Sonia Sotomayor Doesn’t Know Shite About The Military….

Sonia Sotomayor Doesn’t Know Shite About The Military….

Sonia Sotomayor Doesn’t Know Shite About The Military….

Sonia Sotomayor is the John (Reporting for Duty) Kerry of Supreme Court Justices. Kerry and Sotomayor both think the military is full of morally bankrupt, uneducated dunderheads. The military is comprised of a bunch of unthinking automatons who know how to make guns go pew pew and blindly follow orders. Blame Barack Obama.

Barack Obama nominated Sotomayor to the Supreme Court in 2009 by Obama. A remark the judge made about a “Wise Latina” became widely known and a point of contention during the Confirmation Hearings:

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,” Sotomayor said in a speech in 2001 at the University of California, Berkeley, law school. She made similar statements at other such events.

That poor, pitiful “Wise Latina” has written some of the dumbest, darn remarks ever handed down from the bench. In Monday’s ruling, the majority read out a reasoned argument in the immunity case. Sotomayor cut an absolute rusty in the “dissent” proving that she doesn’t know shite about the military. What, you ask, does the military have to do with Presidential Immunity? The “Wise Latina” brought up Seal Team Six assassinating a political rival on orders of a mentally incompetent President (Trump) to Trump’s attorney during April arguments. Her weird obsession with manly men showed up in her “dissent”. Politico bought it completely:

In her dissent to Monday’s Supreme Court ruling, Justice Sonia Sotomayor painted a grim portrait of a commander-in-chief now “immune, immune, immune” from criminal liability and free to exploit official presidential power against political opponents.

“Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival?” she wrote. “Immune.”

As extraordinary as that prospect might sound, constitutional law experts say she’s right: The court’s decision in Trump v. United States really does appear to immunize a hypothetical president who directed the military to commit murder, though a president might be hard-pressed to find someone to carry out such an order.

What a bunch of fecking idjits? First, I am sure that the CIA or some other Alphabet Agency has personnel for black ops and wetwork. Next, the military has a Duty to Disobey:

So, can a person in the military simply refuse to follow an order if they don’t like it?

The answer is yes — if they consider the order itself to be illegal or unconstitutional.

It’s generally called a “duty to disobey,” and is empowered by the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The UCMJ is more concerned about the need to obey orders, but specifies the conditions when military personnel may feel justified in not following them:

If the order is “contrary to the constitution” or “the laws of the United States.”
If the order is “patently illegal, … such as one that directs the commission of a crime.”

Oy effing vey:

JFC! What is the public’s obsession with Seal Team Six? It’s not like a guy fast ropes into your captor’s quarters and says, “Hi, I’m Carl. I’ll be your Seal Team Six Special Operator Rescuer today. Here’s my card for future reference.”

It doesn’t work that way. Special warriors are NOT picked for their stupidity.

These operators are chosen for their brains. Their intellectual hunger. Their flexibility and moral clarity. Tom Rogan wrote for the Washington Examiner:

Those who make it to the final stage of selection for the Army’s Delta Force special operations unit must pass a commander’s board interview. There, Delta’s commanding officer and other unit personnel barrage the candidate with various questions to test his intellect and character under pressure. I’ve been told by former Delta personnel and have read in at least one memoir that one frequent question is: “How would you respond to an order by the president of the United States to kill a political opponent?”

It can be presumed that a similar question is asked in the selection process for candidates to join the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, also known as SEAL Team Six, and the Air Force‘s 24th Special Tactics Squadron. These organizations constitute Joint Special Operations Command’s three combat-focused special mission units.

This bears noting in light of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor‘s dissent to Monday’s ruling on presidential immunity. Sotomayor posits what the decision would mean for a president who “Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival?” She answers: “Immune” from prosecution.

Sotomayor’s contention is both intellectually disingenuous and legally flawed. It shows an utterly defective understanding of military professionalism. It also ignores the majority opinion’s express reservation of judicial review for presidential actions which constitute acts of “authority without law.” No serious legal scholar would claim that a president has the legal authority to kill a domestic political opponent. Established law on what constitutes lawful orders includes the stipulation that an order is pursuant to a “military duty” — plainly a domestic political assassination is a political and criminal act. Still, Sotomayor’s inventive conspiracy has sparked fear by some that former President Donald Trump could order SEAL Team Six to kill off his political enemies if he returns to office.

That brings us back to the Delta Force commander’s board question.

Because the answer to that question, at least if you want to retain a shot at passing the commander’s board, is not “I would follow said order.” On the contrary, it is a variation on the theme of “I would refuse the directive on grounds it constitutes an unlawful order” or “I would consult Joint Special Operations Command legal adviser.” The rationale for this question is simple: Delta wants thinkers who can fight, not zombies who can pull triggers. It wants operators with moral confidence and competence who understand that they serve under a constitutional legal structure rather than as heirs to the corrupt traditions of 1st-century-onward Praetorian Guard units. In essence, Delta, DEVGRU, and 24th STS want and provide the exact opposite of what Sotomayor apparently believes they want and provide.

That’s because the Wise Latina ia a functioning idiot. This Special Operator could runs rings around Sotomayor in a battle of the brain pans:

Ben Shapiro is flat right on this:

Teen Vogue columnist.

Featured Image: Dan Love/ Commons/DonkeyHotey/ Commons

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  • Hate_me says:

    Sounds like far too many Delta operators are violating their NDAs.

    • Hominem Humilem says:

      Nope. The law of armed conflict is trained ROUTINELY by every member of the U.S. armed forces. It’s not just the Special Warfare people who are trained on what constitutes an illegal order. It’s literally everyone. And the training is not secret–all you have to do is go read Executive Order 12333, which has been updated slightly since Reagan signed it in 1981 (replacing a similar Order by President Carter) but never fully superseded. Assassinations are EXPLICITLY PROHIBITED.

      • Hate_me says:

        That’s not the part I take issue with.

        Reread the article and the parts about what happens at the end of selection. Definitely not something to be discussed.

        • DrSamHerman says:

          You’re quibbling, and it doesn’t matter how this information got into the public’s hands if it already is in an Executive Order in one form or another. The entirety of the circumstances, namely a monumentally dumb dissenting opinion on a case of major importance written by an Associate Justice of Sotomayor’s tenure on SCOTUS is embarrassing to American jurisprudence. All other things being equal, somebody having broken an NDA (so you contend), is so much piffle. A test of the commander’s ability’s judgment to distinguish between a lawful and unlawful order is made continuously throughout their career, so it’s no big secret to anyone.

  • GWB says:

    Is ALL that big chunk in the middle really one quote from the Washington Examiner? Oof.

    Here’s the thing: Sotomayor (and the other bints) made no distinction between which acts are within his authority and which are not. That was the whole point of the majority opinion. Then there’s also the remedy of impeachment.
    She just throws all that out and rants about things that are NOT within the purview of his office.

    I have to believe she got that argument from a political ally, somewhere, and used it uncritically in arguments. Because she is evidently too dumb to think legally for herself.

    • Gosport says:

      Common assumption is that she writes her own stuff. I seriously doubt it. She may review and sign it but has a small army of clerks who are tasked with doing the research and writing.

      So yes, she can be that dumb. But just to make sure, she hires clerks who amplify and expand her dumbness.

      • M says:

        So “clerking for a Supreme Court justice” shouldn’t have nearly the cachet and implication of competence that it does I guess.

        • LArnold says:

          It depends on the Justice they clerk for.

        • Hominem Humilem says:

          As already mentioned, there are some justices…on both sides of the political aisle…whose clerks became very distinguished lawyers and jurists in their own right. There are others who worked with distinguished justices and the training evidently didn’t “take” and others who worked for morons like Sotomayor and never had a decent chance to gain from their clerkship.

      • DrSamHerman says:

        I agree! When I read the dissent, the language was far too Gen-Z. It definitely came from her Zoomer clerks and probably had to be edited down by Kagan and Jackson to eliminate all of the “Like…” and “As if…” and “All this hate…” and rewrite entire sections written like “OMG!”.

  • Cameron says:

    Like many liberals, she views the military as a jobs program with guns.

  • Skillyboo says:

    I’d be more inclined to think one of our alphabet soup of agencies would, on the orders of a democrat president, more than likely kill a political opponent than a Seal Team Six member would obey a republican president.

  • […] “Ds” Of The Climate Agenda, Teaching Students To Think, and Starship Flight Four Victory Girls: Sonia Sotomayor Doesn’t Know Shite About The Military Volokh Conspiracy: Thoughts on the Trump Immunity Decision Watts Up With That: Major Utility […]

  • […] IF WE’RE GOING TO LIST EVERYTHING THIS WOMAN DOESN’T KNOW, WE’RE GOING TO NEED A BIGGER BLOG:  Sonia Sotomayor Doesn’t Know Shite About The Military…. […]

  • Tom says:

    This is what we call projection, when a democrat says something like this, it’s what they would do in that situation.

  • bflat879 says:

    “It’s not that our liberal friends don’t know anything, it’s just that so much of what they know is wrong.”

  • Howy says:

    Maybe because the wise Latina experience is one of many Latina national leaders actually executing political rivals.

  • Mac Murray says:

    The SCOTUS ruling was crystal clear that immunity is only for a president’s acts within his official capacity as the chief executive. Such acts, to qualify, must fall within the president’s Constitutionally-defined responsibilities and duties. Following Sotomayor’s (lack of) reasoning:

    If you do not pay your taxes on time, Joe Biden can have you assassinated, also.
    Don’t pay back your student loan? Biden can have you killed.
    Sell illegal narcotics? Summary death to you!
    Use the “wrong pronouns” for someone? You can be executed.
    Make a false statement under oath? Die you must.

    Yes, the Left really does think that the SCOTUS ruling means a president can act as a dictator, backing up his edicts with lethal force for which he may never be prosecuted.

    But that is not why they are recoiling in (feigned) horror. Just imagine the praise and salutations they would be pouring on the Court if Biden was as far ahead of Trump in the polls as Trump actually is over Biden.

  • Bob says:

    This Court ruling also benefits Presidents like J Biden. His ordered withdrawal from Afghanistan was awful, and resulted in many lives lost unnecessarily, as well as the abandonment of tons of modern military equipment to our enemies.

    But per the Court, our President cannot be prosecuted for incompetence, even at this scale.

    Now that you mention it, neither can a Justice of the Supreme Court.

    • Scott says:

      And obama before him.. can you say Benghazi???

    • Hate_me says:

      Could gross negligence fall under the vague umbrella of high crimes and misdemeanors?

      I’d insist a President be successfully impeached of a crime committed in performance of his official duties before he could be held criminally liable for such – and that clearly won’t happen in today’s political dichotomy.

      Still, Brandon’s Afghan failure wasn’t simply due to incompetence.

  • Dietrich says:

    Great Sotomayor, now do Obama killing American citizens via drone without due process.

  • CDC says:

    We are reaping what the government sowed,incompetence is now the norm

  • Steve (retired/recovering lawyer) says:

    You could have ended your headline after “Shite.”

    • Scott says:

      Dammit, you beat me to it! That woman is either a raging racist, or a room temp IQ moron.. of course I am open to the concept of “AND”… No surprise that it was obama that would install such a person on the court..

  • OldParatrooper says:

    One should also note that any immunity allowed for the President may or may not extend to the operators who follow that order.

  • Pat Hines says:

    I’m retired operating room nurse. My hospital was closely affiliated with a nationally known medical school and residency programs.

    One of the best residents I worked with was specializing in plastic surgery. He was a former Navy SEAL, a graduate of Harvard Medical School, and smarter than me. Not every resident was at that level.

  • rbj1 says:

    Laurence Tribe, fer Pete’s sake wrote a letter warning of her appointment that “she is not as smart as she think she is.” I can’t post the picture here.
    Unless we have turned into the Most Serene Republic of Venice, knocking off political rivals is not an official presidential act.

    • DrSamHerman says:

      For Larry (Dia)Tribe to say that, the Wi*e Latina must really be a clinker in the intellect department. Larry isn’t as sharp as he used to be, not that he ever was, as my grandfather always observed. Saw Larry (Dia)Tribe go into his usual hysterical dramatics on too many news programs to ever trust him with anything sharper than a foam rubber brick. Since he and Sotomayor are bird droppings of a same cage, I suppose they are both good judges of each other’s capacities.

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