Trump Judge Juan Merchan A Bit Peeved With Robert Costello

Trump Judge Juan Merchan A Bit Peeved With Robert Costello

Trump Judge Juan Merchan A Bit Peeved With Robert Costello

In today’s episode of the Donald Trump “Bookkeeping Error Trial” it would too easy to think that Michael Cohen copping to stealing $60,000 from the Trump Organization today would be the big news. Too easy. Ah, no. It was Cohen’s former attorney Robert Costello disrespecting the judge from the witness box. The Judge Juan Merchan lost it and cleared the press and jurors from the court room. You cannot make this up. Apparently, the court room sketch artist captured the tenseness in the drawing at the top of the photo.

You know that the Alvin Bragg Team who brought this circus to town knew that Cohen embezzled from the Trump Organization all this time and didn’t bring it up. Why not? Couldn’t make him look any worse, the stupid weasel boy. He stole $60 large:

The convicted liar made the admission while being questioned by defense attorney Todd Blanche about a bizarre scheme to rig a popularity poll of “most famous businessmen” in Trump’s favor.

“So you stole from the Trump Organization, right?” Trump’s lawyer Todd Blanche asked Cohen, the star witness testifying against Trump, who is charged with fudging company records to conceal a $130,000 payment Cohen made to porn star Stormy Daniels to bury a sex scandal before the 2016 election.

“Yes, sir,” Cohen, 57, matter-of-factly replied from his seat at the defense table some 15 feet away from Trump, 77, in Manhattan Supreme Court.

But the party hadn’t started yet. Because Donald Trump is much like our Beloved University of Tennessee Volunteers Football Team and loves to pull Defeat out of the Jaws of Victory, the Trump team didn’t rest. The Trump Team called Cohen’s former Attorney Robert Costello who proceeded to work Juan Merchan’s last nerve.

Little hint: No matter how bad the judge is don’t make him mad:

In a fiery moment in court on Monday, Judge Juan Merchan reprimanded a key defense witness testifying in former President Donald Trump’s hush money trial.

Robert Costello — an attorney and longtime Trump ally — took the stand Monday afternoon to testify about a meeting he had with Michael Cohen in April 2018 after the FBI raided Cohen’s home and office.

As Merchan sustained a string of objections by the prosecution on procedural matters, Costello could be heard sighing loudly and uttering the words “ridiculous” or “jeez” from the witness stand. Less than 15 minutes into Costello’s testimony, the typically even-tempered judge appeared fed up with Costello’s behavior and sent the jury out of the courtroom.

“I’d like to discuss proper decorum in my courtroom,” he said. “If you don’t like my ruling, you don’t say ‘Jeez,’ you don’t say ‘Strike it,’ because I’m the only one who can strike testimony in the court. If you don’t like my ruling, you don’t give me side-eye, and you don’t roll your eyes.”

Costello replied, saying he understood.

But then, in an abrupt comment, Merchan addressed Costello again.

“Are you staring me down?” he asked, visibly angry.

Whoa, Costello, slow your roll, my dude. Don’t stare down the judge no matter how much of a douche canoe the judge is. Costello made himself a bigger douche:

The press hates Trump so pissing the press off is no big deal.

I know that Costello is mad that Cohen brought up his name last week:

Taking the stand last week, Cohen told a New York jury that Costello continued to pressure Cohen with “constant calls” and lengthy emails. Costello was apparently angry when Cohen told him he was speaking to a boutique law firm instead, Cohen testified.

Cohen referred to this as a “pressure campaign” from Costello and other Trump allies to remain loyal to the former president amid the FBI investigation.

“This was part of the pressure campaign,” Cohen said, “that anyone is lying to you, that you are still regarded, the president still supports you, do not speak, do not listen to what any of the journalists” are saying.

“Don’t flip. Don’t speak. Don’t cooperate,” Cohen added.

Following the back-and-forth between Costello and Cohen, the two had a falling out, partly due to alleged outstanding legal bills.

I know that builders aren’t known for always having the most kosher characters around them, but jeebus, Trump, do better.

Let’s hope Judge Juan Merchan got a good night’s sleep last night. We are back at it this morning.

Featured Image: Donald Rilea/The Hill/X/cropped/Creative Commons

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  • All persons should receive the respect due them.

    “Judge” Merchan obviously is not receiving the respect due to him – since I have not yet seen him in a pillory for people to throw rotten fruit at him.

  • GWB says:

    Robert Costello who proceeded to work Juan Merchan’s last nerve
    Honestly, I don’t care. It’s not Merchan’s place to be offended, nor is it his place to take on a defense witness. And the fact Costello couldn’t manage to keep a poker face when people make objections and such should not be a concern of the judge.

    Little hint: No matter how bad the judge is don’t make him mad:
    Meh. It’s one more thing on the procedural appeal that will doom any guilty verdict. Merchan is obviously playing for the prosecution, not for justice.

    the typically even-tempered judge
    HAH! As if!

    Whoa, Costello, slow your roll, my dude.
    Bullhoc key. That should be “Judge Merchan, slow your roll.”
    Sorry, but I have ZERO respect for this judge given the obvious partisan machinations he’s gone through, so far. He needs to be disrespected at every turn – he hasn’t earned the respect a judge is normally due.

    but jeebus, Trump, do better.
    Bullcarp. How about “American justice system, DO BETTER than Judge Merchan”?
    Also, remember Costello was Cohen’s lawyer. Maybe he should be making better decisions.

  • Joe R. says:

    All of NYC, but especially state and Fed courts suck so bad it changes the weather in the tri-state area.

    If the judge can’t handle the case being completed so fast his daughter loses campaign $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ opportunities, then he can fhizzownface with something sharp and heavy. But either way, he can stop whining.

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