Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dear friends! We have crossed a couple of lines this past week … we are now into June and the Democrats have decided, rather than secede from the nation like 1861, they’ll just destroy it as it stands. Yes dears, there’s a full bar along with our brunch this Sunday morning. Don’t worry, I’ve arranged for rides home after our soiree, so embrace day-drinking and let’s get to it. Skoal!


“Pride” month and more curb-stomping the normies

You know that thing that never happens? Whoops, happening again.

NHS chiefs are facing landmark legal action after 26 female hospital nurses protested about being forced to share a women’s changing room with a transgender colleague who is biologically male.

The women complained that the transgender nurse – who has not had gender reassignment surgery – had taken a ‘keen interest’ in female staff when they were getting undressed.

Dress that *male gaze* in lipstick and false eyelashes and stop being bigots you uterus-people! Off to the struggle session with you!

But a human resources manager at the hospital trust allegedly said that the female nurses need to ‘be more inclusive’, ‘broaden their mindset’ and ‘be educated and attend training’.

Dears, I’ve lost my patience with the RainbowNazis. “Pride” has become a government-established religion, contrary to the Constitution.

Ban it.


Saying the quiet part out loud

“Standard of Care” and “experts say” was the constant refrain of the [corrupt] medical professionals (sic) when anyone objected to their eagerness to experiment on kids. Until they didn’t.

Short rope, long drop.


About those 2020 ‘fiery, but mostly peaceful’ protests

Now, now, all is well, nothing to see, move on …

The left-wing dark money giant Tides Foundation raised more than $33 million on behalf of the national Black Lives Matter group during the George Floyd riots in 2020. Now, Black Lives Matter is suing Tides over its refusal to hand the funds back. There’s just one problem—nearly $9 million of those funds have seemingly disappeared.

From 2020 through 2022, Tides transferred $8.7 million from the fund to Black Lives Matter Grassroots, an offshoot of the national Black Lives Matter group led by Melina Abdullah, a longtime activist and professor. But Black Lives Matter Grassroots reported to the IRS that it never received that money, and no one involved in the transactions will say what became of the funds. These discrepancies have left charity watchdogs mystified, while legal experts say they could lead to massive fines and penalties.

This is our shocked face.



I detect no lies

Personality is rather broad, and, I would add that personality is influenced by instilled values. However, I do notice some traits in common among those on the portside. Like Engels above or Democrats like Creepy Joe, it’s the sociopathy — that all rules being for thee, not them.


Because this kind of refusal to prosecute has worked so well in California

Was Wu dropped on her head as an infant or is this just a local riff on the old commie melody “Real socialism has never been tried”? May I suggest, friends, that you scratch Boston off any travel plans for the foreseeable future.


Update your White Supremacy list

Because, until folks of pallor were invented, there was no such thing as “romance.”

‘Romance is an old white cultural institution that began in the Middle Ages’

“Romance” promotes white supremacy, according to a Black Studies professor who said she has “endured” bad relationships.

University of California Santa Barbara Professor Sabrina Strings addresses this topic in her new book, “The End of Love: Racism, Sexism, and the Death of Romance.” (snip)

According to Strings, romance is about “women who are not peak white or are ‘insufficiently white’ are subject deservedly to deceit, manipulation, assault and rape.”

“Romance is white [supremacist],” she said.

This is beyond exhausting. Yet another poseur in academia working out her personal/racist demons and getting taxpayer $$$ for it.

DEI? Stands for “Didn’t Earn it” and Mz Strings picture is on that list.


Your Sunday smile

June 6th is the 80th Anniversary of D-Day. And in connection with that anniversary is A Day of Gratitude.

The California-based Christian organization CityServe is hosting a “Day of Gratitude” in Las Vegas on June 8, honoring America’s veterans and their families with a day of music, fun and charity.



Yikes! Look at the time. Well, dears, our time has flown by. I’m going to head home to a comfy chair, a good book and a nap. You have my best as you spend the rest of today doing whatever gives you joy. Summer is almost here and it’s going to be a hot one, one way or another. Let’s spend the time together. See you next Sunday! Cheers!

featured image, original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • Cameron says:

    But a human resources manager at the hospital trust allegedly said that the female nurses need to ‘be more inclusive’, ‘broaden their mindset’ and ‘be educated and attend training’.

    They could invite him up to a conference on a rooftop. That would solve the problem.

  • Oldav8r says:

    Re: Romance
    I stopped reading at “Professor” & UCSB. after that info I can pretty much fill in the extreme left blanks with my eyes closed.

  • […] Victory Girls Blog has Sunday morning cafe cocktails linkage. […]

  • SCOTTtheBADGER says:

    The 4th of June is the 82nd anniversary of Midway.

  • GWB says:

    the female nurses need to ‘be more inclusive’, ‘broaden their mindset’ and ‘be educated and attend training’
    IOW, they must convert to the fundamentalist Progressive religion. Push back on this. Make everyone understand that they ARE pushing a religion. And the homosexual and transgender carp is only one cult within that religion.

    “Romance” promotes white supremacy, according to a Black Studies professor who said she has “endured” bad relationships.
    Oh, dear. Has no one ever told you that the only commonality in all of your failed relationships is YOU? Because, if they haven’t, they’re NOT your friend.

  • GWB says:

    The California-based Christian organization CityServe is hosting a “Day of Gratitude” in Las Vegas on June 8, honoring America’s veterans and their families with a day of music, fun and charity.
    You might want to make sure that festival is out of line of sight of any high-rise hotel windows where a sniper might be staying.

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