Joe Biden Claims He Thinks Of The Abbey Gate Thirteen Every Day

Joe Biden Claims He Thinks Of The Abbey Gate Thirteen Every Day

Joe Biden Claims He Thinks Of The Abbey Gate Thirteen Every Day

UPDATE BELOW: Joe *Checks Watch* Biden issued one heckuva whopper at his speech to the United Nations. It seems that the thirteen soldiers killed on his watch during the Afghanistan withdrawal are on his mind every single day.

In what’s likely his final speech to the United Nations General Assembly, President Biden said on Tuesday that he thinks “every day” about the 13 Americans who died in a suicide bombing at Kabul’s airport — as Secretary of State Antony Blinken faces a possible House panel contempt vote later in the day.

“Thirteen brave Americans lost their lives, along with hundreds of Afghans in a suicide bomb. I think [of] those lost lives — I think [of] them every day,” said Biden, 81, stumbling over his script.

It was all I could do to not throw something at the TV! Keep in mind, this is the guy who claimed during the debate with Trump in June that NOT ONE single soldier lost their lives while he’s been President. Of course, the Gold Star families of those 13 heroes had much to say about that egregious lie. 

Joe claims the Afghanistan debacle was a hard decision, but the right decision. 

And he defended his choice to withdraw the American military from Afghanistan in 2021, though the tumultuous exit led to violence and a rollback of freedoms there, and has become a target of Republicans on Capitol Hill.

He wasn’t gonna be the fifth President to deal with this mess. So there! 

In short, the answer is a resounding NO. His speech writers threw that in because he had to talk about Afghanistan for at least a couple of minutes. 

Afghanistan is a chapter of Biden’s presidency that will be long remembered for mass chaos and violence, but for which he believes history will vindicate him.

History had damned well better not vindicate this jackass. As we’ve pointed out many times before, Joe would rather blame President Trump than take any responsibility for the fact that it was JOE who was President when these thirteen soldiers were killed.

It doesn’t matter what President Trump did while he was in office. It was Joe Biden’s decision, against the advice of many, to go ahead with the withdrawal. 

Many still want to blame Trump for what happened in Afghanistan, all because he tried to get the Taliban to the table to urge them to back off. 

But you see, it was Joe Biden, AS PRESIDENT, who had the power, the authority, and the information with which he could change up and enact a new plan.

President Biden was so hellbent on getting out of Afghanistan that he rebuked any advice to the contrary, ignored the pleas of the Afghan government and disregarded objections from US allies.


“During his decades-long tenure as a Delaware US senator, eight years as vice president of the United States and nearly four years as president, Mr. Biden has demonstrated distrust of America’s military experts and advisors and has prioritized politics and his personal legacy over America’s national security interests,” the roughly 350-page report asserted.

He did not do that. At. All. In fact, he completely ignored the actual DOHA agreement parameters. 

Indeed. The Taliban rule now means that women and girls aren’t allowed to work or go to school. Furthermore, while in public, they aren’t even allowed to speak. Joe Biden is responsible for that. 

So, for the speech writers and Joe to claim that he thinks of the thirteen fallen soldiers every single day, is outrageous on every level. 

The Taliban is making bank and holding humiliation parades with the military equipment Joe left behind. 

The Gold Star Families are being purposefully ignored by Joe and Kamala unless mentioning the soldiers is politically expedient, as it was this morning at the United Nations. 

Joe’s Administration has demonstrated their utter disdain for the men and women in our military. It’s a feature with them, not a bug.

Joe, and Kamala, must not be vindicated by history over this. THEY were the decision makers whose choices led to thirteen soldiers killed and hundreds more horribly injured. The Abbey Gate Thirteen and their families, plus those wounded, have been treated horribly by Joe Biden. 

He does not get to claim to the world that he thinks of the Abbey Gate Thirteen every single day. Because he doesn’t.  

UPDATE: The Gold Star families are having none of it. 

“He thinks of them only because they are the casualties of his reckless decisions and policies,” Gold Star dad Steve Nikoui told The Post in a text message. “When he says he thinks of them everyday, what he really means is he despises them because they, in his eyes, have tarnished his legacy.”

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • draigh says:

    Stop the presses! Joe Biden “thinks!”

  • SFC D says:

    Joe was only checking his watch so he could take note of the exact time and day those fine young heroes returned.

    It could’ve happened that way. We all know it didn’t. Worst administration ever. An administration where what you “identify” as is more important than ability or qualification. An administration that weakened our nation to a dangerous low. An administration headed by a brain-dead puppet, seconded by a cackling clown. I’m proud of my country, but I’ve never been more embarrassed or disgusted by my government.

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