The Olympics Create List Of Banned Words For Journalists Regarding “Trans” Athletes

The Olympics Create List Of Banned Words For Journalists Regarding “Trans” Athletes

The Olympics Create List Of Banned Words For Journalists Regarding “Trans” Athletes

Remember when the Olympics were fun to watch? Welcome to the Games of Paris of 2024, where men compete against women. The Olympics put out a list of harmful words and terms not to use when reporting on the Games, specifically for these men pretending to be women.

Just because the Olympics tightened some policies on allowing men to compete against women (they must have transitioned before puberty), it doesn’t mean there won’t be men competing against women. Because we know you cannot change your sex or your biological makeup, no matter how much estrogen a male takes.

Banned Words

So, the Olympics have decided to become complicit in reframing the narrative. You should definitely click on the provided link and see for yourself.

In a new 33-page document, the International Olympic Committee warned the media against using terms such as ‘born male’, ‘born female’, ‘biologically male’ and ‘biologically female’, which they claim is ‘problematic language’.

The IOC also urges the press to avoid ‘sex change’, ‘post-operative surgery’ and ‘transsexual’. They said these phrases ‘can be dehumanising and inaccurate’ when describing transgender sportspeople and athletes with sex variations. – The Daily Mail

Inaccurate? What on God’s green earth is inaccurate about facts and biology? A man cannot become female, and a female cannot become male. If you were born male, you will always be male. If you were born female, you will always be female.

Ah, but not to worry. The journalists can still use words like girl/boy, woman/man, transgender girl/boy, transgender woman/man, and transgender person.

‘It is always preferable to emphasise a person’s actual gender rather than potentially calling their identity into question by referring to the sex category that was registered on their original birth certificate,’ the IOC document reads. – The Daily Mail

Okay, what? Yes, please do emphasize a person’s actual sex. And yes, it is typically on their “original” birth certificate. But, the transcult is even getting around birth certificates these days because some countries now allow you to change your “original” birth certificates.

While the Olympics have tightened the rules on men competing in women’s sports—men cannot compete against women if they’ve already gone through puberty—they remain open to future challenges and rulings.

So, if a boy “transitions” before puberty, he will be allowed to compete against the women. It is still unfair and should not be permitted. You cannot change your sex.

Three-time Olympian champion cyclist Inga Thompson took to X to express her dismay at the Olympics’ attempts to silence the truth.

The Olympics have been woke since at least the summer of 2020 when they allowed a male weightlifter to compete against women weightlifters in the Tokyo Games. You probably missed it because it was delayed a year (COVID), and the ratings were low.

Have we crossed the Rubicon here? I mean, Maryland also just crowned a man for Miss Maryland in its beauty pageant. Title IX has been pillaged, plundered, and raped by Joe Biden and his administration.

And now the Olympics are silencing journalists who cover the Games with honest reporting. We have got to bring this back to reality.

Feature Image: DiscoA340, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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  • Lloyd says:

    Must wonder once again…Where are all those women who marched on Washington not so long ago. Why are they not protesting loudly against this trans promotion? Are Gaines and Rowling the only real women left?

    • Carol Marks says:

      There is also Kellie-Jay Keen.

      But most of those women you talk about, the so-called feminists, are for this transitioning crap.

      Thank you for reading and commenting.

  • Scott says:

    Crap like this proves that so-called “feminists” aren’t.. they’re just another flavor of communist, pushing the approved narrative..

    The olympics became a joke when they split the summer and winter games.. Much better ways to spend my time

    • GWB says:

      When they (the US) let the professionals play, instead of amateurs. That was the beginning of the slippery slope. IMO.

  • Mad Celt says:

    Going full Dylan Mulhaney next time.

  • NTSOG says:

    “They said these phrases ‘can be dehumanising and inaccurate’ ”

    No ‘dehumanising’ is for men to claim they’re women and vice versa. It’s a denial of biology and Nature. If trans was fair we would see F-to-M trans people competing against real men, but they wouldn’t stand a chance because Natural males are physically superior which brings us straight back to the disenfranchising of real female athletes by sick men.

  • Lloyd says:

    Alas….what they want is for us to call freaks of science NORMAL….Can’t do it!

  • S'Naut Right says:

    Let’s wag our fingers and write comments. The left has always been quick to turn around when we do that.

  • GWB says:

    warned the media against using terms
    I’m sorry, I don’t work for you. I will write TRUTH using the words I deem best convey that truth. That’s the essence of speech. You can take your style guides and stuff ’em into the body cavities where you cannot tan.

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