includes aging out of one’s twenties. It’s Al Bundy reliving one high school football game over and over again. It’s the bitterness and cruelty of the pursuit of shallow in the black comedy Death Becomes Her. These are power debutantes who never grew up. Emphasis on power because when they don’t get their way, they destroy.

Laugh at them. Never vote for them.

featured image, original graphic by Darleen Click

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